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Saturday, March 26, 2016

America - Thoughts at Easter

I will continue my series America on the Edge of Survival on Monday. This is Easter weekend and I do not think it is the right time for that. Besides, I was depressing myself. Easter is a time for celebration.

But, before I get to that, I have a couple of things I need to say. To Donald Trump: I thought this election could not get any lower, but you have proven me wrong. To Ted Cruz: As a self professed Christian, you have no business diving into the muck with Trump at this, the Holiest season in the Christian calendar. The 2 of you should be ashamed. You have turned the election process into something from a bad tabloid. Maybe we should just elect one of the Kardashians and admit that this whole process has become a low farce.

To Hillary Clinton: What is wrong with you? After the horrific Brussels bombing, you dared to come on and, in essence, say that we just need to keep on with the Obama policies. The economy is constipated and the chaotic Middle East has spread to Europe and is headed here. In case you have not noticed, you twit, Western Civilization, something I and many others have grown fond of, is under attack and very likely will lose, unless we change our tactics radically. You have the gall to stand their and sanctimoniously lecture us, telling us that we have to allow immigration by the same kind of folks who immigrated to Europe and are now blowing up big chunks of the Continent. You tell us that we cannot place Islamic neighborhoods under surveillance. Who should we watch? 90 year old Irish-Catholic women? 12 year old Baptist kids? If there is a riot in the inner city, do you send police to the suburbs?

Okay, with that out of my system, I want to wish all of you a Happy Easter. Celebrate the Holiday. Relax and have some fun. But, come Monday, get up ready to get busy, because this Nation has a lot to do.

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