' I hear you got your families living in cages taut and cold, Some just sit there and dust away past the age of old.' Jimi Hendrix. Up from the Skies. This is the last in a series of posts that I hope have upset you. They should. I am 67 years old, which means I am officially a senior citizen. I know folks who call that middle age but, as my Dad once said, not unless you expect to live to 130. I have no such expectation.
Physically, it's tough at times. I can be dog tired for no reason and, when arthritis kicks in, I can barely walk. My vision is poor and I don't hear too well. Some days, here and there, I feel pretty darn good. Mostly, I live in a middle zone. Not awful, but not good. I certainly have lost energy. Mentally, I have days when I feel 100 and days when I feel 20, but even on good days, I cannot hold my concentration like I used to. But, it's all okay. It's just the way life is.
I try to stay connected to the World. That's one reason I write. And here comes the issue I want to touch on.
When I was young, and yes I know that phrase is annoying, old folks were part of our lives. We learned much from then and, for the most part, it was a delight to be around them. That does not seem to be the case anymore.
I worked for a long time at a S. Florida condo, a place where old folks went to live. In talking to them, I learned that most of them had little contact with their adult children and less with the grandkids. A card on the holidays, a call here and there, maybe a visit once every 2 or 3 years for a day or 2. The rest of their lives were spent watching TV and playing cards. They were bored and eventually grew listless. They existed. That's about all. A few lucky ones found little jobs. That gave them a reason to feel like they were still an active part of things.
Now, if you are on a fixed income, trust me, it is hard to get by Do not believe for a minute all those ads and shows on TV where old folks are partying and golfing and going on exotic journeys. That is just BS. A few, do such things but for most of the elderly, surviving is an issue. Mix that with long periods of neglect and you have a deplorable situation.
There was a time when older folks could find little jobs. Now, those jobs are taken by younger people who will work 3 little jobs instead of getting some training to get a good job, They do this because they know that if they except low wages, they can get away with poor work. I see this every day. I would love to find a small job and I can proudly say that I was and would still be an excellent worker.
Even if jobs are unavailable, the elderly need to feel included. Just talk to us. I promise, we won't bite. Most of us are eager to stay in touch with the World and want to just talk and learn and exchange stories.
Money is an issue. If employers won't hire older folks, then others need to step forward, Not the Government, They botch almost everything they touch. Private groups, Churches and most importantly families and neighbors need to offer a helping hand.
We are not saints, nor are we necessarily fountains of wisdom. We are just human beings and once more I ask, Are you?
I have Stories to Tell and Books on Amazon
Please, in the left column, click on Books on Amazon and check out the books I have written. I am sure you will enjoy them.
Thursday, May 31, 2018
Wednesday, May 30, 2018
Physixal Disability
All of us have disabilities in that we are not physically ideal. I don't have the traits required to play center in the NBA. My Dad was severely near sighted. My Mon shook constantly from Parkinson's Disease. My friend and companion of 34 years has been totally blind from birth. All of these are physical defects that are disabling to certain degrees.
Recently, I have experienced disability more directly. I go through bouts of near crippling arthritis and have lost a good bit of my vision. Okay, that's just how it is.
Folks with disabilities need help, but they do not need to be babied. They are not helpless children. they just need a bit of help. Instead, all too often they are shunned left to languish in a dark, lonely place. Families all too often say,' let the Government take care of them." Why? Well, they are afraid they might have to spend a dollar or two. That is some of it. They are afraid that they will have to give up a few minutes of fun and games. And, they are scared to death that they might end up the same way.
I have known many people with a variety of disabilities, blind, deaf, paraplegic, missing limbs, neuro-muscular diseases, and guess what? They are just people. Not saints, not children, just people. Some are rotten SOBs, to be blunt. Some are talented and brilliant, Mist are just folks, with the same hopes and dreams, the sane joys and angers, and the same desire to be included , to be productive members of the human race and pushing them aside, ignoring and excluding them is perhaps the worst mortal sin a person can commit.
Some say, 'well, the Government takes care of them.' The Government cannot agree on what color the sky is. Disability pays a bit of money to those who worked at some time, but it is not a lot. Those who did not work are stuck with SSI and trust me, it is a pittance, which then makes them reliant on Medicaid, food stamps and subsidized housing, Not a good way to live, just mere survival. The Government programs are necessary, but that fact is not acceptable.
We have Vets coming home broken and Trump, despite all of his effort, cannot get Congress to vote for enough money to really care for them.
. Churches should help, but I know from personal experience that they generally only help members and that they do reluctantly. This is not what Jesus taught and they should be ashamed
especially the mega Churches who are getting richer by the second and, yes, I include the Roman Catholic Church.
Private organizations try but are woefully underfunded. There are people and corporations in this Country who are enormously wealthy. I do not begrudge them a nickel of their profits, but they could do more. Not so much in cash, but in a better way.. In our modern world, there are many devices that allow the disabled to function about as well as anyone. With such equipment and a bit of training, the disabled, with the exception of severe cases, like quadriplegia, can become employed. It may be a bit rocky at first, but with a little time and patience, fine employees can be found. I, everyday day, run across able bodied workers who do not really want to do their jibs, They whine and complain. Most disabled folks I have met would be over joyed at having those jobs and would work hard to keep them.
The rest of the solution lies with us. We must start including folks with physical issues in all the activities we engage in. This is especially vital for children. Isolation warps all people but it is especially, damaging to kids. The disabled are exactly like us. Cranky at times. Warm and funny at times. Intelligent, at times and not so much at others. They have all of the assets and liablities that we do. They are human beings and, again, I ask, Are you?.
Recently, I have experienced disability more directly. I go through bouts of near crippling arthritis and have lost a good bit of my vision. Okay, that's just how it is.
Folks with disabilities need help, but they do not need to be babied. They are not helpless children. they just need a bit of help. Instead, all too often they are shunned left to languish in a dark, lonely place. Families all too often say,' let the Government take care of them." Why? Well, they are afraid they might have to spend a dollar or two. That is some of it. They are afraid that they will have to give up a few minutes of fun and games. And, they are scared to death that they might end up the same way.
I have known many people with a variety of disabilities, blind, deaf, paraplegic, missing limbs, neuro-muscular diseases, and guess what? They are just people. Not saints, not children, just people. Some are rotten SOBs, to be blunt. Some are talented and brilliant, Mist are just folks, with the same hopes and dreams, the sane joys and angers, and the same desire to be included , to be productive members of the human race and pushing them aside, ignoring and excluding them is perhaps the worst mortal sin a person can commit.
Some say, 'well, the Government takes care of them.' The Government cannot agree on what color the sky is. Disability pays a bit of money to those who worked at some time, but it is not a lot. Those who did not work are stuck with SSI and trust me, it is a pittance, which then makes them reliant on Medicaid, food stamps and subsidized housing, Not a good way to live, just mere survival. The Government programs are necessary, but that fact is not acceptable.
We have Vets coming home broken and Trump, despite all of his effort, cannot get Congress to vote for enough money to really care for them.
. Churches should help, but I know from personal experience that they generally only help members and that they do reluctantly. This is not what Jesus taught and they should be ashamed
especially the mega Churches who are getting richer by the second and, yes, I include the Roman Catholic Church.
Private organizations try but are woefully underfunded. There are people and corporations in this Country who are enormously wealthy. I do not begrudge them a nickel of their profits, but they could do more. Not so much in cash, but in a better way.. In our modern world, there are many devices that allow the disabled to function about as well as anyone. With such equipment and a bit of training, the disabled, with the exception of severe cases, like quadriplegia, can become employed. It may be a bit rocky at first, but with a little time and patience, fine employees can be found. I, everyday day, run across able bodied workers who do not really want to do their jibs, They whine and complain. Most disabled folks I have met would be over joyed at having those jobs and would work hard to keep them.
