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Saturday, April 16, 2016

America, Hillary and the Banks, and the Conning of the American People

I hope I have made it clear that I loathe Hillary Clinton and I remain amazed that, despite the fact that poll after poll shows that the American people neither like nor trust her, she continues to look like our next President. To those still supporting her, I refer you to the Politics page of the April 13th Huffington Post.

She is till fighting release of her emails, and while they would no doubt show an embarrassing lack of judgment, the real reason likely has more to do with her Wall Street speeches. You know, the ones she got paid $225000 a piece for; the ones she gave to such fine businesses as Goldman Sachs, the businesses who gave us the housing collapse and the disastrous recession we are still trying to get over. If the emails are released, it would almost force the release of those transcripts, as she could not possibly justify hiding speeches to corporations when National Security matters had been made public. Well, she could, but I do not think even her most ardent supporters would put up with that, although, who knows at this point.

Contrary to what she might have led people to believe. those companies make it clear that they have no say over her release of those transcripts. She owns exclusive rights to them. Now, Hillary keeps braying that she 'stood up to the banks.' She was in the Senate when the economy began its collapse and she introduced one, just one, bill on the issue, a bill that was so inadequate it never got any sort of consideration. Then, when out of the Senate, she started raking in a sizable amount of money by giving her little talks.

People who were in attendance when she spoke, and there are a good number coming forth, say that not only did she not stand up to them, she spoke in glowing terms of the importance of those banks, making it clear that they deserved the full support of the US Government. She went on to say that not only could they not be allowed to fail, it was not totally their fault, that all Americans  were to blame for the economic collapse.

I do not know about you, but I really do not recall giving my permission for the banks to act like common con men. I may be aging, but I still have a pretty fair memory and I remember Ronald Reagan pushing through the deregulation of the banks, with great support from his cohorts in Congress, thus giving the big banks a license to swindle, and they went right at it. I have seen hogs at a feeding trough show more subtlety and restraint. Yet, these are the folks Ms. Clinton gushed over.

I rest my case. 

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