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Friday, January 27, 2017

America - Throw a Party

I have a suggestion. In light of all of the protests, the wailing and gnashing of teeth, the street violence, the endless parade of whining celebrities, Americans should respond by throwing a party. Every time a protest is scheduled, folks should arrange to set aside a section of a park or some other public place, with proper permits, of course, and celebrate.

Stay away from counter protests and avoid the possibility of violent confrontation. Don't march and carry signs insulting the opposition. Ignore them and throw a party. Tell the media; local media will quite likely respond. Let every one know that this celebration is your reaction to the nasty, hateful marching and yelling.

It doesn't have to be fancy. Hot dogs and burgers, or even just some cheap snacks. Sodas, beer if allowed, maybe some fruit punch. Schedule games, with maybe some little, silly prizes. Have some music, a variety, so ever one will have something to enjoy. Just a party.

This is the way to deal with the hateful. Just ignore them and have a celebration. Invite everyone. Bring the family. Let the protesters know that you are happy and that you are going to be part of the solution to our Nation's problems and that their ranting and raving does not bother you in the least.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

America and Immigration

Today, the new Administration begins the daunting task of dealing with immigration. We really have no idea how many illegal immigrants there are in this Country, but it is a massive amount. We once welcomed immigrants to this Country, but things have changed. People refuse to get this. We are no longer a sparsely populated agrarian economy, nor are we a burgeoning industrial economy. Economically, we are in some period of transition. We just have no idea what we are transitioning to. But, one thing we have no lack of is workers. Economically we do not need more of them.

Illegal immigrants work cheap and are willing to do so because, when they go home or send money home, it is more than they would make in their native land. This willingness to work for low wages, drives down wages for the rest of us. I have lived in areas where illegals are present in large numbers. Because they make little, they are willing to cram as many people into small dwellings as they can. The more people, the less each has to pay for rent. This, in turn, depresses the housing prices in those areas. It also taxes sanitation, education and medical facilities in those areas. Also, poverty breeds crime. These may be politically incorrect statements, but, too bad; they are true.

That whole crime issue should be stressed. Of course not all illegal immigrants are hard core criminals (although the fact that they are here illegally does make them criminals), but things are not what they used to be. A great many have brought with them their gang affiliations and the Mexican gangs are responsible for an enormous amount of drugs entering the Nation.

We simply do not need these people here. They need to go home and, fix the things are that bad there, start a movement to change their homeland.

As far as legal immigration goes, when some one has a skill that is needed in America, great, let them enter, with some noted exceptions and conditions. People from the various terrorist torn lands should not enter. The conditions are simply too volatile and we cannot do adequate vetting. The screening processes would be too time consuming, too costly, and quite frankly, any skills they may have are also possessed by our own people, many of whom are in need of jobs.

The other condition must be acceptance of American law. Keep your religion. Keep your customs. But, only when they do not violate our laws. I bring this up for two reasons. First, there are cultures in Africa, India, and the Mid East that practice such repulsive traditions as female genital mutilation and honor killings. This cannot be tolerated in America and if these people believe that any insistence that give up these reprehensible practices violates their religious freedom, too bad. If they are still in their native lands, let them stay there. If they have immigrated, deport them.

The second problem links to the first. In Europe, Muslim communities have set up areas that are governed by sharia law, a brutally harsh set of laws. There are a few American Muslim communities who would do the same. This is not acceptable. Those who think that we should allow them freedom to do this are idiots. Sharia law includes dress codes for women, restricts education for women, all but prohibits such American traditions as boys and girls dating, practices arranged marriages, and prescribes as penalties for violations of the law stoning and beheading.

In short, why are we debating this? Illegal aliens  are just that, illegal. Deport them and let them apply for legal immigration. Allow that only if they have a marketable skill. Do not allow immigration from lands that are problematic. It really is that simple.

Monday, January 23, 2017

America - Watch Your Backs

Today is the first real work day of the new Administration. I like the direction things are heading and this may work. But, it is going to be a very rocky road, at least for a while.

You are witnessing a massive conflict between two groups who are fighting over what will be the future of the Country. No, I am not talking about Democrats and Republicans.

