Ah how wonderful to float through your day, troubled by nothing. Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time. However, like most everything, the reality of tranquilizers never matched the reality.
The first tranquilizer I remember is Librium, a wretched drug that left you feeling sluggish and muddy-headed. Then came Valium. Valium seemed at first a wonder drug. Take one and you could function without caring, at least that was the pitch. Tranquilizers do have some limited medical and psychiatric uses and had folks stuck with those and taken the darn things only when needed, all would have been well. But, people are what they are, and they started practicing preventative medicine. Why wait until you're upset to take the pill? After all, something is bound to upset you each and every day, so why not get ahead of the curve and take 1 every few hours? Make sense, except, things just don't work that way.
Start taking 3 a day, which most doctors okayed and fairly soon, those 3 just aren't doing the job. I knew a few folks who stayed at that level, but not many. In fact, I knew a lot who took 3 at a time. They ran into a few difficulties, but really so did those who took them as directed. It just took the latter longer to see the troubles.
Like about every other drug that hits the market, Valium was said to be non-addictive, and like all of those drugs, it was in fact, horribly addictive. For a long while, this didn't trouble most folks because doctors dispensed them like M&Ms. But, finally, the Federal Government stepped in and prescriptions became harder to get. Those addicted to low doses went through some extreme agitation, tremors, anxiety and heart palpitations when they ran out. Those used to taking large doses had bigger problems. A friend of mine got so upset, he went out wandering around, the cops thought he was acting weird, arrested him, then transferred him to a mental ward. He denied using drugs (this was before drug tests were ubiquitous) and that night, went into convulsions. He died. Later, when family notified the attending physician of the guys Valium, intake, he shook his head and sadly said that had he known that, he could have saved him. The man died of Valium withdrawal.
There were other, less dramatic effects. When the stuff first hits, for a brief while, as your body and mind relax, you feel kind of energized, in a floating sort of way. Heck, you're ready to get busy. That is a bad move because at any time, and that time is very unpredictable, you will feel slow and fuzzy-brained. I have been driving when this happened and had to pull over and let the other person in the car take the wheel. Then, there is the issue of sleep. Valium doesn't really put you to sleep, but it is easy to doze off when under its influence. When you wake up, your brain feels like a soggy, smelly gym sock, unpleasant and annoyingly useless.
All in all, Valium was a disaster. Now, the same folks who gave us that, have settled on Xanax and Ativan as the prescription tranquilizers of choice. Chemically, they are different from Valium but I can tell you from personal experience, they have the same effects and the same problems.
Do yourselves a favor folks. Find another way to deal with stress. Exercise, read, meditate, play with the dog, there are a myriad of activities that reduce stress. Stay away from tranquilizers.
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Tuesday, May 31, 2016
Thursday, May 26, 2016
America and Drugs - Deliriants
Deliriants are an odd and little mentioned class of drugs, yet they are used. Certain plants such as Datura (jimson weed, may apples, devil's weed are some of the common names) are consumed. There are also closely related plants such as Angel's Trumpet, belladonna, and deadly nightshade.
All of these have been used throughout history by shamen, healers and practioners of certain forms of occult magic. They are often mistakenly referred to as hallucinogens, but they definitely are not, The effects are a sort of blend of drunken stupor with visual distortions and periods of an odd kind of sleep with vivid dreams. Most find the effects extremely unpleasant. Yet still, from time to time, you hear reports of people, usually kids, turning up at hospitals after consuming these plants. Angel's Trumpet seems to be the usual culprit, maybe because it is such an attractive flower.
The effects of these plants come mostly from 2 chemicals, atropine and scopolamine. Both have some limited medical use. Scopolamine in particular was one of the drugs tested by the government in the infamous MKUltra era. The thinking was that since, among other things, scopolamine robs one of their will power, they might be useful in interrogations. Such testing was abandoned because it seem s that the drug was too strong to be controllable.
I had a friend once who took belladonna, a drug found in deadly nightshade. At that time it was used in asthma medicine and he took a bunch of that all at once. I didn't see him until after his experiment or I would have called an ambulance. His roommate at the time, just left him alone and fortunately, he lived. For 3 days he laid in bed. Most of that time, he seemed to sleep, however, here and there, he woke up and had what seemed to be fascinating conversations with folks who were not there, For 3 days after he came around, he could not see well enough to read. Finally, everything wore off and he was fine although he later told me it took weeks before he felt right.
There is another drug, quite common, that is a deliriant, diphenyl hydramine. commonly known as Benadryl. Take a little too much of that and you are guaranteed to have a most peculiar and likely unpleasant, evening. I know that from experience.
These are not commonly abused drugs and I hesitated to bring them up. However, their abuse, especially of the plant forms, is something that does pop up from time to time and when it does, it is like a mini epidemic. There is a bunch of usage, again usually by kids, then it fades away, only to return at another time. If you know anyone contemplating the use of these substances, do all you can to stop them and if you run across anyone who has consumed them, get them to a hospital ASAP. These drugs are psychologically damaging and physically, they can be fatal.
All of these have been used throughout history by shamen, healers and practioners of certain forms of occult magic. They are often mistakenly referred to as hallucinogens, but they definitely are not, The effects are a sort of blend of drunken stupor with visual distortions and periods of an odd kind of sleep with vivid dreams. Most find the effects extremely unpleasant. Yet still, from time to time, you hear reports of people, usually kids, turning up at hospitals after consuming these plants. Angel's Trumpet seems to be the usual culprit, maybe because it is such an attractive flower.
The effects of these plants come mostly from 2 chemicals, atropine and scopolamine. Both have some limited medical use. Scopolamine in particular was one of the drugs tested by the government in the infamous MKUltra era. The thinking was that since, among other things, scopolamine robs one of their will power, they might be useful in interrogations. Such testing was abandoned because it seem s that the drug was too strong to be controllable.
I had a friend once who took belladonna, a drug found in deadly nightshade. At that time it was used in asthma medicine and he took a bunch of that all at once. I didn't see him until after his experiment or I would have called an ambulance. His roommate at the time, just left him alone and fortunately, he lived. For 3 days he laid in bed. Most of that time, he seemed to sleep, however, here and there, he woke up and had what seemed to be fascinating conversations with folks who were not there, For 3 days after he came around, he could not see well enough to read. Finally, everything wore off and he was fine although he later told me it took weeks before he felt right.
