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Wednesday, July 13, 2016

American Politics and the Media

I have sworn off politics. I cannot watch another minute of those 2 idiots, Trump and Clinton, carrying on like lunatics and promising things they will never deliver. I can watch no more of experts who's opinions are worth no more than this mornings toilet paper.

I will not sit and watch another minute of mindless arguments. The last several days of news coverage has been little but angry black folks and angry cops yelling at each other. Surely, there are other things going on in the news. I am quite positive that somewhere in this vast Cosmos, something else is happeneing.

If yelling the same things over and over would do some good, I'd be all for it but, it just makes things worse. And the numbskulls running these shows just egg people on. What was once news programming is on the verge of becoming like the old Jerry Springer Show. I've been half expecting to see someone take a swing at Chris Cuomo or Wolf Blitzer. I truly belive that they ought to bring back Geraldo, at least he could handle fights.

 In the meantime, Korea is threatening, we're upping the troop levels in Afghanistan (didn't Obama promise to have them all out of there years ago?), and immigrants are still flooding Europe, and all of that gets but a brief mention between the arguments. Roller Derby has more class than our so-called News Media.

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