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Tuesday, April 12, 2016

America and UFOs - Hillary and the Spacemen

Hillary Clinton supporter and past holder of several Government offices, John Podesta, is thrilled. It seems that Hillary has assured him that she will get to the bottom of the whole UFO/Alien Visitor thing. Well thank God for that. Here we have been fussing over that for the last 70 years and it seems that all we had to do was wait patiently on Ms. Clinton. Boy, I can rest easy now.

Of course, her husband said the same thing and got no real answer. Jimmy Carter requested that information from then CIA Director George W.H. Bush and was told that it was available on a need to know basis and that the President did not need to know. Bush himself, when seeking the Presidency, said the there were many, many files on the subject and hinted that he might release some. He did not. So, I wonder just why she thinks they would answer her.

Even if they did, why should we believe anything the CIA says? They have hardly been a fountain of truth over the years. Words like lying, psychotic, psychopathic, manipulative, control freaks, assassins, drug smugglers all come to mind when I see those 3 letters, but maybe Hillary can somehow charm them into telling her the real deal. Maybe, but not likely.

I am of the opinion that after all this time and after all the shenanigans pulled by the CIA and  governments, ours and others, no one really knows the truth. Bits and pieces maybe, but not all of it. The whole UFO thing, flying saucers and such, may be a hoax used by our controllers to scare us. Abductions may be hiding government mind control experiments, replacing real memories of experiments with false memories of abduction, not really a difficult thing to do (the CIA's own files show that they have been working at that since at least the 1940s).

Or maybe all the tales are true. Maybe ET is flitting around all the time. Why? Depends on who you ask. Some say to guide is to a Utopian future. Others say they want to control us and make us slaves or food when they take over. Others say they care not a fig about people and just want to keep us from devastating this lovely Planet.

Personally, I think that no one is flying through the stars to visit. The distances are too great and the wormhole thing scientists talk about may be unworkable. Wormholes almost certainly exist, but there is no way to control where and when you will exit one. I tend to believe that we are visited by, what Jacques Vallee refers to as 'interdimensional beings, and they have always been buzzing about. In past times we have called them angels, demons, devas, kami, Manitou, archons, elementals, gods and other names. Some are benevolent, some quite malicious and all are tricksters. As far as weird craft in the sky, most are experimental craft that we are working on although, if all that is seen flying is lights, then it is quite likely just one of our constant, tricky companions ( see the Book of Ezekiel and his description of the flying wheel. Most scholars say he was seeing one of the seraphim, not a flying saucer, but a different kind of being, an angel. No, angels are not cute naked babies with wings; the Bible always describes them as frightful.).

Who knows? Maybe all of the above are true or maybe there are far more people having psychotic breaks than we think. Maybe all of this is nonsense. Contrary to what Fox Mulder says, the Truth may not be out there. It really does not matter. It is a fun story and fascinating to goof around with but, until one of them lands and says 'hello' or starts blasting us from the sky, we have more important things to do,  like figuring out how to provide clean water for everyone when there are too many people on Earth. Or maybe trying to figure out how we will grow crops when all of the bees die off and the climate has become too harsh.

Besides, why should we worry? Hillary is going to get to the bottom of the matter.

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