For a long while, we have been maneuvered and manipulated by those wanting a powerful, central Federal Government, one that would ultimately blend in seamlessly with a powerful, centrist World Government. This is an old idea. In this Country, it really started to take hold when Reagan was shot and Bush 1 became the real force in Washington. It continued through the years of Clinton, Bush 2 and Obama. Forget Parties. They quibbled over fine doctrinal points, but in essence, they were the same.

The Plan, was that either Jeb Bush would become Bush 3 or that Hillary would become Clinton 2. Well, that did not work. Trump is backed by another group. America first is also an old idea, quite popular in the pre-WW2 days. Folks, after the nightmarish First World War, wanted no part of a Second. In fact, they elected Roosevelt because he promised to keep us out of any European conflict, before he dumped us into a European conflict. Woodrow Wilson did the same thing with WW1.

Folks, a lot of them, enough to upset the Election, have decided that we do want to put America first. Mind you, we are not wishing others harm, we h=just want to deal with our own business, ourselves. Seems reasonable to me.

Even more, we feel that States should deal with local issues, not the Federal Government. Think for a moment. Florida does not have the same issues that Montana does and New Mexico's problems are not the same as Maine's. So why does Washington feel it should dictate to the States.

In addition, different folks have different values and that is, mostly, protected by the Constitution. If a group of parents in Alabama have different thoughts on subjects such as education, abortion, gay marriages, and marijuana legalizations than folks in Massachusetts, the why should they not have varying laws. The Constitution does not cover these areas and says that anything that it does not cover, should be left up to the States. The Federal government only has the right to intervene when the States do business with each other and then it is to set up reasonable laws that respect all sides and that are to be enforced only during the interstate processes.

President Trump has surrounded himself with people who are America first people and people who want to take a lot of the money, and money is power, out of Washington and give it back to States and to individuals. Those who have just been ousted and those who are demonstrating in the streets are aghast.

The demonstrators seem to think that. left on their own, individuals will begin some combination of the Salem witch trials and the Spanish Inquisition. The Old Guard Power Brokers are frantic because their plans have come unglued. The first group are silly people who will soon calm down.

The second group will not go quietly. Look for them to pull every dirty trick and produce reams of fake news reports in their efforts to depose President Trump. Do not be taken in by them. Not now, not when we are on the brink of getting our Nation back.

However, they had best think twice, or maybe more, before they act, because, waiting in the wings is Mike Pence and he make Donald Trump look like a raving liberal. Stay tuned. This ought to be fun.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

America - The Big Day is Here at Last

America, for good or ill, today, Donald J. Trump becomes the new President of the United States. Like him or not, all Americans should celebrate. We, as we do every 4 years, are about to  witness a peaceful transfer of power. I am not much on patriotic spectacles, but this one is special.

Maybe I over spoke in calling this transfer peaceful. Nonviolent would be a better word. God knows, this election has been far from peaceful and the term between the election and today has been noisy and somewhat chaotic. But, at its essence, this is a peaceful transfer.

What will come? There are a stunning number of people in this Country who want to see Trump fail. I find this to be utterly insane. Guess what, folks. If this Administration fails, then you are, like the rest of us, going to have a rotten few years. If the economy tanks, if we are beset by foreign enemies, if our racial divisions worsen, it is hard to understand how you can believe that is a good thing. You, like all the of us, will suffer greatly.

There are many citizens, including Senators and Congressmen, who are vowing to stop President Trump's agenda at every turn. This is irrational and reprehensible. If you wish to oppose certain aspects of the plans and have rational debate with the intention of reaching satisfactory compromise, fine, great. That is why you are there, But, to pledge a total block of everything proposed by Trump and his team, is borderline treasonous because you are undermining the safety and prosperity of Americans to further your own ideological agenda. Shame on all of you.

I did not vote for Trump because I did not trust him and because he had a habit of saying things that were just too off the wall. Well, he has backed away a bit from his more ludicrous ideas and he can do that because he is not an ideologue, hell bent on pursuing a set philosophy. He, as a businessman has had to be a pragmatist and look for practical solutions to problems.

