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Thursday, August 18, 2016

America and the Powers That Be, Royalty

We in America seldom, for obvious reasons, give much thought to the World's royal families, unless one of Britain's Royals is misbehaving, marrying, or giving birth. The whole royalty shtick seems to us a silly leftover from days gone by.

But, much of the rest of the World still has royal families and they do  have power, to varying degrees. In many Middle Eastern countries, the royals still wield incredible power and control ridiculous sums of money. In countries such as Thailand, the royal family is vastly wealthy and fairly powerful. However, I wish to speak of Europe's royalty.

We tend to think that in Europe, the Royal Houses are quaint and charming, but not really in control of much. That is not exactly true. Yes, much of the governing power in the hand of various ruling bodies, but it is important to realize that the Royal families are incredibly wealth, controlling many billions of dollars and substantial amounts of property.

Royal families are still recognized in Lichtenstein, Luxemburg, Spain, Monaco, England, the Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and, in an odd way, the Vatican. Now, their powers as rulers are limited, to varying degrees, but, trust me. Any groups controlling vast sums of money, have vast amounts of power.

Also, in countries such as Italy and Russia and Germany, where royal families have no say in government, they do still have money and land.

Why is all this important? Well, it seems that throughout modern history, the various royal families have tried and are still trying to run the World. They work behind the scenes, through banks and intelligence groups and, surprisingly often, through organized crime. Look into topics like the Sovereign Knights of Malta and Le Circle (again I highly recommend you check out VYSOP for some well researched history). Very often these families have been in league with the Vatican, the Mafia, various occult groups and, out and out fascists.

Their goal, synarchy, the re-establishment of the aristocracy as rulers. Only they intend to do so in the context of a unified Europe, united but under local control by the different royal houses. From there, they seem to believe that they will branch out and convince the rest of the World that, since they are rich and royal, God must want them as rulers and thus unite the World under their thumb.

Insane? Of course, but being rich and powerful does not necessarily insure sanity.

Remember, these Houses are working with the Church, organized crime, fascists, banks and certain industrialists, for now. These groups have different goals but see the wisdom of pulling together at times. Next post, the banks.

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