There is another drug, quite common, that is a deliriant, diphenyl hydramine. commonly known as Benadryl. Take a little too much of that and you are guaranteed to have a most peculiar and likely unpleasant, evening. I know that from experience.
These are not commonly abused drugs and I hesitated to bring them up. However, their abuse, especially of the plant forms, is something that does pop up from time to time and when it does, it is like a mini epidemic. There is a bunch of usage, again usually by kids, then it fades away, only to return at another time. If you know anyone contemplating the use of these substances, do all you can to stop them and if you run across anyone who has consumed them, get them to a hospital ASAP. These drugs are psychologically damaging and physically, they can be fatal.
Monday, May 23, 2016
America and Drugs - Inhalants
Today, I want to talk about a class of drugs you hear very little about, yet their use is widespread and they do an incredible amount of harm. I am talking about inhalants
Inhalants are just what they sound like, drugs that you breath in. You inhale the fumes. As far as I know, they are all hydrocarbons and include various glues, many cleaning products, gasoline, transmission fluid and even no-stick pan sprays.
The high is a sort of drunken stupor mixed with dream-like hallucinations. Once, many years ago, just to see what the fuss was, I sniffed glue. After a few breaths, I fell back on the bed, closed my eyes and was attacked by a cartoonish green train made of something that looked like jello. Sounds funny, but it definitely was not A few minutes later, I got up staggered around, nauseous, with a splitting headache, and disposed of the glue. Remember, that was after a very brief exposure. Yet, I knew a lot of kids who spent a lot of time huffing the rotten stuff, and doing such idiotic things as trying to summon the Devil. I guess, in a way, they did.
I have known people who huffed gas, transmission fluid and carbon tetrachloride. The effects are always about the same; it does not seem to matter what is used as long as it is a hydrocarbon. That is the problem and why this subject is seldom brought up. All of these products are vital to the functioning of our society and cannot be banned or legislated against. Heck, they are all common products found in about every household. And kids have ready access to them.
It is hard to find exact statistics on the use of inhalants but they are widespread. Kids are drawn to them because they are easy to obtain and cheap. They cannot buy liquor, well, in theory they cannot, and they generally cannot put enough cash together to buy weed, so, they dig around the house and find cheap highs.
These drugs are extremely toxic. The body is badly damaged by their use and if it becomes chronic, the damage can be permanent. Especially damaged are the liver, kidneys, lungs and brain. Physical damage aside, their use puts you in a temporary state of psychosis and has led to very violent behavior. Yet, society ignores this problem, probably because there is no easy solution. I certainly have no suggestions, but sweeping it under the rug is definitely not a viable option.
I suppose the best and only solution is to have one of those often dreaded talks with your kids. Be blunt. Tell them the facts and hope that you have raised them to make sane decisions. If you catch them using inhalants, get them into some kind of treatment immediately. As far as adult usage, well I am afraid that any adult using inhalants is in a world of trouble and is not likely to be around for long. To say we have a war on drugs is ridiculous when we ignore such damaging substances.
Inhalants are just what they sound like, drugs that you breath in. You inhale the fumes. As far as I know, they are all hydrocarbons and include various glues, many cleaning products, gasoline, transmission fluid and even no-stick pan sprays.
The high is a sort of drunken stupor mixed with dream-like hallucinations. Once, many years ago, just to see what the fuss was, I sniffed glue. After a few breaths, I fell back on the bed, closed my eyes and was attacked by a cartoonish green train made of something that looked like jello. Sounds funny, but it definitely was not A few minutes later, I got up staggered around, nauseous, with a splitting headache, and disposed of the glue. Remember, that was after a very brief exposure. Yet, I knew a lot of kids who spent a lot of time huffing the rotten stuff, and doing such idiotic things as trying to summon the Devil. I guess, in a way, they did.
I have known people who huffed gas, transmission fluid and carbon tetrachloride. The effects are always about the same; it does not seem to matter what is used as long as it is a hydrocarbon. That is the problem and why this subject is seldom brought up. All of these products are vital to the functioning of our society and cannot be banned or legislated against. Heck, they are all common products found in about every household. And kids have ready access to them.
It is hard to find exact statistics on the use of inhalants but they are widespread. Kids are drawn to them because they are easy to obtain and cheap. They cannot buy liquor, well, in theory they cannot, and they generally cannot put enough cash together to buy weed, so, they dig around the house and find cheap highs.
These drugs are extremely toxic. The body is badly damaged by their use and if it becomes chronic, the damage can be permanent. Especially damaged are the liver, kidneys, lungs and brain. Physical damage aside, their use puts you in a temporary state of psychosis and has led to very violent behavior. Yet, society ignores this problem, probably because there is no easy solution. I certainly have no suggestions, but sweeping it under the rug is definitely not a viable option.
I suppose the best and only solution is to have one of those often dreaded talks with your kids. Be blunt. Tell them the facts and hope that you have raised them to make sane decisions. If you catch them using inhalants, get them into some kind of treatment immediately. As far as adult usage, well I am afraid that any adult using inhalants is in a world of trouble and is not likely to be around for long. To say we have a war on drugs is ridiculous when we ignore such damaging substances.
Sunday, May 22, 2016
America and Drugs - Stimulants
Today, let's visit the weird, wacky, and horrible world of stimulants. Now, I am fairly sure that most of us use one stimulant, maybe two. I am, of course, talking about caffeine and nicotine. These, unless you go completely nuts using them, are relatively mild and pretty darn effective. But, there are others.
Speed is the generally used name for a group of powerful stimulants: Benzedrine, Dexedrine, Ritalin, Adderall, Amphetamine Sulfate, Methedrine, and a few variants. They all work about the same. Back in the days of my mis-spent youth, we took speed in pill form. Yes, there are medical uses for these drugs. Treatment of narcolepsy is one, and, at that time, they were given as appetite suppressants. Prescriptions were easy to get and there was huge black market trade. Remember, not just us young 'hippies' took them. Truck drivers, cab drivers, folks working odd shifts, and students needing to cram for exams all sought speed. The difference: those folks needed them for work; we just took them to get high. And boy, did they work. When they hit, if you take enough, you feel like a combination of Batman, Superman, and The Flash. The rush of power and pleasure is amazing. Usually, that was about all we did, sit and rush and, in fact, that is about all you could do when you took enough to get good and high, just rush and talk and, get higher. Yeah, when speeding, we smoked a lot of weed, which was okay until you figured out how much you were spending. Then, we switched to beer. Much cheaper and it really went good with speed. It made you feel like King of the World. Trust me, there is almost nothing as dangerous, obnoxious, and useless as an energetic drunk. You had fun, those around you, did not.
