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Thursday, December 3, 2015

America, San Bernadino and Conspiracy

I was going to begin a series of blogs on the fear that seems to be driving our Nation, but I need to say something about our latest nightmare, the San Bernadino shooting. I knew before I looked that by this morning, not 24 hours later, cries of conspiracy would be hitting the Internet. Sure enough, this morning, Alex Jones and others are crying 'false flag' and saying that this is a set up by the Government to  push gun control.                               

First, let's get the definition of conspiracy clear. If I sit with a friend and plan to get together for lunch, we, by definition, have 'conspired' to have lunch. The word does not imply any great evil. It just means to plan with someone. You can conspire to buy food for hungry people or to create a new drug to treat cancer. It is human nature to conspire, after all we are social creatures.

As far as all of the various conspiracies that have been explored by various 'fringe' writers, I have little doubt that most are true, in a way. People talk about all sorts of nonsense and seldom is any of that idiocy put into action. Some is, and here things get sticky.

Yes, there are people who are trying, and have tried for years, to take control of the World, and yes, they have implemented many plans, with varying degrees of success. Some of those plots have been carried out and they have been horrific. Government documents have been found that clearly, with no room for doubt, show that the Powers that Be, the World's power elite, pushed us into WW1and backed Hitler financially and continued doing business with the little madman even after the war started.  We know that Government officials have been involved in smuggling heroin and cocaine into the US and we know that they pursued many ways to gain control over the human mind during the CIA's despicable, nightmarish MKUltra program.

So, it is possible that last night's tragedy is part of a Government plot to cause panic and raise the fear level to a breaking point. When that point is reached, many will be glad to hand over their guns and several of their Civil Rights, That may be. It might work.

But, at this point, all is conjecture. We know almost nothing. There may be some who know what happened, but they're not talking. It is obvious that these were not just disgruntled employees gone postal. The plan was too perfect and too perfectly executed. Besides, how many folks keep a stash of rifles, handguns, full body armor and pipe bombs laying around the house. This was planned and planned well, but by who, we don't know. It is not out of the realm of possibility that this is but a small part of a much larger plan designed to take away more and more of our rights.

Or, not. This could be just an aberration, one of those weird things that happens. But, even if it is, the Powers will try to use the chaos and the resulting fear to their advantage.

The sane response is to say, 'we don't know,' and then wait as the facts emerge, if they ever do, We may never know just what happened. But, we can definitely pay attention to how this tragedy is manipulated by those in power, and resist their efforts to tighten the noose they already have around the Bill of Rights. In short, just stay cool, watch what happens and don't let anything that happens  throw you into a state of panic.                                                  

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