I normally use this blog to rant and rave about the serious issues plaguing America. Lord knows, there are plenty/ The economy is downright weird, a mix of record high stocks and tremendous underemployment. The education system is a mess, with kids graduating yet unable to find their own state on a map, read at anymore than a sixth grade level, or write a coherent sentence.
We have troops all over the World, fighting wars that seem like they are now permanent. We have been in Afghanistan longer than we were in Vietnam. Iraq is a disaster and, Syria is being reduced to rubble. The tensions between the US and Russia are at the highest level since the Cold War ended and that fat little lunatic in North Korea is merrily testing nukes and missiles.
The Presidential campaign is stumbling toward an end. It is clear that most Americans, no matter who they plan on voting, for are disgusted with both candidates. Trump is promising to cut taxes while spending incredible amounts to stimulate jobs. That is completely impossible. Hillary is promising free college to everyone, an equally ridiculous proposal. All either will do is run up the debt, which will lead to the Fed running more money, which will just send inflation through the roof.
The answer? Take the weekend off and relax. All of these problems will be there on Monday morning. Put your worries aside for the weekend. The Ryder Cup is being played, baseball is winding down its season and there is plenty of college and pro football to watch. If there is nice weather where you live, get out and do something. Remember, winter is coming, so enjoy the last of the warm skies.
Read a book, watch a movie, take a nap, go out with friends and family. Do something you enjoy. Have some fun. The troubles will still be there on Monday morning, so get some rest and have spme fun.
I have Stories to Tell and Books on Amazon
Please, in the left column, click on Books on Amazon and check out the books I have written. I am sure you will enjoy them.
Friday, September 30, 2016
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
America and the Great Debate - Part Two
Well, the big event, the Great Debate is over and, not surprisingly, it accomplished nothing. Neither participant was engaging. Donald looked pompous and angry and Hillary looked pompous and angry. Neither one got into any sort of detail and nothing was learned. Lester Holt was a bit of a dud as moderator and the whole thing was a big yawn.
I really had intended to writ a whole lot about what was billed as a mega-event, but why bother? Those for Trump still will vote for him and Hillary still has her die-hard supporters. When can we get passed these debates about who can be more presidential and actually get to some substance.
We have some big problems in this Country and I am getting a bit annoyed that this whole silly election has degenerated into a personality contest between two very unappealing personalities.
Oh well, this nonsense will be over soon.
I really had intended to writ a whole lot about what was billed as a mega-event, but why bother? Those for Trump still will vote for him and Hillary still has her die-hard supporters. When can we get passed these debates about who can be more presidential and actually get to some substance.
We have some big problems in this Country and I am getting a bit annoyed that this whole silly election has degenerated into a personality contest between two very unappealing personalities.
Oh well, this nonsense will be over soon.
Monday, September 26, 2016
America and The Big Debate
Tonight we have the big debate. Clinton vs Trump; best two out of three falls in a steel cage. No, wait. That's pro wrestling. Well, honestly, what's the difference? This is a spectacle. Nothing more.
For 90 minutes, these two will be at each others' throats. Debates, by definition, are reasoned, respectful arguments about important matters. When done properly, they are serious, sober and usually dull as dishwater. We will not be seeing a debate this evening.
What we will see tonight is a blood sport. The moderator might as well throw chunks of raw meat at the two and let them scramble for the treats. The American people, no matter what they say, are turning in to see a fight, a spectacle with all the gravitas of a big time prize fight.
The media is worse. If these two came out and had a proper debate, they would be appalled. They know that if there are no fireworks in the first ten minutes, the public will be frantically reaching for the remotes and switching to Monday Night Football.
This whole thing is a farce. No wait, a farce is a high comedy. This will be about as sophisticated as the Three Stooges. The only question is how low will they go?
For 90 minutes, these two will be at each others' throats. Debates, by definition, are reasoned, respectful arguments about important matters. When done properly, they are serious, sober and usually dull as dishwater. We will not be seeing a debate this evening.
What we will see tonight is a blood sport. The moderator might as well throw chunks of raw meat at the two and let them scramble for the treats. The American people, no matter what they say, are turning in to see a fight, a spectacle with all the gravitas of a big time prize fight.
The media is worse. If these two came out and had a proper debate, they would be appalled. They know that if there are no fireworks in the first ten minutes, the public will be frantically reaching for the remotes and switching to Monday Night Football.
This whole thing is a farce. No wait, a farce is a high comedy. This will be about as sophisticated as the Three Stooges. The only question is how low will they go?
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
American Insanity
Hi there, friends and neighbors, and let me welcome you to the show that never ends, America in this weird year of madness. I have been around a long time and been through a lot of extreme weirdness, but nothing like this.