But, all of that aside, inevitably, you start coming down, and that is a nightmare. You feel exhausted, your muscles ache from the tension speed causes, you are jittery, have a headache, your sinuses start pouring out snot, your mind is muddled, you cannot quite sleep, and those are the milder issues. If you have been up long enough, you will be extremely paranoid, possibly you will hallucinate, your pulse will range from a fast pounding beat to barely existing, and, listen up guys - you will be very impotent, for a while. Then, to make things worse, your brain, which is not always your best friend, will start screaming at you, "Hey, dummy, you can stop all this by doing some more, I want more," and a whole cycle of destructive and potentially terminal behavior begins.
Cocaine is similar, but more insidious. The rush is sweeter and the wired feeling is not as intense. It is, in ways, an even dumber drug to do. At least with speed, a dose lasts a long while. The coke high fades quickly and it is easy to find yourself, very quickly, shoveling the stuff up your nose at a frantic rate. I never smoked the stuff but, I am told, that the high is more intense and shorter lived and, as a result, far more addictive. The long term results of coke use is about the same as speed use, except it costs a lot more and you will go broke faster.
How wide spread is the use of speed and coke? Of coke, I honestly am not sure. Statistically, it is still significant, or so the government says, but I do not trust government statistics and I do not travel in the circle of coke users. Of speed, I am more sure. It is still a horrible problem and probably will not abate for awhile. The pills we took, gave way to crystal, crank, whatever you want to call it, and that crap is cheap and easy to make.
Why do people put themselves through such agony? Short answer, the rush, that feeling that you are brilliant, powerful, filled with super human energy. The long answer is way more complicated, and, as I will attempt to answer that at the end of this series.
One last note which I will take up when I discuss psychiatric drugs: Keep in mind the names Ritalin and Adderall that I mentioned above. They are powerful stimulants that are often given to kids for ADD, and I will have a lot to say about that.
Speed is the generally used name for a group of powerful stimulants: Benzedrine, Dexedrine, Ritalin, Adderall, Amphetamine Sulfate, Methedrine, and a few variants. They all work about the same. Back in the days of my mis-spent youth, we took speed in pill form. Yes, there are medical uses for these drugs. Treatment of narcolepsy is one, and, at that time, they were given as appetite suppressants. Prescriptions were easy to get and there was huge black market trade. Remember, not just us young 'hippies' took them. Truck drivers, cab drivers, folks working odd shifts, and students needing to cram for exams all sought speed. The difference: those folks needed them for work; we just took them to get high. And boy, did they work. When they hit, if you take enough, you feel like a combination of Batman, Superman, and The Flash. The rush of power and pleasure is amazing. Usually, that was about all we did, sit and rush and, in fact, that is about all you could do when you took enough to get good and high, just rush and talk and, get higher. Yeah, when speeding, we smoked a lot of weed, which was okay until you figured out how much you were spending. Then, we switched to beer. Much cheaper and it really went good with speed. It made you feel like King of the World. Trust me, there is almost nothing as dangerous, obnoxious, and useless as an energetic drunk. You had fun, those around you, did not.
But, all of that aside, inevitably, you start coming down, and that is a nightmare. You feel exhausted, your muscles ache from the tension speed causes, you are jittery, have a headache, your sinuses start pouring out snot, your mind is muddled, you cannot quite sleep, and those are the milder issues. If you have been up long enough, you will be extremely paranoid, possibly you will hallucinate, your pulse will range from a fast pounding beat to barely existing, and, listen up guys - you will be very impotent, for a while. Then, to make things worse, your brain, which is not always your best friend, will start screaming at you, "Hey, dummy, you can stop all this by doing some more, I want more," and a whole cycle of destructive and potentially terminal behavior begins.
Cocaine is similar, but more insidious. The rush is sweeter and the wired feeling is not as intense. It is, in ways, an even dumber drug to do. At least with speed, a dose lasts a long while. The coke high fades quickly and it is easy to find yourself, very quickly, shoveling the stuff up your nose at a frantic rate. I never smoked the stuff but, I am told, that the high is more intense and shorter lived and, as a result, far more addictive. The long term results of coke use is about the same as speed use, except it costs a lot more and you will go broke faster.
How wide spread is the use of speed and coke? Of coke, I honestly am not sure. Statistically, it is still significant, or so the government says, but I do not trust government statistics and I do not travel in the circle of coke users. Of speed, I am more sure. It is still a horrible problem and probably will not abate for awhile. The pills we took, gave way to crystal, crank, whatever you want to call it, and that crap is cheap and easy to make.
Why do people put themselves through such agony? Short answer, the rush, that feeling that you are brilliant, powerful, filled with super human energy. The long answer is way more complicated, and, as I will attempt to answer that at the end of this series.
One last note which I will take up when I discuss psychiatric drugs: Keep in mind the names Ritalin and Adderall that I mentioned above. They are powerful stimulants that are often given to kids for ADD, and I will have a lot to say about that.
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
America and Drugs - Sedatives
I will begin this series on drugs in American society with a brief discussion of sedatives. There are 2 ways sedatives are used, One is somewhat legitimate; one is a really bad idea.
There are occasions when, for any of a variety of reasons, folks just can't get to sleep and a doctor may prescribe a sedative. Used on a short term or very infrequently, they are okay. Not great, because, no matter what those nice commercials you see on TV tell you, you actually do not wake up refreshed. Sedatives disrupt normal sleep patterns and while some sleep is better than none, you will not feel all bright eyed and bushy tailed the next morning. But, here and there, they are better than no sleep at all. If you are a true insomniac, try to go to a sleep clinic and find out what the real problem is. Long term use of sedatives is a bad idea.
There is another use for these drugs and that is what we now euphemistically call 'recreational.' In other words, to bombed out of your head. Now, a sane person might ask, 'what kind of fun is it to take a pill and go to sleep?' and the answer is, 'none.' But, what if you do not go to sleep? What if you stay up? Then, you find yourself drunk out of your mind, sort of like drinking a lot of whiskey really really fast. You stagger and slur your speech and generally make an ass of yourself, just like any drunk. The thing is, when drinking, and you start feeling the effects, you can stop when you think you are going too far. Take 2 or 3 sleeping pills and you have no option - you are going to get wasted, and they hit you all at once.