I am impressed with his appointees. They are an extremely competent group and have made it clear that they do not agree with Trump on every issue. This proves his refusal to be attached to any set ideology  and the possibility that practical, workable solutions can be found.  He seems willing to listen to opposing views and alter his own when presented with new ideas. That is how problems are solved.

To those of you who are just anti-Trump, opposing him at any cost, I say this. Please, just shut up and go away. To those who disagree and want to make constructive arguments, get to it, because that is how work gets done. To those who are frightened by the rhetoric, relax. We have not elected the reincarnation of the Nazi party and you are not witnessing the rise of fascism in America. Everything is going to be fine if we can all just reason together.

America, celebrate. The Constitution is still intact and we are about to once again show the rest of the World the power of the American people. We do this every time we inaugurate, by way our election processes, a new President. Do not worry, do not fear. Stay calm, stay peaceful, and celebrate.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

America - The Donald Chronicles, Part 5

   This will be my last post labeled 'The Donald Chronicles.' Friday, he takes office and, so long as he deserves it, I will refer to him as President Trump.

I am sure that no sane people will disagree when I say that this has been the strangest campaign imaginable. Trump did prove one thing beyond any doubt. You do not need a massive staff and countless millions of dollars to win. Hillary had both and lost. Trump's victory shows that all you need is a message that will resonate with the voters, stated in ways they will understand, delivered by someone with a charismatic personality.

The Inauguration will be a grandly impressive affair. If you live in any large city, I advise you to be a little careful. There will almost surely be many demonstrations and I will be surprised if at least some of them do not become every ugly. Hopefully not, but be smart and stay out of any situation that seems to be turning bad.

Trump has his team ready to move, to get busy. They must get right to it and start showing progress, a lot of it, very quickly. If they do, they will gain a lot of popularity and power and all should go fairly well. If not, if their opponents can derail their agenda, they will lose power and the Nation will be in for a rough ride.

Do not be surprised to see an attempt to create some sort of scandal, with an ensuing impeachment movement. This will almost surely fail, and I believe that it will not be intended to succeed. Trust me, the opposition would much rather keep Trump around than deal with Mike Pence, an evangelical, Catholic, ultra-conservative.

Why bother then? Simple. Keep the Nation divided and deepen the divisions and they will feel that they will have a better shot at regaining power next time around. Watch carefully. There will be attempts, some of which will succeed, to further divide America along ethnic and religious lines. However, if this is the strategy, they are walking a very thin line. If there is too much upheaval, keep in mind, Trump has a staff consisting of a very hard nosed, conservative Attorney General and a bunch of even tougher military officers. I do not believe that a lot of trouble will be tolerated.

Things could get quite ugly for the next few months. in fact I am very sure they will. There will be some tough responses by some tough minded people. However, I am pretty sure that once the reality of the situation sets in and laws are enforced and idiotic programs like the sanctuary cities are defunded and shut down, people will get with the program and you will see America start on the road back to greatness.

Things are going to change and change fast, not just here, but around the World. A no-nonsense America is about to emerge.

Monday, January 16, 2017

America - Enough is Enough

Now, we have Trump and John Lewis sniping at each other. No matter what either might claim, it is a racial issue. I am disgusted. When are we going to get past this nonsense? Both Blacks and Whites, and every other color in between, should drop the issue. We are all human and we have much bigger issues to deal with.

Like Lewis, I am old enough to remember the Jim Crow Laws. They were nightmarish and amazingly stupid. Well, guess what? They were over and done with 50 years ago. When are we going to move on? Yes, Black folks were badly treated, but are we going to dwell on this crap forever. Get over it. Go out and learn some skills, educate yourselves and get a job. Leave the beer inn the fridge, put down the video games, and turn off a ballgame or two, and do something important.

That advice goes to all folks, Whote and Black. I have no idea how a Trump Presidency will work out, but I look at his Cabinet appointments and say, 'hmm, these are some serious people.' Well, such serious people, when given a job, get to work, and, generally have little use for goof offs. If you expect to drift aimlessly through the next few years, you may a wee bit of a problem, and if you are not qualified to do anything, you will have a rough go. Businesses who want to hire American workers are having positions unfilled because they cannot get good employees. The solution? Become a qualified, skilled worker and get busy. You cannot do that   sitting around drinking beer and watching Lebron play basketball and you cannot study while listening to the latest rap CD.  You need to educate yourself.