We recently had a guy in NY and NJ who seemed determined to show his anger at America by blowing up dumpsters. The man's own father had told the FBI that his son was a radicalized lunatic and they had decided that he wasn't. Turns out Papa was right which makes me ask, 'Why are we paying all those over trained and highly paid profilers?' The shootout scenario that led to his capture makes no sense, but we have seen that before. To this day, no one has explained the equally bizarre San Bernardino shootout, but, I guess we are supposed to just sit back and believe everything we're told, so. okay, let's move on.
We have a guy shot in Tulsa and are told that he had his hands up. If that were so, this would be a heinous police shooting. However, video shows that while he did have his hands up, he kept walking toward his car and started to reach into that car for something. By the time I was 10, I would have known better. But, still we have protests of racist police brutality. Let everyone investigate and find out just what happened before spouting off, like Hillary did.
Then we have a cop shooting someone in North Carolina and citizens are doing the usual thing, They are protesting something that they know no details about by throwing rocks at cops, setting fires in the street and looting Walmart. I am fairly sure the Walmart manager did not shoot the guy, so why loot Walmart. Again, let investigations proceed. I know that police sometimes act badly, but get the facts before you act like idiots.
In politics, The GOP elephant, as represented by The Donald, is trumpeting and the Democratic donkey, that would be Hillary, is braying and I am beginning to wax Shakespearean when thinking a pox on both their houses. It is really a question of who is less disgusting. I will vote Trump for 2 reasons. 1. I loathe the Clintons and 2. Trump seems to be surrounding himself with some bright, sane people and I am sure that they, not he, will really be running things. However, we must get through the debates. Debates should be reasonable, rational discourses by competent people representing opposing sides of an argument. A Fox News commentator slipped yesterday and said. 'this ought to be quite a spectacle.' That's all this will be a show, where everyone sits around and hopes the 2 start screaming insults at each other. The debate is on TV opposite Monday Night Football and may well be a better show. It might even get better ratings. But it will not advance our political dialogue or help voters reach a better informed decision, which is supposedly its purpose. Maybe we are about to admit that we, as a Nation, just want a good show.
Ah well, I have to go and I leave you with the words of PT Barnum. "No one has ever gone broke by underestimating the intelligence of the American public." I'll even throw in these words from Bob Dylan's song, Idiot Wind. "We're all idiots. It's a wonder we can even feed ourselves." Bye for now. Have fun watching Trump and Clinton hurl abuse at each other.
We recently had a guy in NY and NJ who seemed determined to show his anger at America by blowing up dumpsters. The man's own father had told the FBI that his son was a radicalized lunatic and they had decided that he wasn't. Turns out Papa was right which makes me ask, 'Why are we paying all those over trained and highly paid profilers?' The shootout scenario that led to his capture makes no sense, but we have seen that before. To this day, no one has explained the equally bizarre San Bernardino shootout, but, I guess we are supposed to just sit back and believe everything we're told, so. okay, let's move on.
We have a guy shot in Tulsa and are told that he had his hands up. If that were so, this would be a heinous police shooting. However, video shows that while he did have his hands up, he kept walking toward his car and started to reach into that car for something. By the time I was 10, I would have known better. But, still we have protests of racist police brutality. Let everyone investigate and find out just what happened before spouting off, like Hillary did.
Then we have a cop shooting someone in North Carolina and citizens are doing the usual thing, They are protesting something that they know no details about by throwing rocks at cops, setting fires in the street and looting Walmart. I am fairly sure the Walmart manager did not shoot the guy, so why loot Walmart. Again, let investigations proceed. I know that police sometimes act badly, but get the facts before you act like idiots.
In politics, The GOP elephant, as represented by The Donald, is trumpeting and the Democratic donkey, that would be Hillary, is braying and I am beginning to wax Shakespearean when thinking a pox on both their houses. It is really a question of who is less disgusting. I will vote Trump for 2 reasons. 1. I loathe the Clintons and 2. Trump seems to be surrounding himself with some bright, sane people and I am sure that they, not he, will really be running things. However, we must get through the debates. Debates should be reasonable, rational discourses by competent people representing opposing sides of an argument. A Fox News commentator slipped yesterday and said. 'this ought to be quite a spectacle.' That's all this will be a show, where everyone sits around and hopes the 2 start screaming insults at each other. The debate is on TV opposite Monday Night Football and may well be a better show. It might even get better ratings. But it will not advance our political dialogue or help voters reach a better informed decision, which is supposedly its purpose. Maybe we are about to admit that we, as a Nation, just want a good show.