I believe the first sedatives were Chloral Hydrate and phenobarbital and both were unpleasant. In my day, we had barbiturates. Folks I knew liked them because they could get drunk without the alcohol hangover. Well, yes, but they did produce a hangover of their own, a dull, half dead feeling the next morning. They were also quite addictive and I am told that barbiturate withdrawal is an especially unpleasant experience.
Then, they pretty much disappeared and Quaaludes showed up. They were a little different. They were called a hypnotic and, instead of knocking you out, they put you in a trance like state and you could drift off if you laid down, or stay up enjoy a sort of floating feeling, or so some said. I hated them; for some reason, they just made me feel aggressively hostile and grouchy. They were of course said to be non-addictive and of course they were actually very addictive, so they disappeared and were replaced by Placydyl, which was about the same thing in a jelly capsule. The only difference I ever found is that they left a horrible taste in your mouth the next day. Both produced the same dull hangover and both have, blessedly, disappeared.
Now we have drugs like Ambien, which I have never taken, but, from what I hear, its about the same. My advice? Avoid sedatives unless prescribed by a doctor and then only take them when absolutely necessary and even then, think twice.
Why do folks want to get that wasted? Ah, there is the question and I know no one who has ever answered that satisfactorily. I am going to give it a shot at the end of this series, but, I can't promise that I can do any better than anyone else. However, we have a ways to go first and next time I will discuss the polar opposite of today's subject. I will visit the lively and dangerous world of stimulants
There are occasions when, for any of a variety of reasons, folks just can't get to sleep and a doctor may prescribe a sedative. Used on a short term or very infrequently, they are okay. Not great, because, no matter what those nice commercials you see on TV tell you, you actually do not wake up refreshed. Sedatives disrupt normal sleep patterns and while some sleep is better than none, you will not feel all bright eyed and bushy tailed the next morning. But, here and there, they are better than no sleep at all. If you are a true insomniac, try to go to a sleep clinic and find out what the real problem is. Long term use of sedatives is a bad idea.
There is another use for these drugs and that is what we now euphemistically call 'recreational.' In other words, to bombed out of your head. Now, a sane person might ask, 'what kind of fun is it to take a pill and go to sleep?' and the answer is, 'none.' But, what if you do not go to sleep? What if you stay up? Then, you find yourself drunk out of your mind, sort of like drinking a lot of whiskey really really fast. You stagger and slur your speech and generally make an ass of yourself, just like any drunk. The thing is, when drinking, and you start feeling the effects, you can stop when you think you are going too far. Take 2 or 3 sleeping pills and you have no option - you are going to get wasted, and they hit you all at once.
I believe the first sedatives were Chloral Hydrate and phenobarbital and both were unpleasant. In my day, we had barbiturates. Folks I knew liked them because they could get drunk without the alcohol hangover. Well, yes, but they did produce a hangover of their own, a dull, half dead feeling the next morning. They were also quite addictive and I am told that barbiturate withdrawal is an especially unpleasant experience.
Then, they pretty much disappeared and Quaaludes showed up. They were a little different. They were called a hypnotic and, instead of knocking you out, they put you in a trance like state and you could drift off if you laid down, or stay up enjoy a sort of floating feeling, or so some said. I hated them; for some reason, they just made me feel aggressively hostile and grouchy. They were of course said to be non-addictive and of course they were actually very addictive, so they disappeared and were replaced by Placydyl, which was about the same thing in a jelly capsule. The only difference I ever found is that they left a horrible taste in your mouth the next day. Both produced the same dull hangover and both have, blessedly, disappeared.
Now we have drugs like Ambien, which I have never taken, but, from what I hear, its about the same. My advice? Avoid sedatives unless prescribed by a doctor and then only take them when absolutely necessary and even then, think twice.
Why do folks want to get that wasted? Ah, there is the question and I know no one who has ever answered that satisfactorily. I am going to give it a shot at the end of this series, but, I can't promise that I can do any better than anyone else. However, we have a ways to go first and next time I will discuss the polar opposite of today's subject. I will visit the lively and dangerous world of stimulants
Monday, May 16, 2016
America and Drugs, Some Facts and Thoughts
For more than 40 years, going back to Nixon, America has been fighting a so called War on Drugs, and losing. We have spent an amazing amount of money on law enforcement and treatment centers and we have a bigger problem that ever. One would think that one of our leaders would say, "Hey, we need a new approach," but, alas, no. Instead, they wring their hands and bemoan the problem and promise action and then continue doing the same things. Such madness must stop.
I am going to write a series on drugs and try to tell you folks the truth about them. You see, much of what we have been taught about these chemicals is nonsense. I am not anti-drug, but I am against ridiculously harmful drugs and I am against the mis-use of any drug. I have a bit, well okay, a lot of experience with these various substances, some personal and some from dealing with the problems of my friends and families.
First. let's be honest. We all, with only a very few exceptions, use drugs. Just today, I have consumed nicotine, caffeine, naproxen, pseudoephedrine, and soon will have a little alcohol, and trust me, many, many folks will have similar patterns of consumption and we would not be considered to be drug users by most people because we do not consume illegal drugs. Yet, if I upped my consumption of those chemicals by just a little bit, I could catch a fairly good buzz. We all use drugs, we just have to use them wisely and we cannot do that until we learn about them.
Over the next few posts, I will cover, depressants, stimulants, inhalants, delirients, tranquilizers, opiates, and hallucinogens. I will also touch on drugs used by psychiatrists and give special attention to two drugs that are hard to classify, alcohol and marijuana.
I hope you will read this series because it is important that we develop a realistic approach to drug use. These chemicals should not be irrationally feared nor should they be taken haphazardly and, of course, many of them should never be touched. One thing for sure, what we are doing is not working.
I am going to write a series on drugs and try to tell you folks the truth about them. You see, much of what we have been taught about these chemicals is nonsense. I am not anti-drug, but I am against ridiculously harmful drugs and I am against the mis-use of any drug. I have a bit, well okay, a lot of experience with these various substances, some personal and some from dealing with the problems of my friends and families.
First. let's be honest. We all, with only a very few exceptions, use drugs. Just today, I have consumed nicotine, caffeine, naproxen, pseudoephedrine, and soon will have a little alcohol, and trust me, many, many folks will have similar patterns of consumption and we would not be considered to be drug users by most people because we do not consume illegal drugs. Yet, if I upped my consumption of those chemicals by just a little bit, I could catch a fairly good buzz. We all use drugs, we just have to use them wisely and we cannot do that until we learn about them.