The rest of the solution lies with us. We must start including folks with physical issues in all the activities we engage in. This is especially vital for children. Isolation warps all people but it is especially, damaging to kids. The disabled are exactly like us. Cranky at times. Warm and funny at times. Intelligent, at times and not so much at others. They have all of the assets and liablities that we do. They are human beings and, again, I ask, Are you?.
Tuesday, May 29, 2018
Mental Issues
'Sickness will surely take the mind, where minds don't usually go.' The Who, The Amazing Journey, from Tommy
Today will start a series of posts on a topic that will make most folks uncomfortable. Good. We are going to talk disabilities.
In the wake of countless mass shootings and other acts of depravity, President Trump has, quite rightly, attempted to bring attention to the issue of mental illness.
There does seem to be a lot more people with such problems these days. Why?
First, electronics. We all love our gadgets, TV, computers, smart phones, etc., but people five little thought to how such things affect the mind. Constant, and some people cannot put these toys down, exposure to all the blips of noise and flickering pixels triggers a reaction in the brain. A trance like state ensues. If that brain is then exposed to unsettling imagery, that imagery sticks. Let's admit it, todays entertainment industry is largely violent and sexually both perverse and graphic, images. Also, there are many symbols displayed that trigger certain weird responses of occult significance. Don't believe me? Read Carl Jung, Or, just read the Bible. It says the same thing poetically. People seem to respond to all this in 3 ways. They grow depressed. They grow manic. or they develop ennui. All 3 responses are unacceptable and dangerous. Monitor both the frequency of use and the content of what you watch, and parents must be strict io this issue.
Then, we must turn to drugs, both illegal and legal. As I have written, I did my share of drugs many years ago. At least we were reasonably sure what we were taking. Now, with all the dangerous synthetics. if you touch anything illegal, you are insane.
Legal drugs are medical and psychiatric. Medically, you di what you have to. Psychiatric drugs are useful. In fact, they are a blessing for many. If a doctor prescribes them after a complete medical and psychiatric evaluation and monitors their effects, fine. If you say you feel sad and they hand you a bunch of happy pills, be very careful. If they work, great, but they can have horrible effects. They are even mire dangerous for children. The brain is nit fully formed until you are in your early 20s and filling it with powerful psychotropic drugs should be a last resort.
Then, we have trauma. Abuse breaks the mind, shatters reality and far too many kids and adults suffer horrible abuse, In addition, soldiers returning from our seemingly never ending series of wars, are returned to society with little in the way of support, something Trump is appalled by.
.A more subtle problem is those with mental difficulties, the mentally slow the dyslexic, etc. These folks are very capable of functioning in our society, but all too often just shoved aside in schools and not encouraged to learn. When pushed aside and ignored, humans may curl up in a shell, ir they may react violently. All it takes to stop such cycles is a bit of kindness and patience.
What can you do? Easy/ Just be kind and patient. This may sound simple and it is. At the same time, ve firm. Don't play into the delusions of those suffering. And, of the greatest importance, do not take any abuse. If they grow abusive, call authorities. If they must be institutionalized, do not abandon them. They are still human beings. Are you? Next, physical disabilities.
Today will start a series of posts on a topic that will make most folks uncomfortable. Good. We are going to talk disabilities.
In the wake of countless mass shootings and other acts of depravity, President Trump has, quite rightly, attempted to bring attention to the issue of mental illness.
There does seem to be a lot more people with such problems these days. Why?
First, electronics. We all love our gadgets, TV, computers, smart phones, etc., but people five little thought to how such things affect the mind. Constant, and some people cannot put these toys down, exposure to all the blips of noise and flickering pixels triggers a reaction in the brain. A trance like state ensues. If that brain is then exposed to unsettling imagery, that imagery sticks. Let's admit it, todays entertainment industry is largely violent and sexually both perverse and graphic, images. Also, there are many symbols displayed that trigger certain weird responses of occult significance. Don't believe me? Read Carl Jung, Or, just read the Bible. It says the same thing poetically. People seem to respond to all this in 3 ways. They grow depressed. They grow manic. or they develop ennui. All 3 responses are unacceptable and dangerous. Monitor both the frequency of use and the content of what you watch, and parents must be strict io this issue.
Then, we must turn to drugs, both illegal and legal. As I have written, I did my share of drugs many years ago. At least we were reasonably sure what we were taking. Now, with all the dangerous synthetics. if you touch anything illegal, you are insane.
Legal drugs are medical and psychiatric. Medically, you di what you have to. Psychiatric drugs are useful. In fact, they are a blessing for many. If a doctor prescribes them after a complete medical and psychiatric evaluation and monitors their effects, fine. If you say you feel sad and they hand you a bunch of happy pills, be very careful. If they work, great, but they can have horrible effects. They are even mire dangerous for children. The brain is nit fully formed until you are in your early 20s and filling it with powerful psychotropic drugs should be a last resort.
Then, we have trauma. Abuse breaks the mind, shatters reality and far too many kids and adults suffer horrible abuse, In addition, soldiers returning from our seemingly never ending series of wars, are returned to society with little in the way of support, something Trump is appalled by.
.A more subtle problem is those with mental difficulties, the mentally slow the dyslexic, etc. These folks are very capable of functioning in our society, but all too often just shoved aside in schools and not encouraged to learn. When pushed aside and ignored, humans may curl up in a shell, ir they may react violently. All it takes to stop such cycles is a bit of kindness and patience.
What can you do? Easy/ Just be kind and patient. This may sound simple and it is. At the same time, ve firm. Don't play into the delusions of those suffering. And, of the greatest importance, do not take any abuse. If they grow abusive, call authorities. If they must be institutionalized, do not abandon them. They are still human beings. Are you? Next, physical disabilities.
Monday, May 28, 2018
Just a quick note on Memorial Day,
Whether you are having a day of barbeque and beer or chardonnay and cucumber sandwiches, please take a moment to remember those of 'The Greatest Generation.' There are few of those amazing people left, the ones who won WW2 and came back to build this magnificent civilization we live in. I recently lost such a person, an old friend and a true hero who served in the nightmare of New Guinea in WW2.
If you know such a person who is still with you, see that they have a special time on this day which was created to honor them. If not, just stop and give a thought or two to the men and women of that time. They ill gear you. Great souls never die.
Then, go out and have some fun. They would want you to.
Whether you are having a day of barbeque and beer or chardonnay and cucumber sandwiches, please take a moment to remember those of 'The Greatest Generation.' There are few of those amazing people left, the ones who won WW2 and came back to build this magnificent civilization we live in. I recently lost such a person, an old friend and a true hero who served in the nightmare of New Guinea in WW2.
If you know such a person who is still with you, see that they have a special time on this day which was created to honor them. If not, just stop and give a thought or two to the men and women of that time. They ill gear you. Great souls never die.
Then, go out and have some fun. They would want you to.
Saturday, May 26, 2018
Rainy Day
'Rainy day, dream away. Let the Sun take a holiday. Let it drain your worries away. Lay back and dream on a rainy day'. Jimi Hendrix from Electric Ladyland
Ah, Memorial Day is here. A 3 day weekend and, if the Sun is shining where you are, that means fun and games, friends and family. Baseball, golf, tennis, swimming, hunting fishing. Meats will be grilled and grown ups will join kids and dogs in joyous revelry. Have fun.,
However, if you are in Florida, Alabama, and Georgia, you are awaiting the arrival of Tropical Storm Alberto. This will not be dangerous, unless you are dumb enough to go driving around in it. But, it will be annoying, if you let it get to you.