Ah well, I have to go and I leave you with the words of PT Barnum. "No one has ever gone broke by underestimating the intelligence of the American public." I'll even throw in these words from Bob Dylan's song, Idiot Wind. "We're all idiots. It's a wonder we can even feed ourselves." Bye for now. Have fun watching Trump and Clinton hurl abuse at each other.
Monday, September 19, 2016
America and the Latest Bombing - Enough is Enough
Well, it's happened again. Another terror attack in the USA. Blessedly, no one has been killed but, come on, enough already.
First, let's get politics out of the way. Ms. Clinton came on, after the first explosion and cautioned that we had to wait for confirmation that it was a bomb. Now, I have not heard and seen everything, but I don't think that I am the only one who has never heard of a dumpster flying through the air, spewing shrapnel, without the aid of a bomb. In addition, her demeanor was deplorable. She looked bored to tears and annoyed that she was being disturbed. She is not fit to be President.
Second, the events that have just unfolded leading to the capture of the suspect. We are told that he left finger prints, DNA and a traceable cell phone. Since he was not a suicide bomber, he must have been exceptionally incompetent, or, something funny is going on. Also, he was seen sleeping in the doorway of a bar, began shooting, then got in a car and drove off, only to stop a short while later and start another shootout. If he had a car, why was he sleeping in a doorway? Did someone pick hum up? Something very funny is happening and we likely will never get a straight answer.
It seems that authorities had knowledge of this man and had watched him a bit. That is what we heard about the Orlando shooter and the San Bernardino shooter. Again, something is wrong.
Do we not have enough cops to watch people? Do we need money to hire more? If so, then why the hell don't we stop spending countless billions to make Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria safe? Why are we defending S. Korea? They are a prosperous nation, let them defend themselves. And, why are we keeping NATO forces? Do we really think Putin is going to invade Germany? Hell, he hasn't even invaded the Ukraine and seems rather timid about doing so. If we cannot make our own Nation at least relatively safe, why do we think we can safeguard Nations that don't even like us?
Or, is all of this just a game? A very deadly shadow play of smoke and mirrors designed to keep us all off balance and on edge, and, thus in line. Will all of this be a pretense for gun control and a tightening, if not outright censorship, severe censorship. of the internet? Or, are our current batch of leaders just a band of totally inept buffoons, a confederacy of nincompoops who cannot do a damn thing, unless you dangle a bundle of cash in front of them. Enough is enough.
My advice? Sit tight, hold what you have, roll with whatever punches get thrown at you and be ready for anything. For now, vaya con Dios, mi amigos.
First, let's get politics out of the way. Ms. Clinton came on, after the first explosion and cautioned that we had to wait for confirmation that it was a bomb. Now, I have not heard and seen everything, but I don't think that I am the only one who has never heard of a dumpster flying through the air, spewing shrapnel, without the aid of a bomb. In addition, her demeanor was deplorable. She looked bored to tears and annoyed that she was being disturbed. She is not fit to be President.
Second, the events that have just unfolded leading to the capture of the suspect. We are told that he left finger prints, DNA and a traceable cell phone. Since he was not a suicide bomber, he must have been exceptionally incompetent, or, something funny is going on. Also, he was seen sleeping in the doorway of a bar, began shooting, then got in a car and drove off, only to stop a short while later and start another shootout. If he had a car, why was he sleeping in a doorway? Did someone pick hum up? Something very funny is happening and we likely will never get a straight answer.
It seems that authorities had knowledge of this man and had watched him a bit. That is what we heard about the Orlando shooter and the San Bernardino shooter. Again, something is wrong.
Do we not have enough cops to watch people? Do we need money to hire more? If so, then why the hell don't we stop spending countless billions to make Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria safe? Why are we defending S. Korea? They are a prosperous nation, let them defend themselves. And, why are we keeping NATO forces? Do we really think Putin is going to invade Germany? Hell, he hasn't even invaded the Ukraine and seems rather timid about doing so. If we cannot make our own Nation at least relatively safe, why do we think we can safeguard Nations that don't even like us?
Or, is all of this just a game? A very deadly shadow play of smoke and mirrors designed to keep us all off balance and on edge, and, thus in line. Will all of this be a pretense for gun control and a tightening, if not outright censorship, severe censorship. of the internet? Or, are our current batch of leaders just a band of totally inept buffoons, a confederacy of nincompoops who cannot do a damn thing, unless you dangle a bundle of cash in front of them. Enough is enough.
My advice? Sit tight, hold what you have, roll with whatever punches get thrown at you and be ready for anything. For now, vaya con Dios, mi amigos.
