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Monday, July 11, 2016

America - The Media Just Keep Picking at Scabs

We have all done it, especially when we were kids. We would get a cut or a scrape and, once it scabbed over, we would start picking at it. It looked ugly, sometimes it itched and we would just start picking at it, Generally, when we got it off, it would just scab over again, we would pick it some more, and eventually, it would heal. Every once and awhile, we would succeed in getting it infected, then the folks would carry on a bit, and sometimes, it would leave a scar.

The News Media in Country are like kids picking at a scab. We have long been scarred by racial tension. I'll not enumerate the causes and history. Most of us know at least the basics and, really, what good does it do to drag it all back up again. But, they pick and pick, until everyone is on edge, then something happens and we find that old scar ripped open. It scabs over, and they rip it open, until now it's infected. And they will keep at it again and again.

I am not saying that these tensions should be ignored but what the hell good does it do to go on and on with it, dragging out all of these experts and community leaders and sociologist and psychologists, the same ones over and over again.

Einstein said that if you keep doing the same thing over and over and expect different results, you are, by definition, insane, psychotic. Yet, they trot out the experts and politicians and old film footage and, it would seem that they expect that somehow, magically, this time it will work.

It won't and really all they are doing is preying on people's fears and old prejudices in a never ending search for a bigger audience. They are vultures preying on the dead flesh of those poor souls, both police and those the police have needlessly and stupidly shot. The National Media should be ashamed of their behavior.

The only way any of this will change is if we, as individuals, can learn tolerance. We are all different and we must learn to accept this and allow each other to be different. Neither the media, nor the government, nor the churches nor the so-called experts can solve this. Only we, individual human beings can do this. It will be slow and painful, but it is the only way. Individual human beings must take responsibility for their own behaviors and stop looking for some authority to step in and fix things. I'll let you in on a secret; the folks really running things don't give a damn if we kill each other off, as long as they keep the cash rolling in. We are the ones suffering and we must fix things.

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