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Monday, August 8, 2016

America and the Powers That Be, Introduction

There is a phrase tossed around on the internet, the Powers That Be. I have used it as well and it occurred to me that maybe I should write a bit of explanation. Over the nest few posts I will write a bit about this. Henceforth, I will call them the PTB.

From the beginning of time, there have been those who sought to dominate the Earth. Many tried; , the Egyptian Pharaohs, Sargon the Akkadian, Alexander the great, Cyrus the great of Persia, Julius Caesar, Charlemagne and the Holy Roman Empire,, the British, the German Third Reich, the Soviets, and the Americans (remember George W, Bush and the talk of pax Americana).

Well, empires come and empires go, but the urge to control seems indestructible, at least in some folks. As the band Tears for Fears said, in a great song, Everybody Wants to Rule the World. Not everybody, but too damn many,

There is a group of loosely associated interests who are attempting to create a One World Government, These are the ones referred to as the PTB. Some are well known, some are shadowy figures, whose names are seldom ever heard but whose influence is unthinkably powerful.

These groups and individuals come from many different backgrounds. Sometimes, they pull together, when they have common interests, sometimes they connive behind each other's backs. They are dangerous and patient and relentless and, over the next few postings I will discuss some of these power hungry lunatics.

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