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Thursday, December 24, 2015

America and Christmas

It has become a sort of tradition for pundits to decry the commercialization of Christmas in America. I see the point, but why go on about it. Things are what they are and the fact that some folks go over the top during the season should not affect your enjoyment of the holiday. Besides, maybe that's how they enjoy themselves. It isn't up to me to judge.

The main thing is to enjoy yourself. There will be plenty of time in the upcoming year to bemoan the decline of the Country. Who know? Maybe if folks would just sit back for the holidays and concentrate on the positive, they would enter the next year with a new attitude. That might be what it takes to put the brakes on our Nation's woes.

I am at the age where I live in an almost timeless world. That happens when you no longer have to get up and head to the job each day, and I find myself slipping in and out of Christmas present, peeking here and there at possible future Christmases and spending a good bit of time on past ones. This is odd for me, as I am not much given to nostalgia. Still, it is nice to conjure up visions of the many wonderful holidays I have been blessed with and to envision lovely future ones.

What is my point? I have none other that to advise you to sit back for the next week at every opportunity and simply enjoy yourselves. Don't worry, stop fussing and let the World's cares roll off your back. Plenty of time for all that later; now, your only task is enjoyment, so get to it. Eat, talk, relax, watch sports, play with kids, heck, just sit and stare out the window if that's what you like to do.

In short, have a Merry Christmas and a Wonderful New Year. 

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