Over the next few posts, I will cover, depressants, stimulants, inhalants, delirients, tranquilizers, opiates, and hallucinogens. I will also touch on drugs used by psychiatrists and give special attention to two drugs that are hard to classify, alcohol and marijuana.
I hope you will read this series because it is important that we develop a realistic approach to drug use. These chemicals should not be irrationally feared nor should they be taken haphazardly and, of course, many of them should never be touched. One thing for sure, what we are doing is not working.
Friday, May 13, 2016
America - Are You Awake Yet?
Americans seem to be sleep walking. Listen to the crowds at the current political rallies. Forget which candidate is speaking and what they are saying and just listen to the crowds. Every time the candidate pauses or makes an emphatic gesture, the crowds go wild. The problem? Nothing was said. Hillary or Trump have but to bellow, "We will win," and they go nuts. "We will create jobs," gets standing ovations.. Okay, folks want jobs. I get that. But, just how do they propose getting those jobs going is never mentioned. A decent explanation would get my applause, but a banal promise? No.
I have come to realize that real explanations and honest, workable proposals do not mean a damn thing. People, especially in crowd situations, just want an excuse to yell and cheer. A candidate could promise them all a box of Cracker Jacks and, if they bellowed and sounded wildly enthusiastic, the crowd would jump to its feet and cheer wildly. No one listens, they just hear and see clues and respond accordingly, like Pavlov's dogs.
This has always happened at campaign rallies and this crowd mentality is something that scared our Founding Fathers. This is why we are not, despite everything you may have been taught, a democracy. We are a representative republic. Those old guys had sense enough to see what might happen if all power went to the crowds. Crowds, in the hands of manipulative masters, can become mobs caught up in a moment's frenzy and the results are never good.
Don't believe me? Look at the reports from North Korea and witness the slavish devotion of those sheep to their 'dear leader,' the despicable little lunatic who is starving them so he can build nukes. Better still, take a look at Leni Riefenstahl's infamous and brilliant film, Triumph of the Will, her record of Hitler's Nuremberg Rallies where the German people, thought to be among the most culturally sophisticated on Earth, were turned into a rabid mob. Remember, this all happened when the German people were in a long lasting economic down time.
We are not quite that bad off here, but we are not that far off either. Neither of our candidates have yet shown Hitler's manipulative skills, but, if you look at and listen to the crowds, the desire to be led, to be told that they are great and that all will be well if they just do as told, is there and that is dangerous. Americans, wake up and realize that the only solutions to our problems are not easy ones and demand that those campaigning stop bellowing slogans and tell you just exactly what the hell they propose. If you do not want to do that, then you may as well go back to grazing and learn to say, 'baah.'
I have come to realize that real explanations and honest, workable proposals do not mean a damn thing. People, especially in crowd situations, just want an excuse to yell and cheer. A candidate could promise them all a box of Cracker Jacks and, if they bellowed and sounded wildly enthusiastic, the crowd would jump to its feet and cheer wildly. No one listens, they just hear and see clues and respond accordingly, like Pavlov's dogs.
This has always happened at campaign rallies and this crowd mentality is something that scared our Founding Fathers. This is why we are not, despite everything you may have been taught, a democracy. We are a representative republic. Those old guys had sense enough to see what might happen if all power went to the crowds. Crowds, in the hands of manipulative masters, can become mobs caught up in a moment's frenzy and the results are never good.
Don't believe me? Look at the reports from North Korea and witness the slavish devotion of those sheep to their 'dear leader,' the despicable little lunatic who is starving them so he can build nukes. Better still, take a look at Leni Riefenstahl's infamous and brilliant film, Triumph of the Will, her record of Hitler's Nuremberg Rallies where the German people, thought to be among the most culturally sophisticated on Earth, were turned into a rabid mob. Remember, this all happened when the German people were in a long lasting economic down time.
We are not quite that bad off here, but we are not that far off either. Neither of our candidates have yet shown Hitler's manipulative skills, but, if you look at and listen to the crowds, the desire to be led, to be told that they are great and that all will be well if they just do as told, is there and that is dangerous. Americans, wake up and realize that the only solutions to our problems are not easy ones and demand that those campaigning stop bellowing slogans and tell you just exactly what the hell they propose. If you do not want to do that, then you may as well go back to grazing and learn to say, 'baah.'
Thursday, May 12, 2016
America's Celebrity Death Cult Again Rears Its Ugly Head
Let me start by saying that I was not a fan of Prince. He was a darn good guitar player, but I just did not like the rest of his act. As far as his addiction, well, what can anyone say? Yeah, it is a shame. I know a bit about chronic pain and I can sympathize with anyone trying to seek relief. Unfortunately, opioids are about the most effective pain killers. I have no good answers to the problem.
I have heard that surgery would have solved his hip problems and that his interpretation of his Jehovah's Witness beliefs kept him from surgery. Again, I know little of those beliefs, but, if that is true, then it shows the need to find spirituality that bases itself on rationality. I am quite convinced that our Creator does not want us needlessly suffering when, by using these huge brains we have, we can relieve physical pain. But, again, each person is entitled to their own beliefs and must live with the consequences of those beliefs.
What galls me, what infuriates me, is the attention these issues get when a celebrity dies. Why is the death of Prince more of a tragedy that the death of some kid who ODs? Why is his addiction so worthy of notice when, for years now, many have suffered through addiction. Moms, Dads, Aunts, Uncles, Grandma and Grandpa, teachers, businessmen and women, nurses, all sorts of folks have struggled with this National scourge. Now, CNN has Anderson Cooper and Sanjay Gupta doing specials and the media everywhere are wailing and bemoaning this problem.
Why is there the current crisis of addiction? Well, a few tears back, doctors, at the urging of pharmaceutical companies started prescribing Oxycontin at an alarming rate, claiming that this new drug posed little risk of addiction, at most a 1 in a 100 chance. In fact, this was not a new drug. It was created by the Germans on the 1940s when it was known as Eukodol and was known then to be brutally addictive. Yes, folks, at the risk of upsetting the naïve among you, I will say that your Government cooperated with big Pharma in a lie.
