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Monday, August 15, 2016

America and the Powers That Be, Fascism

First, a definition. Fascism is a system of government in which the State and Corporations cooperate to run the Country. Mussolini said that a better name would be Corporatism. If this sounds like what is happening now in America, congratulations, you are very perceptive.

I suppose you could have a benevolent fascism, with the Leaders running the economy, seeing to the welfare of citizens and, other than that, leaving people to run their own lives. But, people being people, that just does  not happen. Those in power want more power, partly out of fear of losing control and partly because they just love wielding power. These people are mentally ill.

Before WW2, America, leaders and citizens alike, were rather fond of Fascism. Hitler was admired and groups like the Silver Shirts had substantial memberships. Much of Europe was taken with that form of government. Oddly, people like to be controlled. I guess they have trouble dealing with the fact that the Universe is chaotic and life uncertain. Anyway, Adolph overstepped his bounds and WW2 broke out.

Now, Germany lost but, what we all failed to grasp is that Fascism did not lose and maintained many followers after the war, too many groups to go into here. The all were fanatically anti-Communist and, with some prodding and support from American and British intelligence. Operation Gladio was formed. The groups involved were supposed to be ready to repel any Soviet action but, they went much farther,

Anytime a left wing group, even mildly left wing, started gaining popular support, the fascists infiltrated the group, committed some act of depraved violence and then blamed the left wing group, costing them power. America did the same thing domestically; just look up COINTELPRO and Operation Chaos.

These groups funded themselves by drug smuggling and arms sales and, thus, interacted with the Mafia. Again, Americans need not feel smug. Just look up Project Mongoose and Operation Midnight Climax.

All of the money had to be laundered and the Vatican Bank was used. This was set up by the fascist led, quasi Masonic Lodge, P2, Propaganda Due, which had a number of priests who were members, despite the Vatican ban on their joining secret societies.

Currently, with their immigration crisis still unfolding, fascist groups in Europe are gaining a disturbing amount of power. Do not rest easy, America. We still have the Klan, the American Nazi Party and countless other groups of lunatics hanging around. I am full expecting one, or all of them, to rear their ugly little heads before long.

You notice how the fascists, the Mafia, and the Vatican tie together. Many groups are involved in the idea of world unification/domination. They play nice together at times and cut each other's throats at other times. Next post, we add another player, the old European aristocracy.

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