As far as John Lewis goes, being a Civil Rights hero does not have a lot of meaning now. He is an old man who is still peddling the same tired message he was pushing years ago. He should be the poster boy for term limits. Lewis, and many others in Congress, have been there too damn long and, like an old racehorse, they should be put out to pasture. All of these old folks are doing nothing but cling desperately to the little kingdoms of power they have created, and the fact that as they age, they keep clinging, indicates  a definite mental unbalance. And, these are the idiots pulling the strings of Government. Our puppet masters are a bunch of doddering old mean and women (let's not forget the Nancy Pelosis of the Congress) and should be thrown out. They will likely go kicking and screaming, but go they must.

Every one else, get off your rear ends and get busy.

Saturday, January 14, 2017

America - The Donald Chronicles, Part 4

The inauguration is almost here. Woo Hoo. The long National nightmare of the 2016 campaign is over, except that it's not. The Democrats seemed to have missed the memo. Trump won.

Still, day after day, they go after him. Okay, he gets pissed off by that and I can understand that, but his solution should be to ignore them. Instead, using his increasingly annoying Twitter account, he responds. Just today, he issued a rant again attacking Hillary. Does she deserve it? Of course, but doesn't he have bigger fish to fry?

His response to all of their lame attempts to discredit and delegitimize his Presidency, should be simple dismissal. Just say that you have no time for these silly distractions and move on.

Speaking of distractions, we still have the whole Russia affair lingering. I have no idea what the truth of the matter is and neither does almost anyone else. A very few in Trump's family and business and another very few in Putin's inner circle may know, although really, it is possible that only the 2 main players, Trump and Putin, know the whole story.

Americans need to grow up. All countries that have enough wealth to have the means spy and manipulate. All of them make every effort they can to influence each others Governments. And, every one has skeletons in the closet and people trailing them who will threaten to open those closet doors. This is the way things have been as long as we have had governments. It's not a good idea. In fact, it is a wretched way to do things, but it is what it is and things are not likely to change soon.

Anyone who expects Trump and his Administration to solve all of America's problems should immediately be lobotomized. They are seriously deranged and such a view is dangerous. The American people should not trust them as far as we can toss Donald himself, and he is a pretty big guy. But, it is possible that they can and will change enough to get the Country moving again.

Then, it is up to us.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

America and the New Cabinet

I have been watching, off and on, the Hearings on the proposed new Cabinet members, specifically Tillerson and Sessions. So far, I am impressed.

Both gentlemen have been calm, thoughtful and reasonable. They have refused to be baited, either by questioners or the various protesters. Their answers have been general and that is how it should be. You cannot answer in details when no details are available and, since no one has a working crystal ball, it would be silly to answer speculative questions.

That word silly is the key. These men, and from what I have seen, heard and read, all the men and women Trump has appointed, are not silly people. These are adults, called on to do an adult job. There jobs will be difficult and all of these people have a history of being effective, hard working problem solvers.

We are leaving an era when we have had people playing at governing, pandering to the whims of popular sentiment and always trying to be everybody's best buddy. Gone is this foul era when we bowed to the wishes of every minority in this Country and tried to conduct a foreign policy off appeasement and apology.

Whatever has been the past, this is now. We must look at the condition of the World, and this Country, not in terms of what mistakes were made, not in terms of what legacy will be left behind, but in very simple terms. What is the problem, as it stands now, and how do we fix it? Then, fix it.

The men and women that Trump has proposed for these offices, coming from the Congress, from State governments, from science, from the Military, and from very successful businesses are problem solvers. That is what they do, and it will well serve the nation to get out of their way and let them get to work

Monday, January 9, 2017

A Request

I'm taking time out today, from my usual ranting and babbling, to ask for a bit of help. No, this is not a request for money, but I have a situation.

I live in Brunswick, Ga, with my long time friend, Deb. We wish to move to N. Georgia, near, but not in Atlanta. This is just not a good place for us to live.

However, in this town, there are no train stations, no Greyhound stations, the only airport is for small private planes, and we have no car. Neither of us, due to vision issues, can curretntly drive.