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
America and the Rise of the Deplorables
By now, I am sure you have heard Ms. Clinton refer to Trump supporters as a 'basket of deplorables.' This is one of the most idiotic statements I have ever heard come out of the mouth of a politician and I have heard a whole lot of idiotic politicians. It was not only an amazingly stupid political move, it was deeply insulting and shows how she and her ilk (I like that word) really feel about average working Americans. She, and the elitist slime she shills for, think of the rest of us as backward, ignorant redneck slobs, illiterate, bigoted and dangerous. Well, I am not backward by any means. I come from a family that could be called redneck and I wear the tag proudly. I am not only not illiterate, I am far more widely read than her or her cronies ever will hope to be. I am not a bigot, although I have had to work hard to overcome the prejudices I learned in the culture I grew up in and, in that regard, I am like every other human that walks this Earth, including Hillary, Willie, Barak, and all the other pseudo-intellectual asses in their circle of supporters and sycophants.
As far as dangerous? Well, I am not a violent person simply because I do not fight battles I cannot win, so I am of no physical threat to anyone and anyone who thinks they can fight the government is going to have a hard awakening. There are folks who back the various militia groups, who threaten harsh reactions to the Federal Government's further encroachment on our rights. They will not win a direct confrontation and I urge everyone to use their heads. Those of us who use our heads are the most dangerous opposition that passel of fascists will ever face.
Do not break laws, at least not in any way that will get you caught. Work around the government as much as possible. Develop your communities and watch out for each other. Cooperate and do as much as you can within those local groups. Do not withdraw from the world, just be careful in your interactions with it. Learn as much as you can. That will become a chore.
Why? Simple. If those power grasping, money grubbing, idiots do win, they will, more and more, restrict education. The common folks that they loathe will be taught in schools only enough to function at whatever little job they are assigned. All other knowledge will be restricted, including, maybe even especially, what you can find on the internet. Knowledge is power and they want all of that to themselves.
I am telling you that soon, books will be restricted. Libraries, if allowed to exist will be stocked with James Patterson novels and inane self help, New Age psychobabble. You will not be allowed access to real learning. The solution? If I were younger, and especially if I had kids coming up, I would buy and/or download as much decent literature and as many history and science texts as possible and, after packing them in water-proof containers, hide them away. In the future, they may be as rare as gold. Read Ray Bradbury's fantastic Fahrenheit 451 for a vision of a possible, perhaps likely, future.
The future, if Hillary is elected, will be nightmarish. In truth, it isn't her that I find frightening. Well, yes it is but, she is not nearly as scary as those backing her. But, as much as I do not trust or like Donald Trump, I implore everyone to vote for him, just to at least slow down the fascist, totalitarian train that's speeding our way. If he turns out to be a disaster that is better than the certainty that she would bring and, maybe in 4 years, a real candidate will come along. If she is elected, don't sweat the next election. It will be meaningless.
If I had the means, I would start printing T-shirts today. I would be proud to wear a shirt that reads "I Am Deplorable."
As far as dangerous? Well, I am not a violent person simply because I do not fight battles I cannot win, so I am of no physical threat to anyone and anyone who thinks they can fight the government is going to have a hard awakening. There are folks who back the various militia groups, who threaten harsh reactions to the Federal Government's further encroachment on our rights. They will not win a direct confrontation and I urge everyone to use their heads. Those of us who use our heads are the most dangerous opposition that passel of fascists will ever face.
Do not break laws, at least not in any way that will get you caught. Work around the government as much as possible. Develop your communities and watch out for each other. Cooperate and do as much as you can within those local groups. Do not withdraw from the world, just be careful in your interactions with it. Learn as much as you can. That will become a chore.
Why? Simple. If those power grasping, money grubbing, idiots do win, they will, more and more, restrict education. The common folks that they loathe will be taught in schools only enough to function at whatever little job they are assigned. All other knowledge will be restricted, including, maybe even especially, what you can find on the internet. Knowledge is power and they want all of that to themselves.
I am telling you that soon, books will be restricted. Libraries, if allowed to exist will be stocked with James Patterson novels and inane self help, New Age psychobabble. You will not be allowed access to real learning. The solution? If I were younger, and especially if I had kids coming up, I would buy and/or download as much decent literature and as many history and science texts as possible and, after packing them in water-proof containers, hide them away. In the future, they may be as rare as gold. Read Ray Bradbury's fantastic Fahrenheit 451 for a vision of a possible, perhaps likely, future.