There is no reason for upset. You still have time off and the TV will have an abundance of movies and games. There is music to hear and books to read (remember, I have books on sale on Amazon. Sorry, I couldn't resist a quick commercial). So what if you can't grill outdoors; you can still fix great meals in your kitchen and sooth your nerves with an extra bite or two (it's a holiday. you have permission to go off your diet for the weekend).
Most important of all is the opportunity to spend more time with family and friends. So relax. Don't let the rain get you down. Put your feet up and if you doze a little, that's just fine. Lay back and dream on a rainy day.
Ah, Memorial Day is here. A 3 day weekend and, if the Sun is shining where you are, that means fun and games, friends and family. Baseball, golf, tennis, swimming, hunting fishing. Meats will be grilled and grown ups will join kids and dogs in joyous revelry. Have fun.,
However, if you are in Florida, Alabama, and Georgia, you are awaiting the arrival of Tropical Storm Alberto. This will not be dangerous, unless you are dumb enough to go driving around in it. But, it will be annoying, if you let it get to you.
There is no reason for upset. You still have time off and the TV will have an abundance of movies and games. There is music to hear and books to read (remember, I have books on sale on Amazon. Sorry, I couldn't resist a quick commercial). So what if you can't grill outdoors; you can still fix great meals in your kitchen and sooth your nerves with an extra bite or two (it's a holiday. you have permission to go off your diet for the weekend).
Most important of all is the opportunity to spend more time with family and friends. So relax. Don't let the rain get you down. Put your feet up and if you doze a little, that's just fine. Lay back and dream on a rainy day.
Friday, May 25, 2018
Another Word From Our Sponsor
I mentioned a few days ago, that I have books for sale on Amazon/Kindle. I would like to mention 2 more.
First, The One, by John Wright and Debra Weiner.
We were discussing the Gospels one day (yes, we do talk occasionally about such things) and decided that it was a shame that there were so many gaps in the story, not surprising since the 4 books disagree wildly. So, we wrote our own version. Is ours true? Remember, when Pilate asked Jesus, 'what is truth?' he got no answer and we won't answer either. This version is as likely as any other. We now know that in the early days of the Church, many Gospels were written and all but the 4 were repressed. Which are true? Maybe ours. You will have to read the book and decide for yourselves. Whether you believe it or not, it is a great adventure, the greatest any man ever had.
Second, is another book dealing with truth, The Agent by John Wright (a solo effort).
I am sure that anyone reading my blog has read some of the many conspiracy blogs on line. I seldom go deeply into conspiracies because it is so hard to get any real evidence and speculation can easily get out of hand. But, there is some proof, including their own files and reluctant admissions, that from about 1945 through the mid 70s, the CIA was involved in some very weird activities. Now, what if an Agent, who was involved in all this wacky weirdness, up to his eye balls involved, decided, as a very old man, to write a tell all memoir. The Agent just might be his story. Is it true? He says it is, it may be, but such agents have been known to lie. You will have to read the story and decide. I promise that whether you believe it or not, this is a wild and entertaining story of this Nation's wildest and strangest era.
First, The One, by John Wright and Debra Weiner.
We were discussing the Gospels one day (yes, we do talk occasionally about such things) and decided that it was a shame that there were so many gaps in the story, not surprising since the 4 books disagree wildly. So, we wrote our own version. Is ours true? Remember, when Pilate asked Jesus, 'what is truth?' he got no answer and we won't answer either. This version is as likely as any other. We now know that in the early days of the Church, many Gospels were written and all but the 4 were repressed. Which are true? Maybe ours. You will have to read the book and decide for yourselves. Whether you believe it or not, it is a great adventure, the greatest any man ever had.
Second, is another book dealing with truth, The Agent by John Wright (a solo effort).
I am sure that anyone reading my blog has read some of the many conspiracy blogs on line. I seldom go deeply into conspiracies because it is so hard to get any real evidence and speculation can easily get out of hand. But, there is some proof, including their own files and reluctant admissions, that from about 1945 through the mid 70s, the CIA was involved in some very weird activities. Now, what if an Agent, who was involved in all this wacky weirdness, up to his eye balls involved, decided, as a very old man, to write a tell all memoir. The Agent just might be his story. Is it true? He says it is, it may be, but such agents have been known to lie. You will have to read the story and decide. I promise that whether you believe it or not, this is a wild and entertaining story of this Nation's wildest and strangest era.
Thursday, May 24, 2018
The Federal Government
Any sane person will agree that the Federal Government is bloated and nearly useless. The Founding Fathers meant America to be a loose confederation of states. The Federal Government was given the right to oversee interstate commerce, so silly trade wars between the states would be kept minimal and the right to conduct international affairs, It has grown into a monster and seized absurd power. Some love this and wish it to grow larger. This would create a National Socialist state and, yes, the Nazis were just that.
The answer? In this election year. vote for anyone who wants to shrink the Federal grip. Certainly, some of these conservatives are a bit over the top, but when the Federal Government shrinks, they will find themselves with little power and the inability to carry out their wackier plans.
That will leave a power vacuum which will. if sane heads prevail, be filled by state and local governments. This is how it was intended. The States have different needs. Florida has much different problems than Montana. Even here in Georgia, Brunswick, on the SE Coast, has many different issues than Atlanta. Keep power close to home and keep you tax money close to home. The Federal Government should balance their budget, defend the Country from direct foreign attack, settle the rare interstate commerce issues and stay out of our lives.
This election year, vote to shrink the Federal monster and return power, and your tax money, to lacal authorities, where they belong. Keep everything close to home.
The answer? In this election year. vote for anyone who wants to shrink the Federal grip. Certainly, some of these conservatives are a bit over the top, but when the Federal Government shrinks, they will find themselves with little power and the inability to carry out their wackier plans.
That will leave a power vacuum which will. if sane heads prevail, be filled by state and local governments. This is how it was intended. The States have different needs. Florida has much different problems than Montana. Even here in Georgia, Brunswick, on the SE Coast, has many different issues than Atlanta. Keep power close to home and keep you tax money close to home. The Federal Government should balance their budget, defend the Country from direct foreign attack, settle the rare interstate commerce issues and stay out of our lives.
This election year, vote to shrink the Federal monster and return power, and your tax money, to lacal authorities, where they belong. Keep everything close to home.
Wednesday, May 23, 2018
How do we solve America's problems? It all starts with 1 word. Respect. Nothing will change until we learn to respect ourselves and others.
People do not respect themselves. If you do, you will behave sensibly, Work to improve your life. Get yourself in good physical shape. You don't have to be a gym rat or a vegan. You don't have to shovel down vitamins by the handful or totally abstain from alcohol. Just use some sense. Stay active, physically and mentally. If you are misbehaving, you know it and the only real way to stop, is to stop. Folks can and will help you, but you must do the stopping yourself.
Respect others by looking at them and looking at yourself. Then, compare the two. What you see in the other person, will be a reflection of your own behavior. I know no saints. I certainly do not qualify. Who are you to judge? Criminal behavior must be stopped, but you do not then throw the criminal on the trash pile. They are still human and they can still change, just like you. True psychopaths, despite what you might believe if you watch Law and Order, are very rare.
Men, respect women. They are not your play toys. Women, respect men. Do not immediately assume that any man who flirts with you is a mad rapist. Most men just have trouble understanding women and most women don't really understand men. The fun part of the game is figuring each other out, so stop being so touchy. At the same time, don't take real abuse, not for 1 minute.
Labels. liberal, conservative, left, right, Christian, Jew, Moslem, even young and old, are just labels and can never describe the whole person. They can, howevr, be used by advertisers, politcians and the media to manipulate the public and they do so very effectuvely. Recognize thus and stop paying attention to this dangerous nonsense.
