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Friday, March 18, 2016

Americans on the Edge, of Survival - Introduction

Today, I am beginning a multipart series on Americans who are struggling just to get by, to survive in the Nation's current climate. Because the weekend is upon us, the next 2 blogs will be of a lighter nature, but Monday I will get back to this topic. Most of what I write is just me sounding off about things that I find humorous or things that anger me, but this series is about what I believe is the most serious problem in America.

This is an incredibly wealthy land but there are many, many of its citizens who are ignored, even abused, and left to suffer. Homelessness is far more prevalent than it should be and many who do have homes are sharing overcrowded dwellings with relatives or living in tiny, pay-by-the-week efficiencies. Trust me, the latter are often barely fit for human habitation and yet, you often find children, often several per room, dwelling in them.

Medical care is woeful. Do not tell me about the wonders of Obamacare. There are many who fall between the cracks, folks with just enough not to qualify for Medicaid but not enough to pay for a half way decent insurance policy. Medicare is expensive and does not cover a whole lot of procedures. Many states did not go along with the Federal plan and have not increased Medicaid funding and those living in said states are left hanging. Dental care, not for cosmetic issues but for necessary procedures is just not there. And still, costs of Medical care rise.

Many in this land, which produces so much of the World's food, go hungry. Even if those folks are not actually hungry, they are malnourished because they can afford only the cheapest foods, starchy, fatty, sugary junk that fills the stomach without providing a damn bit of nutrition.

Mental health is said to be a vital concern and, when someone acts out enough to get in trouble they may be given a handful of ridiculously powerful drugs to stun them into submission but that is no way to treat human beings.  Are we really all so busy that we cannot take a little time to help those who are having trouble coping with this mad World we have created. Unfortunately, often  those who are force fed pills and told to behave are those least able to help themselves, children.

We, the American people are guilty of ignoring, shunning, and on occasion, abusing the elderly, children, damaged war veterans, impoverished young women and men, the physically and mentally disadvantaged and should hang our collective heads in shame. Those who run this land should be taken from their positions of wealth and power and imprisoned for this unconscionable behavior. Jesus taught that "he who does these things to the least of you, does them to me." He also said that "as you sow, so shall you reap." A day of reckoning will come and answers will have to be given for this detestable behavior.  Good luck to those who choose to ignore these really very easily solved problems.

Have fun, it is the weekend and I truly do wish everyone a fine one. I hope you read my next 2 posts. They will be lighthearted and interesting, but, more importantly, I want you to read the next few after that and give some thought to them.

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