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Thursday, December 31, 2015

How Can America Take In Immigrants?

It seems that the Attorney Generals of several states have decided that if the Federal government says they're taking in immigrants from Syria, Iraq, or any other spot on Earth, they must accommodate them. This is true. I was living in S. Florida during the Mariel boat lift and President Carter ordered the State to deal with it. We did, at great economic cost and with a huge amount of social upheaval. It was not a pleasant time, to say the least.

The Federal government does not have to accept these refugees but it is clear that they are going to, and it is an awful idea. Let's put aside, for a moment, the differences in culture, which are vast. Let's even forget the possibility that we will be admitting ISIL trained terrorists.

In case you haven't noticed, we are broke. The US owes an unthinkably large debt, trillions of dollars and growing by the second. We cannot pay the interest on this and every few months we have to go through a Congressional crisis to raise the debt ceiling just to stay operational. At that point, the Federal Reserve issues more cash and each time, that cash gets more and more worthless. In short, the US is broke and yet we still keep spending money at an astounding rate.

In spite of all this spending, much of which is wasted, flushed down the toilet, in absurd military adventures, many, many folks in this Nation are in dire straits We are determined to bring political change to nation after nation despite not being able to change our own politics to something that at least vaguely resembles reality.

In this Country, by last count, there are about 500000 homeless people. Any who still think of the homeless as a bunch of lazy bums, as winos and junkies, may find it enlightening to know that 125000 of them are children. In addition, an enormous number are veterans who served in these useless wars. Our politics has ruined their lives and we have cast them aside like yesterday's garbage.

On top of this, many of the Nations elderly and disabled are living in squalor and have little hope of improvement. One in five kids tonight will go to bed not knowing where their next meal will come from and those lucky enough to get that meal will often be stuffed with cheap carbohydrates instead of the proteins and vitamins they need to function and grow.

We do not need to take in more people who cannot care for themselves. It is that simple and I do not want to hear ever again how it is our moral duty to do so. The neighbors of these poor folks are the Saudis, the Kuwaitis, the members of the United Arab Emirates, all nations that are fantastically wealthy, yet they will not take in these people who are their fellow Muslims. I thought one of the 5 Pillars of Islam was charity. I see no such charity from those hypocritically wealthy Arab nations, and, again, I must say, we are just too broke and too overtaxed to take them in.

But, I most likely am just talking to the wind because the fools who run this country are going to do what they are going to do and the welfare of the American people be damned. It's going to be a strange few years.

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