When facing disagreement, discuss the issue using reason and fact and listen to the other side. Almost always they have valid points. Then, be ready, in most cases, to comptomise. The middle ground is usually where the best solution kies.
Respect is the first step towaed solving our priblems. Either that, or we keep on without accomplishing anything.
People do not respect themselves. If you do, you will behave sensibly, Work to improve your life. Get yourself in good physical shape. You don't have to be a gym rat or a vegan. You don't have to shovel down vitamins by the handful or totally abstain from alcohol. Just use some sense. Stay active, physically and mentally. If you are misbehaving, you know it and the only real way to stop, is to stop. Folks can and will help you, but you must do the stopping yourself.
Respect others by looking at them and looking at yourself. Then, compare the two. What you see in the other person, will be a reflection of your own behavior. I know no saints. I certainly do not qualify. Who are you to judge? Criminal behavior must be stopped, but you do not then throw the criminal on the trash pile. They are still human and they can still change, just like you. True psychopaths, despite what you might believe if you watch Law and Order, are very rare.
Men, respect women. They are not your play toys. Women, respect men. Do not immediately assume that any man who flirts with you is a mad rapist. Most men just have trouble understanding women and most women don't really understand men. The fun part of the game is figuring each other out, so stop being so touchy. At the same time, don't take real abuse, not for 1 minute.
Labels. liberal, conservative, left, right, Christian, Jew, Moslem, even young and old, are just labels and can never describe the whole person. They can, howevr, be used by advertisers, politcians and the media to manipulate the public and they do so very effectuvely. Recognize thus and stop paying attention to this dangerous nonsense.
When facing disagreement, discuss the issue using reason and fact and listen to the other side. Almost always they have valid points. Then, be ready, in most cases, to comptomise. The middle ground is usually where the best solution kies.
Respect is the first step towaed solving our priblems. Either that, or we keep on without accomplishing anything.
Monday, May 21, 2018
Where are American Workers?
I am a tad cranky this morning so let me be brief. What is going on with America's workers?
\A report last week showed 6 million jobs in the USA going unfilled because we lack qualified workers. 6 million. What is wrong that we cannot find good, qualified people to fill these positions?
For one thing, schools seem to have quit teaching kids to read, write and do math. Thought seems to have fallen out of favor and the ever increasing minimum wage has stifled ambition. I guess if you make $15 per hour you have no reason to better your position. That may seem correct when you are 16, but trust me. that will get old. Low pay jobs are entry level, a way of getting your feet wet as a worker and a way to pay the bills while you find a way to move up.
How do you move up? Education and training.
Most of the jobs that are unfilled are STEM jobs. Science, technology, engineering and math and yes, they require education. If you are in school and have talent in these areas, stay there and do the work. If you are out of school and can get the money, there are night classes at community colleges and accredited (don't get scammed) on line schools. Do the work,, get the degree or certification and get a good jib, It is that simple.
No interest in school? No problem because many other jobs are available and unfilled in the trades. There is a huge demand for plumbers, carpenters, electricians, mechanics,, welders and heavy equipment operators and there are plenty of training programs that cost very little. Some even pay as you learn. Yes, they require some hard work but you will always have a job and the pay is very, very good.
Say that you just don't have tine? Nonsense. Just give up a football game on TV here and there and a few nights out and you will have tons of time. Boy, will you be happy when you are making enough money to have some fun, comfortably raise a family and put aside some money for your old age. Too tired? It is amazing how a nice pay check makes the fatigue disappear.
So, Americans get busy. Or just finally admit that we have grown lazy and stupid . Don't worry. There are many folks in other Nations that will jump at the chance to cone gere and take those fine jibs. Who knows? Maybe you like saying, " want fries with that?"
\A report last week showed 6 million jobs in the USA going unfilled because we lack qualified workers. 6 million. What is wrong that we cannot find good, qualified people to fill these positions?
For one thing, schools seem to have quit teaching kids to read, write and do math. Thought seems to have fallen out of favor and the ever increasing minimum wage has stifled ambition. I guess if you make $15 per hour you have no reason to better your position. That may seem correct when you are 16, but trust me. that will get old. Low pay jobs are entry level, a way of getting your feet wet as a worker and a way to pay the bills while you find a way to move up.
How do you move up? Education and training.
Most of the jobs that are unfilled are STEM jobs. Science, technology, engineering and math and yes, they require education. If you are in school and have talent in these areas, stay there and do the work. If you are out of school and can get the money, there are night classes at community colleges and accredited (don't get scammed) on line schools. Do the work,, get the degree or certification and get a good jib, It is that simple.
No interest in school? No problem because many other jobs are available and unfilled in the trades. There is a huge demand for plumbers, carpenters, electricians, mechanics,, welders and heavy equipment operators and there are plenty of training programs that cost very little. Some even pay as you learn. Yes, they require some hard work but you will always have a job and the pay is very, very good.
Say that you just don't have tine? Nonsense. Just give up a football game on TV here and there and a few nights out and you will have tons of time. Boy, will you be happy when you are making enough money to have some fun, comfortably raise a family and put aside some money for your old age. Too tired? It is amazing how a nice pay check makes the fatigue disappear.
So, Americans get busy. Or just finally admit that we have grown lazy and stupid . Don't worry. There are many folks in other Nations that will jump at the chance to cone gere and take those fine jibs. Who knows? Maybe you like saying, " want fries with that?"
Friday, May 18, 2018
The Royal Nonsense
This weekend is the Royal Wedding and millions around the World will be watching. I will not. The whole idea of royalty is absurd and offensive.
The royal family is just a bunch of people That's all they are not especially bright or gifted. create nothing and the very thought of making such a fuss over them is nauseating. They have, over the centuries, drained unthinkable wealth from their own people and even more from other countries.
Yet here we are, in the 21st Century ready and eager to waste a good chunk of our Saturday watching the Prince get married. Yes, I know, it will be spectacular, but isn't there something in your life that you can celebrate, something that has meaning to you. Must we get our pleasure by watching a bunch of silly rich folks having a wedding.
What is wrong with people that makes them cling to a barbaric notion like royalty? You, any of you are as important as any King or Queen or Prince. I take that back/ you are more important. You work and raise kids. The Royal Family should be honoring you.
The royal family is just a bunch of people That's all they are not especially bright or gifted. create nothing and the very thought of making such a fuss over them is nauseating. They have, over the centuries, drained unthinkable wealth from their own people and even more from other countries.
Yet here we are, in the 21st Century ready and eager to waste a good chunk of our Saturday watching the Prince get married. Yes, I know, it will be spectacular, but isn't there something in your life that you can celebrate, something that has meaning to you. Must we get our pleasure by watching a bunch of silly rich folks having a wedding.
What is wrong with people that makes them cling to a barbaric notion like royalty? You, any of you are as important as any King or Queen or Prince. I take that back/ you are more important. You work and raise kids. The Royal Family should be honoring you.
Thursday, May 17, 2018
Another Warning - The Weather
I seem to be on an alarmist trend here and I promise I'll stop, but this is important.
Right now, in N. Georgia, we are getting a lot of rain. This is from a low pressure center off Florida, being blown in by a high in the Atlantic.
No big deal. We need the rain to get rid of all the pollen. I feel like I have trees growing in my head.But, think of the timing. This is mid-May. These fronts should not be doing this. Tropical storm season does not start until June and there is rarely activity until September. If this low had developed a month or so from now, it would have been tropical in nature. Even now, it showed circulation.
