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Tuesday, December 22, 2015

America May Be the Big Loser in this Year's Campaign

I watched the news today and found that the main story, talked about ad nauseum, was the ridiculous controversy between Trump and Clinton, who seem hell bent to take this campaign to new lows. She's claiming that ISIL is using him as a recruiting tool. True? Who knows? I am not about to start frequenting their websites to find out, but the consensus is, no. They could, they might, but not yet. I will say that he is giving them a great target.

So the Donald has called her a liar. True? Of course; she's been caught in lies often, but, to be fair. I don't know of a politician who doesn't lie. Still. a toning down of the rhetoric may not be a bad idea. After all, we have a huge number of major issues to solve and we really need to keep these useless debates above schoolyard level.

But, the Donald, in his drive to obliterate the competition has stooped lower in using a Yiddish obscenity to describe her loss to Obama. I can honestly say that he has reached a new low. I have seen campaigns since Kennedy and Nixon competed and never have I heard a candidate use such a term. Now, profanity doesn't shock me, and, when used sparingly, doesn't offend me, but there is a time a place for everything and Trump crossed it. Of course this is a man who recently called Jeb Bush 'an embarrassment to his family.' I loathe the Bushes but engaging in such attacks does nothing to advance the dialogue needed to begin solving some of our problems.

However, our despicable media has latched onto this like a pit bull on pork roast. A dizzying array of   talking heads have already crossed the screen analyzing this juvenile display. Mind you, I am not saying I disagree with Trump, but, seriously, can't we do a bit better.

By the way, neither of these two have been nominated yet. The Donald is by no means a sure thing. So far, he is attracting attention because he is loud, entertaining, and makes a lot of valid points, but, he is something g of a novelty act. We don't know if those who support him in polls will actually turn out and vote. Clinton has her own problems since there is still a fair chance that she will be indicted for her email problems. I don't think so, but maybe. We can only hope.

If these two are the nominees, I believe that I will ignore the campaigns. I will probably vote for anyone other that Clinton, unless Jeb somehow manages, against all odds, to get the nomination. If, God forbid, it is a Clinton-Bush battle, I think I will spend the time doing something more useful, like watching cartoons.

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