Then, the oddest thing happened. We went to war in Afghanistan and the Taliban, which had stopped opium production, started growing it again, growing huge crops and cheap heroin flooded the US. At about the same time, doctors began saying . oh, oh, we have to stop prescribing pain pills, they are addictive and this has resulted in Grannies and Moms having to go out and score Heroin to feed their habits. This is an old story. During Vietnam, the CIA was running opium from Indo China and during the Iran Contra fiasco, the same CIA was funding that mess by bringing in tons of cocaine. Some powerful folks, some with Government connections are making huge money off human frailty.
This goes on and on and no notice is paid by the media until some celebrity ODs, then they go into a feeding frenzy and Government officials start promising action. Then, the novelty wears off and it's back to business. The only purpose is a temporary distraction from real problems. That is why celebrity deaths are so played up and the public just nods its head and sheds a few mock tears and awaits the next death notice. We have become a Celebrity Death Cult and this needs to stop.
I have heard that surgery would have solved his hip problems and that his interpretation of his Jehovah's Witness beliefs kept him from surgery. Again, I know little of those beliefs, but, if that is true, then it shows the need to find spirituality that bases itself on rationality. I am quite convinced that our Creator does not want us needlessly suffering when, by using these huge brains we have, we can relieve physical pain. But, again, each person is entitled to their own beliefs and must live with the consequences of those beliefs.
What galls me, what infuriates me, is the attention these issues get when a celebrity dies. Why is the death of Prince more of a tragedy that the death of some kid who ODs? Why is his addiction so worthy of notice when, for years now, many have suffered through addiction. Moms, Dads, Aunts, Uncles, Grandma and Grandpa, teachers, businessmen and women, nurses, all sorts of folks have struggled with this National scourge. Now, CNN has Anderson Cooper and Sanjay Gupta doing specials and the media everywhere are wailing and bemoaning this problem.
Why is there the current crisis of addiction? Well, a few tears back, doctors, at the urging of pharmaceutical companies started prescribing Oxycontin at an alarming rate, claiming that this new drug posed little risk of addiction, at most a 1 in a 100 chance. In fact, this was not a new drug. It was created by the Germans on the 1940s when it was known as Eukodol and was known then to be brutally addictive. Yes, folks, at the risk of upsetting the naïve among you, I will say that your Government cooperated with big Pharma in a lie.
Then, the oddest thing happened. We went to war in Afghanistan and the Taliban, which had stopped opium production, started growing it again, growing huge crops and cheap heroin flooded the US. At about the same time, doctors began saying . oh, oh, we have to stop prescribing pain pills, they are addictive and this has resulted in Grannies and Moms having to go out and score Heroin to feed their habits. This is an old story. During Vietnam, the CIA was running opium from Indo China and during the Iran Contra fiasco, the same CIA was funding that mess by bringing in tons of cocaine. Some powerful folks, some with Government connections are making huge money off human frailty.
This goes on and on and no notice is paid by the media until some celebrity ODs, then they go into a feeding frenzy and Government officials start promising action. Then, the novelty wears off and it's back to business. The only purpose is a temporary distraction from real problems. That is why celebrity deaths are so played up and the public just nods its head and sheds a few mock tears and awaits the next death notice. We have become a Celebrity Death Cult and this needs to stop.
Monday, May 9, 2016
America and the Election - Let's Really Get Down and Dirty
This is shaping up to be one of our nastiest elections ever, but so far, the candidates have just been playing around. I think that they should really get to it.
Hillary has a lot to work with. She could start with Trump U which seems to be borderline fraud. Then, of course, she could move onto all of that money The Donald has pledged to Veterans organizations that, at last notice, had yet to arrive. And, last, but surely not least, she could cite the various companies that Trump has bankrupted and, as such, left folks who worked for him, unpaid.
Trump, so far, has really only gone after Bill Clinton for his philandering ways, hoping that the electorate will convict Hillary of guilt by association. Really? Come on Donald. His, I am sure, was not the first Presidential private part to be fondled by a young woman and I am sure it will not be the last. Let that go, Donald, and go for the big stuff. What about all of the money raised for the Clinton Foundation that never seems to make it to any real charities? What about Mena, Arkansas and the activities there and the Rose Law Firm and Whitewater. ( For those unfamiliar with those scandals, sorry, I don't have the time to go into all of that here. If interested, and you probably should be, just google those subjects and enjoy some fascinating, if disturbing, reading.)
If you two are going to spend this election playing in the mud, and by all signs that is what is coming up, then get to it. If you are going to dig into closets and hunt skeletons, do not bother us with trivia. Grow up, find some courage and get to the hearts of the matter.
Hillary has a lot to work with. She could start with Trump U which seems to be borderline fraud. Then, of course, she could move onto all of that money The Donald has pledged to Veterans organizations that, at last notice, had yet to arrive. And, last, but surely not least, she could cite the various companies that Trump has bankrupted and, as such, left folks who worked for him, unpaid.
Trump, so far, has really only gone after Bill Clinton for his philandering ways, hoping that the electorate will convict Hillary of guilt by association. Really? Come on Donald. His, I am sure, was not the first Presidential private part to be fondled by a young woman and I am sure it will not be the last. Let that go, Donald, and go for the big stuff. What about all of the money raised for the Clinton Foundation that never seems to make it to any real charities? What about Mena, Arkansas and the activities there and the Rose Law Firm and Whitewater. ( For those unfamiliar with those scandals, sorry, I don't have the time to go into all of that here. If interested, and you probably should be, just google those subjects and enjoy some fascinating, if disturbing, reading.)
If you two are going to spend this election playing in the mud, and by all signs that is what is coming up, then get to it. If you are going to dig into closets and hunt skeletons, do not bother us with trivia. Grow up, find some courage and get to the hearts of the matter.
Friday, May 6, 2016
America on the Edge - Thr Primaries are Ending, Now What Do We Do?
The debacle we call an election is getting funnier each day. Just before the Indiana primary, Trump brought up a tabloid report linking Cruz' father with Lee Harvey Oswald. Now, this is a strange world, but I find that a bit far fetched and, by his own admission, so does The Donald. He just did it because Cruz' father was reportedly praying that something awful befall Trump. Now, I would expect this of 8 year olds, but these folks are trying to become leader of a Nation with a nuclear stockpile capable of destroying life on this planet in a few minutes. We are also playing chicken with Russia, dealing with a fragile (well, honestly, near comatose) economy, and increasingly dangerous China, terrorists almost everywhere and a complete lunatic in N. Korea who just got nukes and long range missiles. I personally feel just a wee bit of maturity might be called for, but The Donald now has things wrapped up. Cruz and Kasich have dropped out, after saying they would stay until the Convention.