Such things are not unheard of and most years, I would not think twice about it
But, this is not most years. Last year, the USA was hit by 4 hurricanes, 3 of the Category 4. This is unheard of. There is, despite what Trump and others say, climate change. Not necessarily warming, but intensifying. The cold spells are colder and the hot spells are hotter and no one can even begin to explain. Don't believe me? France just had a blizzard. In mid-May.
Here, in Atlanta, the temperatures have been running about 10 degrees above normal. Hot land means that soon the ocean will get toasty. Ocean heat feed low pressure zones and creates hurricanes. More heat, more storm.
Maybe we will not have any storms this year, but don't bet on it. If you live near the coast, Atlantic or Gulf, be smart. Pay attention. Go now, not later and lay in emergency supplies, canned and dry food, bottled, water. batteries, a radio, an electric lantern, a portable gas stove ( look in camping supplies) . The usual stuff. If you own a home and can afford it, get a generator and cans to store gas ( don't fill them until a storm nears and have a safe place to store them). I hope you will not need them.
If you think I am exaggerating, sorry. Growing up in S. Florida and spending 50 years there and then loving in SE Georgia for 5 uears means that I have been through 10 tropical storms and 6 hurricanes. They are dangerous and make a total mess out of things and, often it takes weeks to get back to normal. Use some sense, be ready and things go a whole lot smoother.
There. No more preachy warnings for awhile. I promise.
Right now, in N. Georgia, we are getting a lot of rain. This is from a low pressure center off Florida, being blown in by a high in the Atlantic.
No big deal. We need the rain to get rid of all the pollen. I feel like I have trees growing in my head.But, think of the timing. This is mid-May. These fronts should not be doing this. Tropical storm season does not start until June and there is rarely activity until September. If this low had developed a month or so from now, it would have been tropical in nature. Even now, it showed circulation.
Such things are not unheard of and most years, I would not think twice about it
But, this is not most years. Last year, the USA was hit by 4 hurricanes, 3 of the Category 4. This is unheard of. There is, despite what Trump and others say, climate change. Not necessarily warming, but intensifying. The cold spells are colder and the hot spells are hotter and no one can even begin to explain. Don't believe me? France just had a blizzard. In mid-May.
Here, in Atlanta, the temperatures have been running about 10 degrees above normal. Hot land means that soon the ocean will get toasty. Ocean heat feed low pressure zones and creates hurricanes. More heat, more storm.
Maybe we will not have any storms this year, but don't bet on it. If you live near the coast, Atlantic or Gulf, be smart. Pay attention. Go now, not later and lay in emergency supplies, canned and dry food, bottled, water. batteries, a radio, an electric lantern, a portable gas stove ( look in camping supplies) . The usual stuff. If you own a home and can afford it, get a generator and cans to store gas ( don't fill them until a storm nears and have a safe place to store them). I hope you will not need them.
If you think I am exaggerating, sorry. Growing up in S. Florida and spending 50 years there and then loving in SE Georgia for 5 uears means that I have been through 10 tropical storms and 6 hurricanes. They are dangerous and make a total mess out of things and, often it takes weeks to get back to normal. Use some sense, be ready and things go a whole lot smoother.
There. No more preachy warnings for awhile. I promise.
Wednesday, May 16, 2018
A Warning - Do Not Put Unknown Substances in Your Bodu
"There's a killer on the road' The Doors, Riders on the Storm
In theory, I have little problem with drug use. It's your mind and your body. Use some sense and I don't judge. I drink coffee and some alcohol and smoke tobacco. All are powerful drugs and, logically I have no right to judge a weed smoker and the last thing opiate addicts need is judgment.
But, I feel compelled to issue a warning. There are killers on the road. The World today is very sophisticated, chemically. Many, synthetic versions of out old drug favorites abound and they all are to be avoided like the plague. Synthetic THC, synthetic opiates and synthetic hallucinogens, along with odd variations on speed are overly powerful. The human body and mind will only stand so much
Drug dealers are not usually of the highest moral character. Even in the late 60s, they were cutting acid with all kinds of weird stuff, Now, there are more kinds of weird stuff around. Why they do this is an interesting question, since they were making unreal profits from the real thing. That seems the way it always goes. Sell decent prduct that is relatively safe, then start mixing in highly toxic materials. Why kill off your customers? Well, there are those who say that the whole thing is a plot to cripple the Nation. I know, it sounds like something you would hear on Alex Jones or an old X Files episode, but, well. who knows? There is much in this Country that makes little sense unless someone very powerful is pulling the strings. But, again, who knows?
Whatever the case, do not, ever, put anything in your body if you are not 100% completely sure what it is. That means that unless you buy it at a drug, liquor, or grocery store, stay away. I guess if you make it or grow it yourself, that would work, but then you are in for a world of legal problems. So, if you want to get a buzz, stick to wine or beer. Take the power and money away from the 'killer on the road.'
In theory, I have little problem with drug use. It's your mind and your body. Use some sense and I don't judge. I drink coffee and some alcohol and smoke tobacco. All are powerful drugs and, logically I have no right to judge a weed smoker and the last thing opiate addicts need is judgment.
But, I feel compelled to issue a warning. There are killers on the road. The World today is very sophisticated, chemically. Many, synthetic versions of out old drug favorites abound and they all are to be avoided like the plague. Synthetic THC, synthetic opiates and synthetic hallucinogens, along with odd variations on speed are overly powerful. The human body and mind will only stand so much
Drug dealers are not usually of the highest moral character. Even in the late 60s, they were cutting acid with all kinds of weird stuff, Now, there are more kinds of weird stuff around. Why they do this is an interesting question, since they were making unreal profits from the real thing. That seems the way it always goes. Sell decent prduct that is relatively safe, then start mixing in highly toxic materials. Why kill off your customers? Well, there are those who say that the whole thing is a plot to cripple the Nation. I know, it sounds like something you would hear on Alex Jones or an old X Files episode, but, well. who knows? There is much in this Country that makes little sense unless someone very powerful is pulling the strings. But, again, who knows?
Whatever the case, do not, ever, put anything in your body if you are not 100% completely sure what it is. That means that unless you buy it at a drug, liquor, or grocery store, stay away. I guess if you make it or grow it yourself, that would work, but then you are in for a world of legal problems. So, if you want to get a buzz, stick to wine or beer. Take the power and money away from the 'killer on the road.'
Tuesday, May 15, 2018
I am not sure why Jerusalem is considered the hub of spirituality. The Bible? Any competent historian can attest to the fact that the Bible is nit historically accurate, Not even close. Christian texts and the Koran, being based around the Old Testament are equally unreliable, and that is being kind. All are based around the idea a that the Creator likes either the Jews, the Moslems, or the Christians best. This is a childish mentality and it should have died out years ago
But humans remain childish and, as a result of Trump's insistence on moving our embassy to what was a backwater town until David settled his little Kingdom there, people are being killed and injured at a frantic rate. I have praised the President over many of his actions, but this was a bad move.
The people of the Gaza strip live in nightmarish conditions, vastly overcrowded, impoverished, and with no hope of improvement. If you are sitting near an open gas can, you don't start tossing lit matches at it, yet that is what Trump has done.
The USA gains nothing by this. Trust me, all this talk of Israel is just talk. When push comes to shove, they will always play both sides against the middle to get what they want. History, if you are not too lazy or stuck in your World view to do some research, bears this out. No, I am definitely not anti Semitic. May I remind everyone that the people of Gaza are Semites. Nor am I anti Jewish. I really could not care any less about such nonsense. Religion and ethnicity mean nothing to me.
I do care about peace and progress.. Touching off further hostilities in the Mid East contributes to neither.
