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Friday, July 1, 2016

The Campaign Revisited - Idiocy Runs Amok

I have laid off the elections for a while, hoping, foolishly, that our 2 buffoons might get things together. Well, that's not going to happen, so here goes.

The Donald is still being sued for  a lot of money and still hasn't made a coherent explanation for the obviously stupid Trump U. Was this criminal? I don't know. I'm not a lawyer, but why would he even run such a slipshod operation. Why would a man worth that much money create an entity and not give the folks who bought into it a decent deal. Is he just incapable of turning down a chance at a quick buck even when he has 9 billion of them?

In the last few weeks, he has insulted a Federal judge and again insulted Mexicans. He is still fighting with fellow Republicans more than with Democrats and he seems to have trouble raising money for the campaign. He is back to calling for the right to torture prisoners and, yes, he is still planning on building that wall. It's a shame because he has made some darn good economic recommendations, but, at some point, you would think he would learn to keep his foot out of his mouth. Yet, through all of his lunacy, he shines like a beacon of sanity and innocence compared to Hillary.

Every time I see her, a line of the 3 witches in Macbeth comes to mind, "by the twitching of my thumb, something wicked this way comes." The Benghazi Report came out this week. Is there anything criminal in it? Legal scholars say no but, the committee says that they have not gotten to the bottom of the whole mess yet. At the very least, this makes her and the whole White House look grossly incompetent and inhumanly uncaring. Hillary basically says, Let's move on, Nothing going on there except more of that "vast right wing conspiracy" she babbled about when Bill was in office. Okay, let's move on. We quickly come to the email issue and some big problems.

She said she has released everything and yet again, more emails have been found. Then, in a fit of lunacy, Slick Willie was seen chatting with Attorney General Loretta Lynch, who was supposed to be the one deciding whether to bring charges against her. Now, even though he was disbarred, Willie was a lawyer. He knows better, unless he has started having 'senior moments,' and Lynch should have run screaming in the other direction when he wanted to chat. Now, she has had to remove herself from the whole matter and Hillary's potential prosecution will be up to the FBI and Federal prosecutors. Will she be indicted? Who knows, but things look grim for her future.

Or they should, but, I don't know. She still has high numbers in the polls. I cannot believe that she can stand there, as she did the other day and say, I want to earn your trust, after all that his happened. Yet, she does, and. evidently, a lot of folks are buying her crap.

Speaking of those polls, how can she have a 12 point lead one day and a 1 point lead the next. Of course, all the polls said that Britain would vote to stay in the EU so, just maybe, we should dispense with this mind numbing parade of polls. It is interesting to note however, that when polls include independent candidates, Trump and Clinton are tied and neither comes close to getting a majority vote.

Ah well, just 4 more months of this idiocy, then we have the Holidays. Best enjoy them this year folks, enjoy them all you can, because I don't see a whole lot of celebrating happening for a few years after the winner takes office. Will it be Hillary and her continued policies, you know hers and Bill's and W's and Barack's? You know the ones that have made us a bad joke internationally while destroying the middle class. Or will we have The Donald, the megalomaniacal, demagogue who will be so loathed by Congress that we will accomplish nothing for the 4 long, long years he holds office? Stay tuned for further developments. This ought to be a hoot.

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