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Wednesday, July 27, 2016

America - Stop Playing Risk

There used to be a board game called Risk, the Game of Global Domination. I guess it's still around in some form or another. Basically, you had some 'troops' and attacked other countries by rolling dice, and slowly sought to take control of the World. It was a silly game, fun at times.

I sometimes think America's leaders are nothing more than a bunch of over grown kids playing Risk. We try to coerce, cheat, cajole, bribe, and blackmail our way into the creation of a World that we control, and when that doesn't work we often resort to force. Do not get me wrong. I love my Country. Well, more accurately, I love what my Country used to be and what it might become again. But, we have got to stop trying to run the whole planet.

We need to look at our own Land. Any one who is remotely sane can see that we aren't doing a bang up job of running ourselves, so how in the hell can we try to run the whole Earth and what gives us the right to even try. I am pretty sure that I have not heard Russia, or China or Brazil or France asking us to please show them how to conduct their affairs. Even if another Nation, in a fit of insanity, asks us to run things for them, we should decline the offer and tell them we need to get our own act together.

Jesus advised men not to worry about removing a speck from their neighbor's eye while ignoring a plank in their own. Wiser words were never spoken. To all America's leaders and would-be leaders. Wake up. Let's attempt to straighten out our own considerable mess and stop trying to run other people's lives. Remember, we are talking about real human lives, not pieces on a game board and you are not college kids playing a silly game.

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