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Monday, July 4, 2016

Americans - Get Ready to Duck

In the last few weeks, we've had the massacre in Orlando, the bombing in Turkey, a slaughter in Bangladesh, and now, this 4th of July morning, word has come of an attempted attack on our embassy in Saudi Arabia. Also, word has been leaked to he media that Hillary will not be indicted.

I was only half paying attention, but someone on Fox news gave the most profound statement about the FBI's Hillary probe. They said that they probably did not want to continue because it would mean opening up areas that no one wanted to look into. That is likely the truth, but, guess what. I, and I am sure many others, want them opened. But, that will not happen. The lid has been shut, just as it has been shut on the JFK assassination, Watergate, Iran-Contra, 9/11, and host of other despicable acts that so many who run this Country have committed.

Start looking at Benghazi and the email scandals, dig deep enough, and you will have to start digging into the CIA, the military, the NSA and a whole hidden set of government operations. We are being forced to allow these fools to continue with their mishandling of our lives.

Richard Nixon tried to stop the Watergate investigations when he realized E. Howard Hunt was involved, saying that it might bring up the 'whole Bay of Pigs thing.' His chief of staff Bob Haldeman was puzzled, then realized that Nixon was talking about the JFK assassination. Sure enough, the Watergate Committee restricted its investigations to certain avenues, giving others a wide berth. Start digging into State Dept. activities and who knows what is lurking.

Just today, a spokesman for the coal miners said that, in the next few weeks, as policies continue, 1000s of miners will be out of work. College costs are now prohibitive, unless you take out a loan that will leave you financially crippled for decades. Obama is touting his absurd idea that strengthening the economies of other lands will create jobs in ours. Well, maybe, but you best keep practicing these words: 'want fries with that?'

The big boys, the guys running the mega corporations, are pushing forward with robotics, thus making human beings near obsolete.

And, the rest of the World is past simmering and beginning to boil as the plans of the elite, the 1% who control damn near all the wealth continue to squeeze every damn dime they can out of the rest of us. They are insane.

We are being lead by madmen, obsessed with power. Will they win? Short term? Maybe. Maybe not. It depends on how long they can keep from fighting each other, and that is why ultimately, they will lose. Power does not share and they will eventually fight each other over who is the alpha male ( sorry ladies, if you have some power now, it is just an illusion they have given you to keep you quiet and out of the way. Theirs is an all male club). The question that concerns the rest of us is, what will be left when they finally kill each other off? Will any of us till be standing?

I have no answers to those questions. My crystal ball is cracked and my Tarot deck is missing a few cards. All I can do is warn you. Get ready to duck because soon, sooner than many of us realized, the crap is going to hit the fan.

As Marvin Gaye sang, "Makes me want to holler, they way the do my life." (Inner City Blues)

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