The future, if Hillary is elected, will be nightmarish. In truth, it isn't her that I find frightening. Well, yes it is but, she is not nearly as scary as those backing her. But, as much as I do not trust or like Donald Trump, I implore everyone to vote for him, just to at least slow down the fascist, totalitarian train that's speeding our way. If he turns out to be a disaster that is better than the certainty that she would bring and, maybe in 4 years, a real candidate will come along. If she is elected, don't sweat the next election. It will be meaningless.
If I had the means, I would start printing T-shirts today. I would be proud to wear a shirt that reads "I Am Deplorable."
Saturday, September 10, 2016
America and the Election, Backsliding into Politics Again.
I swore off politics a while back. I swore that I had written my last about this completely bizarre fiasco of an election, but, sometimes, something so out of line is said, that I cannot hold it in.
This morning, while waiting to see if there was any real news, I caught a minute of Hillary's latest speech, and I was appalled. That is saying something because I am not easily shocked by the statements of politicians. She called those planning on voting for Trump 'a basket of deplorables. ' She then specified, calling them, xenophobic, Islamaphobic, and homophobic. Now with Trump currently polling at about 47%, she has just insulted almost half of America's voters, not something a Presidential candidate usually doesn't want to do.
This is akin to 2 elections ago, when Barak said that many voters were just clinging to their guns and their Bibles. Only Hillary has gone way, way past that. She has just painted half of America's voters as ignorant bigots. So much for her talk of wanting to unite the Country.
Do Americans have prejudices? Sure, everyone does. I am sure that the Clintons have a few themselves, since no one has ever accused either of them of being saintly. Even the few saintly who have walked the Earth have had some prejudices. Jesus referred to Samaritans as dogs and the Buddha did not want women in the monastic order. (Jesus ultimately praised the Samaritan woman for her faith and the Buddha relented and admitted women and praised them for their devotion to his teachings and for their discipline and compassion)
Most Americans I have known have worked on ridding themselves of these flaws, and while few have been totally successful, most have come a long way. I remember, growing up in the South, when there were still 'colored' and 'white' drinking fountains, where there were still 'no Jews allowed' signs and gay people were called many foul names and had to remain hidden deep in closets out of fear, not only of job loss but of physical abuse. A sane person, running for President would go out of their way to congratulate the Nation for making so much progress in just 60 years/
Instead, she drives another wedge, insulting many and indicating. almost explicitly that, if elected, she will be looking down upon half the population while catering to those who are wise enough, enlightened enough, to follow her. Mark my words, all the people she just so thoroughly insulted will be shoved aside, when she gains power. If she gains power.
That is becoming a bit more iffy. I cannot, try as I might, understand how she is getting away with her countless misdeeds. She should have been indicted, tried and locked away by now, but there she is, still in the race. I could say several insulting things about her supporters but I refuse to lower myself to her level, yet. There does come a time when you just have to get in the mud if you want to catch a pig, but not quite yet. There is still time to stay on the high road. I just find it difficult to accept that we are possibly going to elect someone who, over the years has skated on every charge brought against her and her sleazy husband, the less than honorable former President Willie Clinton.
Still, I should not be surprised. P.T. Barnum said that a man would never go broke by underestimating the intelligence of the American people and right now, I can certainly say that he is right, at least when it comes to the half about to elect her.
As far as The Donald goes, well, I still do not trust the man, not as far as I can throw him, and. with my bad back, that's not too far. However, recently, he has managed to keep his feet out of his mouth and sound calm, rational ,surprisingly compassionate, and even a little Presidential. Folks, he is the only game in town, and he still has a chance, so vote for him. If you simply cannot bring yourself to vote for him, I full understand but, in that case, please do this. Just don't vote for President and. for the rest of the ballot. vote Republican, at least a Republican Congress when coupled with Republican State officials might balance the evil lunacy she will put this Nation through.
This morning, while waiting to see if there was any real news, I caught a minute of Hillary's latest speech, and I was appalled. That is saying something because I am not easily shocked by the statements of politicians. She called those planning on voting for Trump 'a basket of deplorables. ' She then specified, calling them, xenophobic, Islamaphobic, and homophobic. Now with Trump currently polling at about 47%, she has just insulted almost half of America's voters, not something a Presidential candidate usually doesn't want to do.
This is akin to 2 elections ago, when Barak said that many voters were just clinging to their guns and their Bibles. Only Hillary has gone way, way past that. She has just painted half of America's voters as ignorant bigots. So much for her talk of wanting to unite the Country.
