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Friday, April 1, 2016

Americans on the Edge of Survival- Those with Physical Difficulties

I may be starting to sound like a broken record but a great many of the problems of those struggling to get by these days are easily solved. Get the Government to stop spending money idiotically and direct at least some of it to programs intelligently designed to help those in need. Also, the rest of us need to practice a little basic human compassion and patience when dealing with the problems of our neighbors.

Such actions would go far toward helping those with physical difficulties. My wife and I have been together over 30 years. She is totally blind and I am losing sight in 1 eye. We help each other and, guess what? The difficulties are not that big of an issue, nor should they be in any interactions you might have with anyone with physical problems, be they deaf, blind, suffering from any of the many neuro-muscular diseases, or para- or quadriplegic.

Does it really cost you a lot to take a few minutes to help someone? Be honest. Everyone has some free time, even at work. I have supervised crews of workers and let me assure you that in any 8 hour day, it is a miracle if you get 6 hours of acual work out of anyone. At home, again being honest, much, way too much, time is spent staring at insipid TV shows. How often have you sat watching every  minute of a football game that is a 28  to 0 blowout in the first quarter, If you can waste time like that, you can spend a few minutes helping someone. Often, we spend more time complaining about what we have to do than it takes to just do it. 

In days past, in honesty, it was a bit difficult to find jobs for folks with physical difficulties, but, in this age of computers, with all the advances made, the only reason many handicapped people are not working is sheer predjudice. Can they do every job? No, but neither can I and neither can you. Let me tell you this. By not giving these folks a chance, you are missing out on some potentially talented workers and condemning them to a life of SSI, disability checks, food stamps, public housing, and Medicaid. This is degrading and demoralizing. And, if you wish to be selfish about it, just think how much money that costs you in taxes.

We are human and to reject, to shun, to hide away those who are, by no fault of their own, different is a sin. A society that rejects those with physical difficulties should be deeply ashamed.


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