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Monday, April 25, 2016

America - The Dangerous Influx of Gnosticism, Archons, Aliens, and Other Weird Critters

In my last post, I noted that one of Gnosticism's few useful ideas was that of the Archons. Here things get really strange, so hang on.

The Archons were thought to be spirit beings that hang around Creation driving humans crazy. That is the short version. Think of them as mental sand gnats, constantly biting your mind and, in the process, implanting odd ideas and images. Why? Well, it just seems to be their job, say some. Others claim that these are the demons of Hell. All believe them to be emissaries of the Demi-urge. They are ubiquitous and said to be always with us.

Other cultures have similar ideas. The World's mythology is full of all sorts of things that go bump in the night. Astronomer and Computer Programmer, Jacques Vallee, wrote software that searched records of unexplained phenomena and makes a good case that these beings are somehow inter dimensional travelers, and they have always been here. Throughout history, they have been thought of as angels, demons, Manitou, elementals, Kami, loa, orishis, and various other names. He believes that these are the same beings now thought of as Aliens or Extraterrestrials.

These beings are tricky. Some, it seems are benevolent, some neutral, many very malevolent. Those who seem benevolent often turn out to be anything but kindly. These beings have power, to varying degrees, to implant thoughts and visions in our minds and will use anything we desire, obsess on, or fear. They, if they have enough strength to show themselves, will appear however you wish. If you are searching for ET, there he is. If you are obsessed with religious motifs, you might see Yahweh or Satan. If you miss your great Aunt Millie, well, Millie will be right there. They will fill your mind with wonders and wisdom, most of which is nonsense. Or, they will guide you down paths you wish to explore, only to finally yank the rug out from under you and leave you trapped in a nightmare. Or, here and there, they may actually help you.

Is any of this true? Really, who knows? The evidence points toward this as possibly true, sort of. Why does it happen. Well, modern physics seems to think that we live in a many dimensional Cosmos. If so, then beings stuck in the other dimensions are messing with us.  Maybe they are just tricksters. Maybe God wants us tested. Maybe they feed off our energies. Maybe they want to be here. The last I find possible. When Jesus cast out the Demons who called themselves "Legion' the expressed fear and sadness at having to return to what they called an arid, desolate place. Possibly, they want energy from us to pass into our World, not a cheery thought. The beings we see, if that is the case, are merely projections that seem real. The Buddhists call them 'tulpas' and Western occultists call them 'thought forms or, sometimes, 'glamours.'

There are other possibilities. Maybe we are all crazy enough and possessed of enough mental energy to create these thought forms ourselves. Or, maybe these really are beings from another planet. Or maybe, the Governments, ours and others, have taken the old tales of the supernatural, and are using them as part of their continuing exploration of mind control, a possibility that Vallee also allows for.

Or, maybe all of these things are true and our lovely little planet is a hotbed of conflict and byzantine plots. I admit that this would lead some to think that the old Gnostics had a point, that this a hellhole of a prison and we are doomed to suffer until we admit that life sucks and we simply give up and turn our eyes toward Heaven and the next life. Drop that thought immediately.

These beings, whatever they are, only have as much power as we give them. They can only win if we let them, but the fight is tricky. In the next posts, we will take up Mystery Religions, Cults and the Occult. Then, I will give you a few simple techniques to overcome this mountain of negativity. Stay tuned, and watch out for things that go bump in the night.

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