Do Americans have prejudices? Sure, everyone does. I am sure that the Clintons have a few themselves, since no one has ever accused either of them of being saintly. Even the few saintly who have walked the Earth have had some prejudices. Jesus referred to Samaritans as dogs and the Buddha did not want women in the monastic order. (Jesus ultimately praised the Samaritan woman for her faith and the Buddha relented and admitted women and praised them for their devotion to his teachings and for their discipline and compassion)
Most Americans I have known have worked on ridding themselves of these flaws, and while few have been totally successful, most have come a long way. I remember, growing up in the South, when there were still 'colored' and 'white' drinking fountains, where there were still 'no Jews allowed' signs and gay people were called many foul names and had to remain hidden deep in closets out of fear, not only of job loss but of physical abuse. A sane person, running for President would go out of their way to congratulate the Nation for making so much progress in just 60 years/
Instead, she drives another wedge, insulting many and indicating. almost explicitly that, if elected, she will be looking down upon half the population while catering to those who are wise enough, enlightened enough, to follow her. Mark my words, all the people she just so thoroughly insulted will be shoved aside, when she gains power. If she gains power.
That is becoming a bit more iffy. I cannot, try as I might, understand how she is getting away with her countless misdeeds. She should have been indicted, tried and locked away by now, but there she is, still in the race. I could say several insulting things about her supporters but I refuse to lower myself to her level, yet. There does come a time when you just have to get in the mud if you want to catch a pig, but not quite yet. There is still time to stay on the high road. I just find it difficult to accept that we are possibly going to elect someone who, over the years has skated on every charge brought against her and her sleazy husband, the less than honorable former President Willie Clinton.
Still, I should not be surprised. P.T. Barnum said that a man would never go broke by underestimating the intelligence of the American people and right now, I can certainly say that he is right, at least when it comes to the half about to elect her.
As far as The Donald goes, well, I still do not trust the man, not as far as I can throw him, and. with my bad back, that's not too far. However, recently, he has managed to keep his feet out of his mouth and sound calm, rational ,surprisingly compassionate, and even a little Presidential. Folks, he is the only game in town, and he still has a chance, so vote for him. If you simply cannot bring yourself to vote for him, I full understand but, in that case, please do this. Just don't vote for President and. for the rest of the ballot. vote Republican, at least a Republican Congress when coupled with Republican State officials might balance the evil lunacy she will put this Nation through.
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
America and the Powers That Be, What's Going to Happen
Let me be clear about something. We have all of these groups milling around, working in similar areas but, I do not consider this any kind of conspiracy. I am fairly sure that there are no meetings where heads of the participating groups sit around and write out scripts that they want to see followed. What happens then? Easy, they know each others interests and ways of operating. When they share common interests, they contact each other and work together. However, these groups have divergent interests and goals. Every one of them seeks to dominate the World and that is the saving grace. Power does not share and, eventually, they will turn on each other.
Another reason their schemes will not work is simple human nature. Throughout history, individuals have dreamed of running the show. They recruit followers and build huge, dominating structures, churches, corporations, military, land holdings, whatever they are most attracted to. Then they spread out, gaining more and more power. Sons, and sometimes daughters (not too often, these folks tend to be patriarchal), take over. Maybe they hold Daddy's dream but, at some point grandkids or great grandkids come along and decide,, 'why bother? Let's just enjoy the old man's money.' Decadence sets in and Kingdoms, Churches, Corporations etc. fall apart. Or maybe they continue, but they lose the drive to dominate. It may take generations and, from time to time, new power seekers try to revive the movement and, they always fail. Example: The Vatican. The Church has fallen and risen repeatedly, each time its is a bit weaker, but there is still some life in it.
So, the actions of those seeking World domination is periodic. Coming out of WW2, they made a big push and such atrocities as Operation Gladio, Project Phoenix, and MKUltra were perpetrated along with the out and out thefts of the various huge banks and the environmental havoc various industries have caused. Things seemed well planned but now, well, the whole thing seems chaotic. It seems that no one is in control. That make sense. The old guys who made the plans have died and evidently, they took some of the secrets of those plans to their graves. This is creating an overly bizarre situation but, that has to be. Eventually, we will sort the whole mess out and things will run well, for awhile. Then, someone will get big ideas again, and start the whole mess once more. That's just human nature. We need to enjoy the good times because they won't last but, we will have good spells.
One more thing. As the sons and grandsons of the PTB grow more decadent, they will move more and more in the real world. The founders of these powerful groups pushed elitism and kept Junior in exclusive schools and made them join exclusive clubs. As that fades and the kids see more and more of the common folk, guess what? They often find us likable and even a spoiled brat from a family of power hungry monsters has trouble hurting those he likes.