We would like suggestions on how we might get to N. Georgia. We do not have a lot of belongings and we would be more than happy to pay for transport.

If you have any suggestions, please contact me. If anyone knows the feasibility of using Uber for long trips, your comments would be welcome. If you, or someone reliable who you know, wish to make a little money for about a 7 hour drive , please contact me. Contact me at wrightjohn996@yahoo.com.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

America - The Cold War is Back

Maybe I missed something. I was pretty sure that, in the 80s, after all of that Reagan-Gorbachev thing, the fall of the Berlin Wall, the Clinton-Yeltsin friendship and all that, we declared the Cold War over. I would swear that I heard all that somewhere.

Guess not, because, as I write this, our new Congress, which I would think has better things to do, is wasting a whole lot of time, holding hearings about the Russian hacking of... well, I'm not sure what.

Our President and a few others, say that those pesky Russian dudes interfered with our elections to stop Hillary Clinton. If so, they wasted a lot of time and money. Clinton was such a bad candidate that a rabid, alcoholic were wolf could have beaten her.

Still, what did they hack? The Clinton emails? Seemingly not, since no one is claiming that. The DNC emails. Well, John Podesta used the word 'password' as his password, so I would think that you could not really call that hacking. Also, who hacked the DNC accounts does not matter as much as the reprehensible contents of those emails.

No one in their right mind is claiming that Russia hacked the actual voting machines. Now, that would be an inexcusable attack, but, again, that is not being claimed.  It is interesting to note that where recounts have been done, Trump's margin of victory increased.

So, basically, we are expected to believe that Russia and that dastardly Putin did something, somewhere that wasn't very nice to the Democratic Party and now our soon to depart leader, Obama, and his whiny collection of sniveling celebrities and quasi-socialist political flunkies are hysterical because they will no longer get their way. Traditional Americans, the folks who built this Country into the most extraordinary civilization the World has ever seen, have stood up and ordered these little brats back to their rooms so the adults can clean up the mess that has been made ( credit Greg Gutfeld of Fox News' the Five for that analogy).

Did Russia poke around in our business and access some poorly protected emails? I'm sure they did, just as I am sure that we do the same. If governments are not doing this to protect their people, they are grossly incompetent and should be ousted.

Everybody just chill our. Nothing of importance was changed by Russia nosing around. The bizarrely left wing Democrats lost. Trump won. And, thank God, if we ever stop all of this nonsensical whining and childish bickering, we can get on with returning this Nation to its once prosperous status.

Monday, January 2, 2017

America - The Donald Chronicles, Part 3

The Russians and Putin have become the almost dominant topic these days. Obama has issued sanctions because, he claims, they interfered in our elections. Trump announced that he has intelligence, that he will soon announce, that they did not. Okay, let's start with Trump.

How can he have such intelligence when he does not attend intelligence briefings? If he does, he needs to be careful because, until he takes office, he cannot go spouting what he learns in those briefings. If he does not have such information, if he is, once again. let me kind here, stretching the truth, he will get caught, and he has enough problems with credibility already.

Also, Trump needs to get away from the whole topic of Russia as soon as he can. It is widely known that after he bankrupted his third company, he could not get a loan in the USA, so he went to Russia to get one. Nothing illegal about that in the least, but, given that he is soon to be President, he might want to distance himself from that fact just a wee bit.

Obama made his announcement without spelling out how we know what the Russians did, If he is talking about it, it cannot be top security, so why not just tell us how he knows and exactly what he knows.

Someone, some where, knows the truth about this and I would hope that the American people have had about enough of this nonsense. Someone tell us what the hell happened.

I still have hope for Trump's Presidency because I like the people he is surrounding himself with, I think. They need to do one essential thing and I do not know if they can do this or if it will be effective. They need to remind Trump that the President does not run the Nation. Several of them have thought that they did, and it did not end well. Just remember Richard Nixon.

The President is, at best, a spokesman. He is not the  Supreme Leader. The Donald needs to get a grip on this or he may set a record for the shortest Presidency ever. There are many Democrats and not a few Republicans who will attempt to impeach him if he sneezes at the wrong time.