Of course, Old Don may still have a bit of a tussle. The Party heads loathe him and many possible running mates are doing just that, running, as far and as fast from Trump as possible.
The Democrats are no better. The Party heads have seen to it that Hillary will win by their 'super delegate' game plan. Still, Bernie is driving her further and further left. In normal years that would spell her doom but this time, most Democrats want her to do just that. How that will play with moderates and conservatives in the mainstream of the USA is uncertain?
Will Hillary win? I think so, but I cannot believe it. Poll after poll show that Americans do not like or trust her, yet, they say they will vote for her. Of course the same holds for Trump. I am dumbfounded. I never have seen anything like it.
Actually, I am convinced that there no longer is a mainstream USA and that is the problem. We have become a Nation of minority interests, each disliking the other and each frantically worried that they are going to be pushed out of the picture. This Country is more split than I have ever seen it, and remember, I lived through the horrific power struggles of the 60s, civil rights, Vietnam, student radicals, and the so-called counterculture. Those days were disturbing, dark, and more violent than many care to remember, but I am convinced that as Election time nears, the climate in this Land will make that look like Sunday in the park.
Maybe I am wrong. Maybe, we will all put aside our difference, hold hands and welcome in a new era of peace and love. By the way, if you think that possible, Trump has promised me sole realty rights to the Moon colonies he and Newt Gingrich are going to build. If you have lots and lots of money, just get in touch.
Of course, Old Don may still have a bit of a tussle. The Party heads loathe him and many possible running mates are doing just that, running, as far and as fast from Trump as possible.
The Democrats are no better. The Party heads have seen to it that Hillary will win by their 'super delegate' game plan. Still, Bernie is driving her further and further left. In normal years that would spell her doom but this time, most Democrats want her to do just that. How that will play with moderates and conservatives in the mainstream of the USA is uncertain?
Will Hillary win? I think so, but I cannot believe it. Poll after poll show that Americans do not like or trust her, yet, they say they will vote for her. Of course the same holds for Trump. I am dumbfounded. I never have seen anything like it.
Actually, I am convinced that there no longer is a mainstream USA and that is the problem. We have become a Nation of minority interests, each disliking the other and each frantically worried that they are going to be pushed out of the picture. This Country is more split than I have ever seen it, and remember, I lived through the horrific power struggles of the 60s, civil rights, Vietnam, student radicals, and the so-called counterculture. Those days were disturbing, dark, and more violent than many care to remember, but I am convinced that as Election time nears, the climate in this Land will make that look like Sunday in the park.
Maybe I am wrong. Maybe, we will all put aside our difference, hold hands and welcome in a new era of peace and love. By the way, if you think that possible, Trump has promised me sole realty rights to the Moon colonies he and Newt Gingrich are going to build. If you have lots and lots of money, just get in touch.
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
America - Get Ready for the Fun
Folks, this is going to be more fun than a trip to the circus. I refer, of course to the upcoming election. The Donald vs Hillary is going to be like nothing in election history. That will be the matchup. Kasich, Cruz and Sanders are now no more than annoying gnats buzzing around and eating up time on the media. None of them have the guts or the backing to mount a 3rd party campaign and except for the Libertarians neither does anyone else. The Libertarians have about as much chance as my first pick, SpongeBob Squarepants.
Hillary has reached new depths of political double talk. Today, I heard her trying to convince West Virginia coalminers to vote for her. It took nerve for her to even appear there since she recently said that, in her administration, the coal industry would suffer badly and that mining jobs would disappear. I am not sure how you can convince folks to vote for you after you promise to take away their livelihood. It was not working, but I will give her credit for chutzpah.
The Donald seems to be having a grand time. Watching him now is like watching a really fine stand up comic I simply am on the edge of my seat waiting to hear what he does with Hillary when the campaign starts in earnest.
Unfortunately, none of this has a damn thing to do with running the Country. Our economy is about one minor shock from disappearing down the drain and we still are wasting the lives of young men and women in our futile attempts to rule the World. Teachers are striking, the water in Michigan is not fit to drink and we have no idea how we are going to cope with our rapidly changing climate.
So far, all of the proposals of both candidates are no more useful than rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. We need new ideas and, most of all, a National will to do something. Instead, we seem to be obsessed with Beyoncé's new album, what will happen to Prince's estate and Obama's pathetic attempt at comedy at the annual Press dinner.
So, as far as I am concerned, a pox on all politicians and curses on the sorry News Media that refuses to talk about real problems. Folks, start thinking of alternatives to the normal American way of life, because what you are used to, ain't gonna last. Get ready to duck and run. because if you think things are weird now, wait a year or two. On the other hand, the upcoming excuse for an election should produce a barrel of laughs if you can just stop thinking that these are the idiots who are going to be leading us in thsee difficult times. Then, it's not so funny.
Hillary has reached new depths of political double talk. Today, I heard her trying to convince West Virginia coalminers to vote for her. It took nerve for her to even appear there since she recently said that, in her administration, the coal industry would suffer badly and that mining jobs would disappear. I am not sure how you can convince folks to vote for you after you promise to take away their livelihood. It was not working, but I will give her credit for chutzpah.
The Donald seems to be having a grand time. Watching him now is like watching a really fine stand up comic I simply am on the edge of my seat waiting to hear what he does with Hillary when the campaign starts in earnest.
Unfortunately, none of this has a damn thing to do with running the Country. Our economy is about one minor shock from disappearing down the drain and we still are wasting the lives of young men and women in our futile attempts to rule the World. Teachers are striking, the water in Michigan is not fit to drink and we have no idea how we are going to cope with our rapidly changing climate.
So far, all of the proposals of both candidates are no more useful than rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. We need new ideas and, most of all, a National will to do something. Instead, we seem to be obsessed with Beyoncé's new album, what will happen to Prince's estate and Obama's pathetic attempt at comedy at the annual Press dinner.
So, as far as I am concerned, a pox on all politicians and curses on the sorry News Media that refuses to talk about real problems. Folks, start thinking of alternatives to the normal American way of life, because what you are used to, ain't gonna last. Get ready to duck and run. because if you think things are weird now, wait a year or two. On the other hand, the upcoming excuse for an election should produce a barrel of laughs if you can just stop thinking that these are the idiots who are going to be leading us in thsee difficult times. Then, it's not so funny.
