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Tuesday, December 1, 2015

America's Young Workers

I would like to say something nice about young, working people. I have worked aroound a few and noticed something interesting, a new approach. I was brought up to believe that after trying a few jobs and goofing around a little, you had to settle into a job and stay there, slowly moving up the ladder by working as hard as you can. I did just that and after over 20 years and enough hard work to cause a lot of damage to my body, the job fell apart and I was out. I discovered that my long term loyalty was not appreciated as time and time again prospective employers said that having only one job they could call for reference was no good. I pointed out that it showed stability and hard work, but, no.

I then drifted from little job to little job finally settling in a terrible job that had one advantage, stability, so I stayed. We all got a twenty-five cent a year raise and each raise brought more and more demands. I finally broke down physically and was forced to take early retirement Social Security. But, this isn't sbout me.

I have seen young folks in minimum wage, dead end jobs and they refuse to take them as any more than that. They show up, do a reasonable amount of work, with a reasonably decent attitude and when the boss gets too demanding, which they always seem to do, they just leave. No emotions, no attachment and no stress, and that is a realistic approach.

But, when you talk to them, you find that many of them, many, are studying, working on projects and thinking of new ideas for businesses and, when they feel ready, they have no qualms about giving it a go. Do they all succeed? Of course not, but even when these ventures fail, they cheerfully walk away ready to revise the plan and start over or to try a new plan. And, they do sometimes succeed, always because they thought up a new product, service, or approach to business that works.

Of course this does not apply to all young people, some truly are just dull clods, just as many older workers are, but it seems that more and more, behind that face saying, "you want fries with that?" there is a mind that is planning and scheming. To those, I have two bits of advice. First, stay fearless and keep at it. Two, be careful at that little stop gap job you have; those bruises and sprains you get when you're twenty come back and bite you in later years. Whatever happens, don't give up and don't give in to the pressure to take the easy way.

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