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Thursday, December 17, 2015

America on Line - Part 3

The Red Queen told Alice that in her kingdom, you had to run as fast as you could, to stay in place. That is the World we are beginning to find ourselves in and the result is painfully obvious. Terrorism, enormous gaps between the rich and poor, children the World over taken captive and sold into sexual slavery, random and idiotic acts of violence are everyday events. How many times now have kids walked into school and opened fire on other kids? How many times have seemingly fairly normal people walked into their places of employment and shot the place up or driven cars into crowds. On and on it goes.
Much of this is driven by images on the Internet. Anyone, (don't kid yourselves, kids are better at this stuff than we are) can find, sometimes surprisingly, brutal scenes and sexual images that would shock the Marquis de Sade. Video games are brutally violent and terribly attractive and entertaining but consider this. We know, after many years of extensive and often sadistic psychological testing, that electronic signals presented to the brain, at cetain frequencies, all of those flashing lights and fiickering images punctuated by explosions and electronic noises, change the brain. They hypnotise and they open seldom touched areas of the brain and they affect behavior. Not in everyone, of course not, but in some, and those few tend to act out violently. This keeps all of us on edge.
As I said in ther last post, the noose keeps on tightening, especially when the disappearence of good jobs is coupled with the images of wealth and luxury broadcast constantly to the dirt poor, topped off with the constant stress of crowded urban living. I said in my last post that I think the endgame is approaching. I do, but I do not believe it will be a grand one shot thing. Instead, you will see a further erosion of our quality of life. There will be more and more incidents of little, senseless acts of violence. As people grow more and more estranged from their meighbors, you will see a steep rise in cheap drug use. In Brasil, in the poor areas, inhalents are the main source of escape, mind and body rotting hydrocarbons that are so widely used that they cannot be made illegal. We are already seeing the depraved use of kids for sexual deviants become increasingly common. Big cities are full of very young prostitutes. It is a short step from things like Ultimate Fighting to out and out blood sports. From dog fighting in death pits to humans in those same pits is not much of a leap.
What can be done? Resist. Use your computer, but control your use, and especially control your kid's computer usage. In fact, control all of your electronic media exposure. The content is not only frquently unsavory, the electronics themselves are unhealthy and the manipulation of frequencies of the elctromanetic signals has amazing effects on the psyche. Stay away from any man-made drugs unless you are a) absolutely sure of their purity and b) absolutely convinced of their need. Get outside, walk, socialize with real flesh and blood living beings. Talk to neighbors, call family, play with dogs and cats, watch birds and butterfies, anything to stay connected to the Earth.
Do not buy something if you cannot afford it and then stop and think, 'will I really use and enjoy this, or is it just more useless junk, just another silly gadget? Play games, real games with friends and family. Board games, card games, hopscotch, golf, badmitten, even just a game of catch, something involving other people, and if they won't play, get an old ball and play with the dog; they'll play until they drop.
Economically, do what you can. We all have to compromise our ideals to put food on the table and a roof overhead, but try not to stray too far. If you are young, consider learning a trade; computers can't fix plumbing, yet, and robots are not able to build houses, again, yet. Try to learn to do things yourself, cooking, simple repairs, easy things. Anywhere you can save money and stay out of debt.
And last, pay attention to the news, without wallowing in it. Watch for trends, upsurges in violence, economic tensions. You need to have an idea what's happeneing, but don't obsess over it. That will stress you even more. Especially, watch out for upturns in odd diseases or diseases that seldom show up anymore. I don't believe that biological warfare is on the doorstep because that is not necessary. Any animal population that is stressed badly enough will become diseased and start dying off. No one knows why, no one know the exact mechanism, but it is true.
The answer? Don't allow things to continue to deteriorate. There is time if people will begin to take responsibility for their own lives and start backing away from this dreadful game that we have been pushed into. Slow down, ease up, opt out of anything that causes too much stress. Do not allow the virtual world to become your home and stop buying every damn thing your told you need. We are still a little way from the tipping point. If we reach that point, well, get ready to run.

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