Sunday, May 1, 2016
America - The Dangerous Influx of Gnosticism, Solutions
The answer to the spreading Gnostic attitudes is simple. Just realize that no culture has ever been built around Gnostic beliefs because they are anti-culture, anti-life and even anti-existence. That makes it fairly hard to inspire folks to pull together and build something. Also, most people have the good sense to see that such beliefs are nonsense. The World is a mix of good and evil; it never is totally one or the other. Accept that and get over it. Then move on and enjoy the time you have on this magnificent Earth. Live your life, enjoy your loved ones and trust your Creator. In every bit of darkness is a seed of light. Look for that seed and nurture it. Things will get better, for awhile, then they will darken again and you have to go back to work. All of that is a Dance of the Divine. Have fun with it or carry it like a burden, your choice. Me? I would much prefer to have fun.
Why the rise of Gnosticism at this time? Easy. Times right now are rough and uncertain and most folks have no sense of history. If they did, they would realize that, in past times, things were much, much worse. Now, yes they are bad and there is the potential for them to become nightmarish for many of us. The folks running the show (or so they think), the Powers that be, want us compliant and Gnosticism breeds apathy.
Just realize the foolishness, the inanity of Gnostic beliefs and ground yourself in a more spiritually satisfying and rational belief system and avoid Gnostic pitfalls. But, you might ask, what about those pesky Archons or demons or whatever you want to call them? Good question.
These entities play on our weaknesses, so, toughen up. Get yourself healthy. Get plenty of sleep, eat well and exercise. If you feel rested . that is enough sleep for you. Do not overdo it. Eating well does not mean living on wheat grass smoothies and exercise does not mean you spending hours each day in the gym. A sensible ordinary diet and a daily brisk walk should do the trick. If you still do not feel well, consider a trip to the doctor, preferably one who does not start writing prescriptions the minute you walk in.
Psychologically, things are a bit more complicated. The entities we are talking about pick up what bothers you and magnify that; they know how to push your buttons. So, learn your buttons. Are there things that anger you? That you are ashamed of/ That produce irrational fear? That is what they look for. Deal with those issues. Anger and shame generally come from past actions. You can spend countless hours in therapy and you may get to the root of some of those but, there is a quicker way. Realize that you, me, and every other human are damaged, flawed individuals, yet, our Creator is willing to forgive us. That being the case, you have no right to hold grudges against anyone, including the person you were in the past. Just the act of forgiveness takes all of the power out of those past misdeeds. Move on and do better. Things will be better and you take power from your tormentors. Fear, when rational is healthy, unless it becomes obsessive. If your fears are irrational, just learn to trust your Creator. All will ultimately be just fine.
Are these entities real? Can they ever be trusted? I will answer the second question first. If you feel that during at any time, you are being communicated with by any of them, look for one thing. Do they tell you just what you want to hear and promise incredible powers and/or wealth? Then no, they are not to be trusted. Just ignore them. If they point out flaws that you must work on, if they occasionally seem to give you a slap on the head when you mess up, if they soothe that same head when you do well, in other words, if they act as any good teacher or councilor would, then trust them, until and unless they start to vary from that behavior.
Are these real entities. projections from the minds of other beings, or just projections of your own mind. I really do not know. My best guess? Some of each. It is a fascinating question, one you can spend countless hours investigating. Many do, and that is a problem in itself. You cannot and will not get answers to all those questions in this life. Maybe later, but not now. You are here to live a life, to work, play, love, and learn. Do not spend too much time on unanswerable questions. A little is alright, after all we humans love mysteries and these entities are a tremendous mystery, but do not dwell on these things. It only feeds them. Get on with your lives. They are good lives, worth living and enjoying. Do your best..
Why the rise of Gnosticism at this time? Easy. Times right now are rough and uncertain and most folks have no sense of history. If they did, they would realize that, in past times, things were much, much worse. Now, yes they are bad and there is the potential for them to become nightmarish for many of us. The folks running the show (or so they think), the Powers that be, want us compliant and Gnosticism breeds apathy.
Just realize the foolishness, the inanity of Gnostic beliefs and ground yourself in a more spiritually satisfying and rational belief system and avoid Gnostic pitfalls. But, you might ask, what about those pesky Archons or demons or whatever you want to call them? Good question.
These entities play on our weaknesses, so, toughen up. Get yourself healthy. Get plenty of sleep, eat well and exercise. If you feel rested . that is enough sleep for you. Do not overdo it. Eating well does not mean living on wheat grass smoothies and exercise does not mean you spending hours each day in the gym. A sensible ordinary diet and a daily brisk walk should do the trick. If you still do not feel well, consider a trip to the doctor, preferably one who does not start writing prescriptions the minute you walk in.
Psychologically, things are a bit more complicated. The entities we are talking about pick up what bothers you and magnify that; they know how to push your buttons. So, learn your buttons. Are there things that anger you? That you are ashamed of/ That produce irrational fear? That is what they look for. Deal with those issues. Anger and shame generally come from past actions. You can spend countless hours in therapy and you may get to the root of some of those but, there is a quicker way. Realize that you, me, and every other human are damaged, flawed individuals, yet, our Creator is willing to forgive us. That being the case, you have no right to hold grudges against anyone, including the person you were in the past. Just the act of forgiveness takes all of the power out of those past misdeeds. Move on and do better. Things will be better and you take power from your tormentors. Fear, when rational is healthy, unless it becomes obsessive. If your fears are irrational, just learn to trust your Creator. All will ultimately be just fine.
Are these entities real? Can they ever be trusted? I will answer the second question first. If you feel that during at any time, you are being communicated with by any of them, look for one thing. Do they tell you just what you want to hear and promise incredible powers and/or wealth? Then no, they are not to be trusted. Just ignore them. If they point out flaws that you must work on, if they occasionally seem to give you a slap on the head when you mess up, if they soothe that same head when you do well, in other words, if they act as any good teacher or councilor would, then trust them, until and unless they start to vary from that behavior.
Are these real entities. projections from the minds of other beings, or just projections of your own mind. I really do not know. My best guess? Some of each. It is a fascinating question, one you can spend countless hours investigating. Many do, and that is a problem in itself. You cannot and will not get answers to all those questions in this life. Maybe later, but not now. You are here to live a life, to work, play, love, and learn. Do not spend too much time on unanswerable questions. A little is alright, after all we humans love mysteries and these entities are a tremendous mystery, but do not dwell on these things. It only feeds them. Get on with your lives. They are good lives, worth living and enjoying. Do your best..
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