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Monday, July 25, 2016

America Adrift

America currently is adrift, floundering in a sea of emotions, fear being the main one. People watch the news, which may not be a good idea, and grow frightened, nervous. They are shown a world that loathes us, where evil waits at every corner, and where their jobs are on the line every time they start their day. They are shown a world where blacks hate whites, Latinos don't get along with Anglos, and no one likes Moslems, where heterosexuals hate gays, and where Republicans and Democrats are rapidly demonizing each other. As a result, folks watch too much sports on TV, eat too much, drink too much, take too many drugs and spend an inordinate amount of time worrying about their sex lives ( just watch any sports program and  see how many adds for erectile dysfunction treatments there are). Enough.

Look, things are not good, but we are not at the beginning of the Apocalypse. I don't see the 4 Horsemen saddling and I haven't heard Gabriel sounding his trumpet. It is true that some people in some parts of the world are anti-American but, if we had any brains, we could solve that problem by keeping our noses out of their affairs. Trust me, there are still countries that are fond of American people, they just aren't happy with our government.

Many, by far the majority, of Black and White folks get along just fine. Many of my best friends have been Latin and if the media did not keep stirring things up, most Americans get on pretty well with Moslems; they have been among us for years and they are like everyone else, some good, some bad, and most in between.

I know very few people anymore who give much thought about gay people. Sure, there is some residual homophobia, but it is fading rapidly. And, from what I see, most Americans are none too fond of extreme Republicans or extreme Democrats.

We are all just people. We are all a mixture of good and bad. I know no saints and all of us sinners really aren't that bad, quirky maybe, but that keeps life interesting.

So, don't buy into doom and gloom and, at the same time, don't see the world through rose colored glasses. Just be realistic. And stop being so damn afraid. We have problems but, if we stop looking for governments to solve our problem, we can make some headway. Turn off the TV, get outside and take back the Country. Who knows, maybe that's all people need to do to cure those ED problems

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