In short, yes the PTB are real but, there is no Grand Conspiracy, just a lot of madmen jockeying for power. They work together at times. They stab each other in the back at times. And, ultimately, they will fail, then some other idiots will try the same thing. Maybe, someday, the Human Race will grow out of this, but not yet. My advice? Keep an eye on them, be ready to duck when they get too overbearing, try to find ways around them. Fighting should always be the absolute last option pursued because they are powerful and there is no point in fighting battles you are not likely to win. Hang in, enjoy your life as much as you can and realize, ultimately, the PTB will not win.
Another reason their schemes will not work is simple human nature. Throughout history, individuals have dreamed of running the show. They recruit followers and build huge, dominating structures, churches, corporations, military, land holdings, whatever they are most attracted to. Then they spread out, gaining more and more power. Sons, and sometimes daughters (not too often, these folks tend to be patriarchal), take over. Maybe they hold Daddy's dream but, at some point grandkids or great grandkids come along and decide,, 'why bother? Let's just enjoy the old man's money.' Decadence sets in and Kingdoms, Churches, Corporations etc. fall apart. Or maybe they continue, but they lose the drive to dominate. It may take generations and, from time to time, new power seekers try to revive the movement and, they always fail. Example: The Vatican. The Church has fallen and risen repeatedly, each time its is a bit weaker, but there is still some life in it.
So, the actions of those seeking World domination is periodic. Coming out of WW2, they made a big push and such atrocities as Operation Gladio, Project Phoenix, and MKUltra were perpetrated along with the out and out thefts of the various huge banks and the environmental havoc various industries have caused. Things seemed well planned but now, well, the whole thing seems chaotic. It seems that no one is in control. That make sense. The old guys who made the plans have died and evidently, they took some of the secrets of those plans to their graves. This is creating an overly bizarre situation but, that has to be. Eventually, we will sort the whole mess out and things will run well, for awhile. Then, someone will get big ideas again, and start the whole mess once more. That's just human nature. We need to enjoy the good times because they won't last but, we will have good spells.
One more thing. As the sons and grandsons of the PTB grow more decadent, they will move more and more in the real world. The founders of these powerful groups pushed elitism and kept Junior in exclusive schools and made them join exclusive clubs. As that fades and the kids see more and more of the common folk, guess what? They often find us likable and even a spoiled brat from a family of power hungry monsters has trouble hurting those he likes.
In short, yes the PTB are real but, there is no Grand Conspiracy, just a lot of madmen jockeying for power. They work together at times. They stab each other in the back at times. And, ultimately, they will fail, then some other idiots will try the same thing. Maybe, someday, the Human Race will grow out of this, but not yet. My advice? Keep an eye on them, be ready to duck when they get too overbearing, try to find ways around them. Fighting should always be the absolute last option pursued because they are powerful and there is no point in fighting battles you are not likely to win. Hang in, enjoy your life as much as you can and realize, ultimately, the PTB will not win.
Saturday, September 3, 2016
America and the Powers That Be, Our Version
How America and the PTB link is truly weird. A sociologist, Caroll Quigley, a mentor of Bill Clinton, wrote that America divides into the Yankees and the Cowboys. This is way too simple, but useful. The Yankees are what was once known as the Eastern Establishment, folks like the Rockefellers, John and Allen Douglas, Henry Kissinger, and a host of others. These folks have a deep fondness for, and deep links to Europe, especially England and the Vatican. Many were members of the Sovereign Knights of Malta, especially those with intelligence ties. They tend to be a bit on the liberal side and some are out and out Fabian Socialists.
Some also tie to non-British royalty. The Shikshinny Knights have some sort of strange tie to the Russian immigrant community, the White Russians, deposed royalty. They also have been, at times, big in the intelligence community.
Many of these folks are tied to the Ivy League Schools and a good many are members of the silly, yet overly powerful Skull and Bones society and many, are, yes Freemasons (although how that ties in, other than as a social club is a shadowy area I'm not even going to attempt to cover; you could waste a lifetime on that and never touch bottom). These folks are rich, powerful, and ruthless. They have surprisingly deep ties to Organized Crime, using them to do their dirty work (remember, the CIA has long partnered with the Mafia on shared interests).
The Yankees, however they first got rich, are basically financiers, bankers, money manipulators. They are 'Old Money.'
The cowboys are 'New Money,' having made their wealth from oil, mining, cattle, and land development, and defense industries. They are definitely, in no way shape or form, socialist or liberal. The Yankees want One World Government, with them at the top along with European and Asian rich folks, and to some degree the Church. The Cowboys want One World ruled by the USA, with themselves as leaders. The Yankees rather like small wars that keep things upset, thinking that this allows them to slowly gain control. The Cowboys would love to see WW3, with them winding up on top.
