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Saturday, April 9, 2016

America - Bill Clinton Sees His Chickens Come Home to Roost

Folks, hang on. Things are getting a little weird. I am beginning to believe that we are seeing the beginning of the end of all politics as we know it. The Republican Party and the neo-conservative movements are obviously on the eve of destruction. Now, the chinks in the armor of Liberalism are showing. Bernie Sanders is a self proclaimed Socialist and he is making life extremely difficult for Ms. Clinton. Good for him. At least he is somewhat honest.

The real surprise is Bill Clinton's harassment by the 'Black Lives Matter' group. Let me say bluntly that I find that movement simple minded and annoying, but I never thought they would go after old Willy. After all, for years he has been lauded, almost deified by black activists. Why have they turned on this man who was once called 'America's real first Black President?

Well, when Slick Willie was in the White House he pushed through some bills designed to help black folks. First, the Welfare reform bill demanding that welfare recipients do some kind of work or engage in job training. Good idea, except since it affected so many single moms, it left a lot of loose, unsupervised kids and, being kids in rough neighbor hoods, they got in trouble, a lot of trouble. Nothing new or surprising there.

So, Willie passed some near draconian anti-crime laws and suddenly these kids started ending up in jail. There you see the problem with liberal thinking. The government cannot solve behavioral problems and cannot create jobs for people who have no skills and little interest in acquiring them.

Now, in truth, I think Willie did what he could and had to. Politically, the Nation was in no mood to keep giving money to people who did nothing. Now, we are not only not in the mood for that, we have no money to give them. And he had to do something about the crime because ti certainly did not stay in the 'hood. But, looking back, the Black Lives Matter folks seem to have expected him to just give them lots of money and let the kids run amok. This is the precisely the problem with Liberalism. It raises expectations unrealistically and cannot solve the problem.

The problem all along has been a matter of personal responsibility. I remember Jim Crow laws in the South and the violent reactions of northern white people when integration was forced on them. Yes, it was all horrible and so what? Get over it. People this entire World over have gone through periods of monstrous abuse and, if you look at History, there is one lesson that stands out. Those that succeed are the ones who learn from the past, then stand up and move on.

During the segregation days, there were many Black folks who went to school. studied and became Doctors, Lawyers and started successful businesses. I knew some and, yeah they had a tough deal. It was not right, but, they, with great dignity, went to work and made their lives better. I knew some of their parents and saw them work 70 and 80 hour weeks to better their kids. It all comes down to personal responsibility. The Government cannot solve your problems and will often make things worse.

So, to the Clintons and their ilk, I say. look what you did. You made things worse. And to Black activists I will say. stop whining. Stop wanting more and more from your Government and teach your kids a little discipline because the days when the rest of us wallow in white guilt are over. Either you are citizens and are willing to take responsibility for your own lives and to live in a dignified, moral fashion, or you will just have to sink in a mire of your own creation.

Bt the way, those neo-cons do not get off the hook. The American people, those with brains, are sick of you supporting mega-corporations through tax breaks, bail outs, and sweet back room deals and we have had enough of your treating the World as if you were playing Risk, the Game of Global Domination. Enough of your crap. Bring home the troops, repair the crumbling infrastructure, regulate crooked businesses and stay the hell out of our lives.

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