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Monday, December 28, 2015

American Conspiracies

I have touched on this before, but I would like to return to the subject of conspiracy. Across the Internet, you find page after page of conspiracy theories. As I said, if you use the truest sense of the word, I believe them all. People are constantly throwing out weird ideas and kicking them around. Sometimes, they try them out, sometimes not, but just talking constitutes a conspiracy.

Now, how many work? Few, and when they do, they seldom resemble the original plan. It would be rare  to find any conspiracy where at least one, and usually several folks, don't try to turn it to their advantage.

To those who say that conspiracies never work because humans cannot keep secrets, I say that you are right and wrong. Yes, we all have big mouths and love to brag when we pull something off, but there is a way to work things. In Robert Heinlein's classic Sci-fi novel, The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, he discusses how to set up cells in a hierarchy. This way, each cell has a small part in the plot, but doesn't know the whole story. In fact they may not even know they are in a plot, and, if they do, they likely will not know that a hostile cell is really working for the same goal. In addition, the only ones who know the whole plot are the leaders, he recommends no more than three, and, if one of them weakens and talks, he doesn't know the whole structure.

So, yeah, a conspiracy can work, and they have. Usually, some one does figure things out, but not always, and usually well after it no longer matters. Only human nature, the urge to have your own way, the drive to become leader, keeps conspiracies from working more often. So, so we have conspiracies to dominate the economy, to use terrorism to tighten controls on the general population, to cripple some industries or some nations. Similarly, there are conspiracies to make certain religions dominant, to reduce the population and to control the flow of information. Yes, there are conspiracies to create a one world government.

Will such conspiracies work? No, not in the way they are planned, because you just cannot control everything. Some plans work sometimes for a while, but ultimately, they all fall apart. But, to hear many pundits, it's all a done deal and any day now, the Freemasons or the Vatican or the Nazis or the Returning Ancient Aliens or whatever group you want to make the villain will step forward and place their boots on your neck, before they herd you off to the camps. Nonsense. Oh, don't get me wrong. Attempts will be made, but the nature of conspiracies and the nature of human beings will deny the attempts.

Next time you hear or read the crap that these forecasters of doom write, ask one question. It is something almost all of them have written or spoken of: who killed JFK? You will learn that he was killed by either the Mob, Oswald, the CIA, the FBI, Cubans sent by Castro, Cubans who hated Castro, the Vatican, Mossad, the Freemasons, the Army, the KGB, LBJ, Texas oil men, European bankers, or some combination of these forces. Heck, some say that it was conspiracy of all of them. Guess what? We do not know and it is growing more and more likely that we will never know.

So, in the future, when you are confronted with mind numbing recitations of  doomsday scenarios and plots hatched by evil doers, don't worry. Oh, they are probably all true in some odd way, but they won't work, because, well, the World just does not work that way. Computer people used to say that 'information wants to be free.' Well, I'm not convinced of that, but I know that the World, the Divine Creation, wants to be free and will not long suffer the petty plots of puny men. So chill, don't worry, fight what you can and what you must, and just ride out the rest. Good days will come back.

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