But humans remain childish and, as a result of Trump's insistence on moving our embassy to what was a backwater town until David settled his little Kingdom there, people are being killed and injured at a frantic rate. I have praised the President over many of his actions, but this was a bad move.
The people of the Gaza strip live in nightmarish conditions, vastly overcrowded, impoverished, and with no hope of improvement. If you are sitting near an open gas can, you don't start tossing lit matches at it, yet that is what Trump has done.
The USA gains nothing by this. Trust me, all this talk of Israel is just talk. When push comes to shove, they will always play both sides against the middle to get what they want. History, if you are not too lazy or stuck in your World view to do some research, bears this out. No, I am definitely not anti Semitic. May I remind everyone that the people of Gaza are Semites. Nor am I anti Jewish. I really could not care any less about such nonsense. Religion and ethnicity mean nothing to me.
I do care about peace and progress.. Touching off further hostilities in the Mid East contributes to neither.
Monday, May 14, 2018
What is being Hidden?
Something odd is happening. I have no idea what, but some odd thing is being hidden.
The news is weird. Nothing of import comes out. Just the same old thing, day after day, but there is an incredible tension in the air. Trump's legal woes, possible peace in Korea, the start of the mid-term elections are all issues, bit the fact that they are all that is talked about on the news is a sign that something else is afoot. The way that these issues are pushed and the entire rest of the World pushed aside means that something big is being buried.
Add to that the now steady stream of multiple shootings. Here in N. Georgia we wake up each morning to tales of folks rinning amoj and shooting up homes, bars and the streets and I am given to understand that this is going in all over the Nation. The economy gas picked up, but still, people are working multiple jobs to get by and, face it, prices are rising.
The big news today is the we have moved our embassy is Israel to Jerusaem. Why do I care? This does not affect my life one iota. I am neither for or against it, but it is being hailed as the greatest diplomatic triumph since the end of WW2..
Stage magicians perform their craft by misdirecting your attention. That is what is happening now.
So, what is happening? One of 2 things. The impending blow up of Kilauea is one possibility. It, now that it is more than just pretty streams of red rock flowing, is a possible alert to the fact that the Earth's crust is now very unsteady. Major earthquake and volcanic activity are not something anyone is ready to deal with and I am sure that Government agencies have some clue about what is happening. But, they are conspicuously silent.
Another contender is the constant Mid-East problem. The populations of both Iran and Saudi Arabia are about fed up with their rulers and thise 2 significant powers are fighting proci wars in Syria and Yemen and, like idiots, the USA and Rissia gave taken sides and, of course, Israel is using all of this as an excuse to start lobbing missiles into Iran's bases in Syria. The whole region is set to blow and no one will win, Still, we hear little detail about this. Oh, we hear of minor victories and heart warming tales of heroism. but little of what is really going on
Other possibilities? Sure. We here few detailed reports about the wide spread and deplorable human trafficking problem. Fentanyl is being distributed in vast quantities and placed in a variety of goods, causing death to many who would not think if touching any drug. How about the ties of the NXIVM cult to those financing and participating in the highest level if politics and business in thus Nation. Don't hear news about any of that.
Folks, we are being played by the media and their puppet masters. Something huge is about to hit the fan. Be ready to duck.
The news is weird. Nothing of import comes out. Just the same old thing, day after day, but there is an incredible tension in the air. Trump's legal woes, possible peace in Korea, the start of the mid-term elections are all issues, bit the fact that they are all that is talked about on the news is a sign that something else is afoot. The way that these issues are pushed and the entire rest of the World pushed aside means that something big is being buried.
Add to that the now steady stream of multiple shootings. Here in N. Georgia we wake up each morning to tales of folks rinning amoj and shooting up homes, bars and the streets and I am given to understand that this is going in all over the Nation. The economy gas picked up, but still, people are working multiple jobs to get by and, face it, prices are rising.
The big news today is the we have moved our embassy is Israel to Jerusaem. Why do I care? This does not affect my life one iota. I am neither for or against it, but it is being hailed as the greatest diplomatic triumph since the end of WW2..
Stage magicians perform their craft by misdirecting your attention. That is what is happening now.
So, what is happening? One of 2 things. The impending blow up of Kilauea is one possibility. It, now that it is more than just pretty streams of red rock flowing, is a possible alert to the fact that the Earth's crust is now very unsteady. Major earthquake and volcanic activity are not something anyone is ready to deal with and I am sure that Government agencies have some clue about what is happening. But, they are conspicuously silent.
Another contender is the constant Mid-East problem. The populations of both Iran and Saudi Arabia are about fed up with their rulers and thise 2 significant powers are fighting proci wars in Syria and Yemen and, like idiots, the USA and Rissia gave taken sides and, of course, Israel is using all of this as an excuse to start lobbing missiles into Iran's bases in Syria. The whole region is set to blow and no one will win, Still, we hear little detail about this. Oh, we hear of minor victories and heart warming tales of heroism. but little of what is really going on
Other possibilities? Sure. We here few detailed reports about the wide spread and deplorable human trafficking problem. Fentanyl is being distributed in vast quantities and placed in a variety of goods, causing death to many who would not think if touching any drug. How about the ties of the NXIVM cult to those financing and participating in the highest level if politics and business in thus Nation. Don't hear news about any of that.
Folks, we are being played by the media and their puppet masters. Something huge is about to hit the fan. Be ready to duck.
Friday, May 11, 2018
Now a Word From Our Sponsor
That sponsor would be me, I seldom mention anything personal on this blog but I am proud to announce that I gave published several books on Amazon Kindle with more to come. I will mention them, here and there. in brief. First, Stress Free Cooking, written with my long tome friend, Debra Weiner. This is not a recipe book, although many; are included The first part of the book goes over, equipment, safety in the kitchen, and the basic types of food and how to handle them, with an emphasis on low cost and little work/
The second part show how to think about food creatively so you won't get into ruts, fixing the same recipes time and time again. We show you how to loosen up, experiment and have fun.
See, now, that little commercial was painless and I promise I won't do it often. Buy the book. It's on Amazon Kindle in ebook form You will find it useful and will enjoy it.
Now, back to our usual program.
The second part show how to think about food creatively so you won't get into ruts, fixing the same recipes time and time again. We show you how to loosen up, experiment and have fun.
See, now, that little commercial was painless and I promise I won't do it often. Buy the book. It's on Amazon Kindle in ebook form You will find it useful and will enjoy it.
Now, back to our usual program.
Thursday, May 10, 2018
Arrofance and the Health Issue
I touched on John Kerry's extreme arrogance the other day and it started me thinking about another example of arrogance, that of the health industry. The whole lot, doctors, hospitals, drug companies, alternative medicine practitioners/ Anyone who can think will notice that all bodies are different and function differently
My sister could eat monstrous meals and not gain an ounce while her husband could eat 1 chip and put on pounds. I have known folks who could drink beer all day and never get fat and, seemingly never get drunk I have known old ladies who smoked 3 packs a day and lived to be 96 and health food enthusiast who worked out 3 times a day die of cancer at 40. My Dad's Mom ate fatty, salty food every day and loved to be 90 and even then, and accident, not her health, killed her.
I will pay attention to the Medical community when they can explain such things to me. In the ,
meantime. I just use common sense, do what I want, and never worry. That works just fine
My sister could eat monstrous meals and not gain an ounce while her husband could eat 1 chip and put on pounds. I have known folks who could drink beer all day and never get fat and, seemingly never get drunk I have known old ladies who smoked 3 packs a day and lived to be 96 and health food enthusiast who worked out 3 times a day die of cancer at 40. My Dad's Mom ate fatty, salty food every day and loved to be 90 and even then, and accident, not her health, killed her.