The Protestant members of the PTB have some religious ties. Consider a group which calls itself 'The Family.' They are a pseudo-Christian group, who readily admit that they will do most anything to bring about what they call a Christian world. What they believe is decidedly un-Christian. They believe that they are rich because God ordained that and that, as such, they are meant to rule the World. They loathe Democracy and are the deeply fascist (so are the Yankees, although they are a bit more subtle). Ms. Clinton is a frequenter of their meetings, so remember that when you vote. Also, next time you see news about the National Prayer Breakfast, remember that it is brought to you courtesy of The Family. How can Clinton tie to this group and be a Progressive (Fabian Socialist)? Remember, fascism is a kind of socialism.
What of the mega Corporations. They tie to everyone, at least for now, They have not quite reached the point where they can make a big power play and try to shut the others out. Almost, but not quite.
All of these folks, on all sides do have something in common. They can always use money, preferably money that cannot be traced and as such, they have no compunctions about working with very big time drug dealers and arms traders. And, another thing they have in common is an unnatural, pathological urge to control.
Confused? Good for you. If you understood all of this, I would be concerned for your sanity. These people and organizations are deeply, deeply disturbed. Why? Who knows? Sometimes, something just goes wrong with human beings and, unfortunately, it does not make them any less clever. Actually, it seems to help them in their pursuit of riches and power.
As I said, the Yankee/Cowboy division is woefully simple minded and my post has not been an attempt to put all of the ducks in a row. These groups may, ultimately, despise each other, but, when their interest overlap, they can and do cooperate, very effectively. Sort of. There in lies our great hope. And, there is another ray of hope. People are people and a man's offspring may not give a damn about all of his grand plans. That is the subject of my next post, the last in this series.
Some also tie to non-British royalty. The Shikshinny Knights have some sort of strange tie to the Russian immigrant community, the White Russians, deposed royalty. They also have been, at times, big in the intelligence community.
Many of these folks are tied to the Ivy League Schools and a good many are members of the silly, yet overly powerful Skull and Bones society and many, are, yes Freemasons (although how that ties in, other than as a social club is a shadowy area I'm not even going to attempt to cover; you could waste a lifetime on that and never touch bottom). These folks are rich, powerful, and ruthless. They have surprisingly deep ties to Organized Crime, using them to do their dirty work (remember, the CIA has long partnered with the Mafia on shared interests).
The Yankees, however they first got rich, are basically financiers, bankers, money manipulators. They are 'Old Money.'
The cowboys are 'New Money,' having made their wealth from oil, mining, cattle, and land development, and defense industries. They are definitely, in no way shape or form, socialist or liberal. The Yankees want One World Government, with them at the top along with European and Asian rich folks, and to some degree the Church. The Cowboys want One World ruled by the USA, with themselves as leaders. The Yankees rather like small wars that keep things upset, thinking that this allows them to slowly gain control. The Cowboys would love to see WW3, with them winding up on top.
The Protestant members of the PTB have some religious ties. Consider a group which calls itself 'The Family.' They are a pseudo-Christian group, who readily admit that they will do most anything to bring about what they call a Christian world. What they believe is decidedly un-Christian. They believe that they are rich because God ordained that and that, as such, they are meant to rule the World. They loathe Democracy and are the deeply fascist (so are the Yankees, although they are a bit more subtle). Ms. Clinton is a frequenter of their meetings, so remember that when you vote. Also, next time you see news about the National Prayer Breakfast, remember that it is brought to you courtesy of The Family. How can Clinton tie to this group and be a Progressive (Fabian Socialist)? Remember, fascism is a kind of socialism.
What of the mega Corporations. They tie to everyone, at least for now, They have not quite reached the point where they can make a big power play and try to shut the others out. Almost, but not quite.
All of these folks, on all sides do have something in common. They can always use money, preferably money that cannot be traced and as such, they have no compunctions about working with very big time drug dealers and arms traders. And, another thing they have in common is an unnatural, pathological urge to control.
Confused? Good for you. If you understood all of this, I would be concerned for your sanity. These people and organizations are deeply, deeply disturbed. Why? Who knows? Sometimes, something just goes wrong with human beings and, unfortunately, it does not make them any less clever. Actually, it seems to help them in their pursuit of riches and power.
As I said, the Yankee/Cowboy division is woefully simple minded and my post has not been an attempt to put all of the ducks in a row. These groups may, ultimately, despise each other, but, when their interest overlap, they can and do cooperate, very effectively. Sort of. There in lies our great hope. And, there is another ray of hope. People are people and a man's offspring may not give a damn about all of his grand plans. That is the subject of my next post, the last in this series.
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