I will pay attention to the Medical community when they can explain such things to me. In the ,
meantime. I just use common sense, do what I want, and never worry. That works just fine
Arrogance that Never Sleeps
\I mentioned John Kerry the other day, something I had hoped to never do, but, alas, duty calls. Old John, along with good old Barak Obama negotiated the absolute worst deal the Us has ever made, the Iran nuclear deal. Remember, we gave them an enormous sum of cash and they promised to be nice. Folks, this was worse deal than NAFTA and that was dreadful.
President Trump is well on the way to dumping the whole deal but, lo and behold, there in the background is Kerry, trying to keep the deal alive This is an all time high when it comes to arrogance. I mean, this even tops Hillary's ' deplorable' comment. Luckily, Old John has been talking, it seems, to some high placed Iranians and never bothered to register as a foreign agent. Well, this is what they went after Manafort for, so lets see of anyone goes after Kerry. These people make me ill
PS Since writing this, Trump did pull out of the Iran deal. Also, hats off to them for getting rgosw folks out of N. Kprea.
President Trump is well on the way to dumping the whole deal but, lo and behold, there in the background is Kerry, trying to keep the deal alive This is an all time high when it comes to arrogance. I mean, this even tops Hillary's ' deplorable' comment. Luckily, Old John has been talking, it seems, to some high placed Iranians and never bothered to register as a foreign agent. Well, this is what they went after Manafort for, so lets see of anyone goes after Kerry. These people make me ill
PS Since writing this, Trump did pull out of the Iran deal. Also, hats off to them for getting rgosw folks out of N. Kprea.
Wednesday, May 9, 2018
The Lunacy oif Regulations
I have come to understand how idiotic most Government regulations are. Here is how I learned. A close friend recently moved. She is blind and ran into a strange issue. No problem changing address with Social Security or the Bank. The problem is with ATT. She has a pen number she uses with customer service but. to change address, she has to receive a new pen number which must be sent by text message. She, for the obvious reason cannot read that and I , having visual problems of my own cannot help. They told her to ' just get anyone to read it' which kind of defeats the whole security angle. She has spent hours with reps, who have tried in vain to get around this.. Finally, she was told that this whole security code thing is at the insistence of the Federal Government. Now whu they need more security on a phone account than Social Security is beyond me , but the whole thing seemingly has to do with keeping track of where people are in this era of security paranoia. Either that or the phone rep just thought it a good way to stop the discussion. Personally. I can fully believe that the Feds would come up with something this foolish.
Do we need some regulations? Sure, to keep people from dumping toxic waste in rivers or guzzling a gallon of liquor and taking their Ferrari out for a spin. But most regulations are wasteful and stupid. Not just the one my friend ran into but many others like nutritional labels on candy bars and Happy Meals.Scrap all but the obvious ones and the Nation will run a lot smoother
By the way, my friend now has to waste cab fare, money she really doesn't need to waste, and go to an ATT store and get them to change her address there. It took 3 minutes with bank, maybe 5 with Social Security and will take over an hour at the ATT store.
Do we need some regulations? Sure, to keep people from dumping toxic waste in rivers or guzzling a gallon of liquor and taking their Ferrari out for a spin. But most regulations are wasteful and stupid. Not just the one my friend ran into but many others like nutritional labels on candy bars and Happy Meals.Scrap all but the obvious ones and the Nation will run a lot smoother
By the way, my friend now has to waste cab fare, money she really doesn't need to waste, and go to an ATT store and get them to change her address there. It took 3 minutes with bank, maybe 5 with Social Security and will take over an hour at the ATT store.
Monday, May 7, 2018
When the Volcano Blows
'I don't know where I'm gonna go, when the volcano blows.'
Jimmy Buffet
Hawaii's volcano. and tourist attraction, Kilauea, is erupting, sort of. Lava is streaming out and folks are fleeing. but, the real blow up has not hit. This is more like minor vomiting. Big eruptions are, in our time, somewhat rare, blessedly. Mt. St. Helens blew some years back and was pretty scary. The big damage is from the falling, burning ash. The initial rush, the pyro plastic flow is devastating, with temperatures in the 1000s of degrees.
This got me thinking of two things. First, I wonder how many people are looking at this and thinking of it as some sort of Divine punishment, or, conversely, as the work of old, dark gods and powers. More that will admit it, think that. I guarantee you. This is why I write so often about the impoerance of rational thought. Volcanic activity is simply a matter of hot molten rocks and gases, always present in the Earth, building up pressure and, when it reaches a certain point, it releases, sometimes as lava flows and sometimes in a big blow. We simply cannot predict these events because there are too many factors. This is the basic idea of Chaos Theory. But there are rational causes. That is definite.
Second, and more important, is the Yellowstone Caldera. It is huge and, geologically, is overdo for eruption. Now, in geologic terms, overdo means it could go in 10 seconds or 10000 years, but by all accounts, its level has risen a fair bit, and Yellowstone is having a lot of earth tremors, which is not encouraging. A minor blow would be devastating, a major one, catastrophic. Not just because of the massive lava flow and the falling ash that would spread far and wide, sparking fires over a huge area. There is also the likelihood of sudden intense climate change. When Krakatoa blew, years ago, it caused what was called 'the year with no simmer' in Europe. The ash blocked the Sunlight and things just stayed chilly until it all dissipated. That eruption, while major, was nothing compared to what a full eruption of Yellowstone would be. Remember, no Sun, no plants, no food.
Not surprisingly, the Government seems to have given this not a bit of thought
Then again, maybe they have and are just waiting for the press to ask, which is unlikely since all the media cares about is who Trump may have had sex with before he ran for office, That and the latest Jay-Z/Kanye exchange.
Or maybe everyone just figures that there is nothing to do, no plans to make because such an event would just be the end of the show. Lights out, curtain down. Been a nice run, but the show has closed. Stay tuned for the next production.. Maybe? But the Americans I knew, the ones that I grew up with would never give up that easy and usually would figure a solution. That, of course, would requires thought and work and we seem to have sworn off both.
So, I don't know where we're all gonna go when the volcano blows..
Jimmy Buffet
Hawaii's volcano. and tourist attraction, Kilauea, is erupting, sort of. Lava is streaming out and folks are fleeing. but, the real blow up has not hit. This is more like minor vomiting. Big eruptions are, in our time, somewhat rare, blessedly. Mt. St. Helens blew some years back and was pretty scary. The big damage is from the falling, burning ash. The initial rush, the pyro plastic flow is devastating, with temperatures in the 1000s of degrees.
This got me thinking of two things. First, I wonder how many people are looking at this and thinking of it as some sort of Divine punishment, or, conversely, as the work of old, dark gods and powers. More that will admit it, think that. I guarantee you. This is why I write so often about the impoerance of rational thought. Volcanic activity is simply a matter of hot molten rocks and gases, always present in the Earth, building up pressure and, when it reaches a certain point, it releases, sometimes as lava flows and sometimes in a big blow. We simply cannot predict these events because there are too many factors. This is the basic idea of Chaos Theory. But there are rational causes. That is definite.
Second, and more important, is the Yellowstone Caldera. It is huge and, geologically, is overdo for eruption. Now, in geologic terms, overdo means it could go in 10 seconds or 10000 years, but by all accounts, its level has risen a fair bit, and Yellowstone is having a lot of earth tremors, which is not encouraging. A minor blow would be devastating, a major one, catastrophic. Not just because of the massive lava flow and the falling ash that would spread far and wide, sparking fires over a huge area. There is also the likelihood of sudden intense climate change. When Krakatoa blew, years ago, it caused what was called 'the year with no simmer' in Europe. The ash blocked the Sunlight and things just stayed chilly until it all dissipated. That eruption, while major, was nothing compared to what a full eruption of Yellowstone would be. Remember, no Sun, no plants, no food.
Not surprisingly, the Government seems to have given this not a bit of thought
Then again, maybe they have and are just waiting for the press to ask, which is unlikely since all the media cares about is who Trump may have had sex with before he ran for office, That and the latest Jay-Z/Kanye exchange.
Or maybe everyone just figures that there is nothing to do, no plans to make because such an event would just be the end of the show. Lights out, curtain down. Been a nice run, but the show has closed. Stay tuned for the next production.. Maybe? But the Americans I knew, the ones that I grew up with would never give up that easy and usually would figure a solution. That, of course, would requires thought and work and we seem to have sworn off both.
So, I don't know where we're all gonna go when the volcano blows..
Saturday, May 5, 2018
Saterday Blues
You know how it is. You wake up on Saturday, ready for weekend fun, and you make the mistake of turning on the news. The pollution rate has earned a 'dangerous' label, the pollen count is outrageous, and it's going to rain. Okay, well why not? But, you decide, that will not ruin your day.
Then you listen to the local news. As usual, there are the shootings and robberies, etc., but that is more of the same, so you shrug that off.
Then, the National news, and things take a downturn. We still have a bunch of obnoxious migrants trying to cross the border. Why are we still dealing with them. Send them away . Make it clear that they are not coming in. Next we have John Kerry sticking his nose in the Trump Administration's
efforts to redo the Iran nuclear deal. You know, the really bad deal he and Obama made. Then, we seem to have a dueling rappers scenario developing between Jay-Z and Kanye West over West's support of Trump. Who cares what either of these no talent people think. Both should just count their blessings that they have grown rich by doing absolutely nothing of value and importance.
There that's better. I got my ranting out of the way. Now I can get on with a nice Saturday. You do the same. Have a great weekend..
Then you listen to the local news. As usual, there are the shootings and robberies, etc., but that is more of the same, so you shrug that off.
Then, the National news, and things take a downturn. We still have a bunch of obnoxious migrants trying to cross the border. Why are we still dealing with them. Send them away . Make it clear that they are not coming in. Next we have John Kerry sticking his nose in the Trump Administration's
efforts to redo the Iran nuclear deal. You know, the really bad deal he and Obama made. Then, we seem to have a dueling rappers scenario developing between Jay-Z and Kanye West over West's support of Trump. Who cares what either of these no talent people think. Both should just count their blessings that they have grown rich by doing absolutely nothing of value and importance.
There that's better. I got my ranting out of the way. Now I can get on with a nice Saturday. You do the same. Have a great weekend..
Thursday, May 3, 2018
When Did We All Become Enemies
I truly believe that the USA has not been this divided since the Civil War. It is quite extraordinary. I lived through the 60s and, yes, that was bad, but the real hardcore hatred was actually quite limited, confined to a small group of radical leftists and a few extreme right wingers. Folks squabbled over the war, the sexual revolution. civil rights and drugs, but, mostly, there was at least a sense that we were all Americans. Most people condemned extremism of all sorts and, after much angst things settled down in a sort of middle ground. The whole thing was a kind of family quarrel, albeit a nasty one.
Now, well, it is much different. I have never seen such venom. Congressional leaders have no intention of compromising on anything. Insults have replaced dialogue, on all sides, although the Democrats are the most guilty by far.
The non religious now openly mock believers and believers seem determined to take full control of the Nation as part of some fear reaction. The Churches are scared of scientific thought and scientists seem ready to push the left into complete acceptance of their world view, which seems to be a weird kind if neo-pagan secularism. What they plan fir those who don't accept their every word is not pleasant to contemplate. No one seems interested in the simple fact that throughout history, science and spirituality walked hand in hand.
Women seem to have come to think of men as their enemy and men seem to not really have a clue what is going on. Just wait. Such tension will nit end well.
Kids, left alone with huge amounts of electronics have decided that picking on kids they dislike is a fine pastime and have done much damage. In the recent past, psychologists noted that kids who pick on and torment animals tend to grow up to be at least a bit psychopathic. Spending the days of your youth tormenting your peers cannot be good, but there it is.
We no longer talk, we scream, we argue and we mindlessly complain. The left, mostly confined to the West Coast and the NE, by all standards think of the rest of America as a bunch of simple minded bigots and those folks are sorely fed up by that condescending attitude.
I have no idea how this will turn out, but I do know that it cannot go on much Either we learn to talk, reason and show respect to those we disagree with, or it will end badly.
Now, well, it is much different. I have never seen such venom. Congressional leaders have no intention of compromising on anything. Insults have replaced dialogue, on all sides, although the Democrats are the most guilty by far.
The non religious now openly mock believers and believers seem determined to take full control of the Nation as part of some fear reaction. The Churches are scared of scientific thought and scientists seem ready to push the left into complete acceptance of their world view, which seems to be a weird kind if neo-pagan secularism. What they plan fir those who don't accept their every word is not pleasant to contemplate. No one seems interested in the simple fact that throughout history, science and spirituality walked hand in hand.
Women seem to have come to think of men as their enemy and men seem to not really have a clue what is going on. Just wait. Such tension will nit end well.
Kids, left alone with huge amounts of electronics have decided that picking on kids they dislike is a fine pastime and have done much damage. In the recent past, psychologists noted that kids who pick on and torment animals tend to grow up to be at least a bit psychopathic. Spending the days of your youth tormenting your peers cannot be good, but there it is.
We no longer talk, we scream, we argue and we mindlessly complain. The left, mostly confined to the West Coast and the NE, by all standards think of the rest of America as a bunch of simple minded bigots and those folks are sorely fed up by that condescending attitude.
I have no idea how this will turn out, but I do know that it cannot go on much Either we learn to talk, reason and show respect to those we disagree with, or it will end badly.
Tuesday, May 1, 2018
Things Must Change
I tend to be conservative, but I am not against change. Our Creator built change into the Universe. I do reserve the right to decide which changes I think are good, but guess what? Sometimes, I'm wrong. More to the point, It often does not matter what I think.
For example, humans continue to evolve. If you don't believe in evolution, don't bother reading my blogs. Now, I like the way we are, warm, hairy, sweaty, half crazy? I love it, We're fun. But, we are changing. How?
We might have more of an idea if scientists would stop trying to manipulate genes and learn how they work. We really know little of just how DNA does its work. We really don't know what that work is. Not completely. But we are evolving and we now know, from fossil records, that evolution happens in spurts. It's called punctuated equilibrium and is often brought on by cataclysmic events Well, extreme climate change, which is very real, qualifies. Tack on extreme seismic activity and you have some real stress. Look for change and look for it to be quick.
We cannot know what will happen to humans, but change we will. All we can do is roll with it and try to retain our best traits, love kindness, curiosity and humor. Remember the title of an old Porno for Pyros song, We'll Make Good Pets.
For example, humans continue to evolve. If you don't believe in evolution, don't bother reading my blogs. Now, I like the way we are, warm, hairy, sweaty, half crazy? I love it, We're fun. But, we are changing. How?
We might have more of an idea if scientists would stop trying to manipulate genes and learn how they work. We really know little of just how DNA does its work. We really don't know what that work is. Not completely. But we are evolving and we now know, from fossil records, that evolution happens in spurts. It's called punctuated equilibrium and is often brought on by cataclysmic events Well, extreme climate change, which is very real, qualifies. Tack on extreme seismic activity and you have some real stress. Look for change and look for it to be quick.
We cannot know what will happen to humans, but change we will. All we can do is roll with it and try to retain our best traits, love kindness, curiosity and humor. Remember the title of an old Porno for Pyros song, We'll Make Good Pets.
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