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Monday, March 7, 2016

America- The Chickens Will Come Home To Roost

I am getting older now. Well, okay, I am officially considered a senior citizen. I have few personal attachments and no business attachments and no real societal standing, so, I have little if anything to lose, That is why I feel free to write whatever the hell I want to. I do not care what others think.

I have written before that the most dangerous creature on Earth, possibly the most dangerous creature in the known Universe, is a person with nothing left to lose. I, fortunately, am not a violent man and can release all of my anger, and there is plenty of it, in my writing, and when not writing, with humor. There are others on this planet who are a very different matter.

If you look to the Mid East, you see prime examples of just how dangerous people with nothing to lose can be. Throughout the region, young men and women with no education, no jobs and almost no hope for the future are crammed into nightmarish, poor parts of cities. Look at the Palestinians. Generations are stuck there with no escape and no chance of escape. Then, look at the results.

It is all too easy to say, 'well that is there. We live in the good old USA.' Well, look closer. More and more of the Nation's wealth is controlled by fewer and fewer people and, trust me, those folks are always trying to grab more. There are those who decry the disappearing middle class, I have news for them. It is already gine. Any pretense those folks have of middle class status is riding on their credit. They are all aware that one more glitch in the economy and they are screwed. Many, most, have little savings and live if not paycheck to paycheck, then paycheck to the check after that next one. Any medical emergency and they go bust. You see, even if insured, if there is anything serious enough to stop the checks for a week or two or more, they have no safety net, and the Government is fresh out of those.

But, those are grown ups and they will likely, although not for sure, just suffer quietly. Oh they may rouse themselves to go vote for The Donald or Bernie as some sort of lame protest, but they may as well stay home and watch Bugs Bunny cartoons for all the good voting will do. That train left the staion and like the Mystery Train in the old rock song, 'it ain't never comin' back.'

But what of their kids, you know, the ones who have grown up watching the lifestyles and antics of the rich and famous on their TV?. They still have memories of the middle class life and they still have the energy to be outraged when they are stripped from it. And what of the poor who have always been frustrated by what they cannot have?

Do not try and feed me that get a good education and work hard and you will make it crap, that also left on that Mystery Train. In case you had not noticed, a lot, a big lot of folks with big educations are having to settle for low level, low pay jobs. There are many an MBA working the fast food circuit.

The noose on America is tightening. I remember, not that many years ago when $50 would buy a family of 4 a weeks worth of groceries (actually, I remember when it would buy 3 weeks of groceries, but I won't go back to ancient lore).  Now, that $50 will not feed 2 people for 4 days, unless they live on Pop Tarts and Ramen Noodles and cheap, fat-filled Hot Dogs. My Mom used to take me to a Doctor for a $10 office visit fee. Now, without insurance, an office visit, in a sorry walk-in clinic starts at $85. You once could get a darn decent used car for $3000. Now, a rattle-trap old junker will run you $8000 and up. Yet, the quality of medical care, food and cars have all declined. And still, the Federal Government has the unmitigated gall to claim that inflation is not an issue.

We have been, well let me be polite and say, abused and I look around at the Nation the young ones are inheriting and ask myself, 'how long do you think they will put up with this BS?' Not long I hope. One fine day, the folks who run this Nation, not the Bushes and the Clintons, they are just the lackeys of the elite, will wake up and find the poor who have been pushed to the breaking point at their front doors, demanding their share, demanding what is due them as human beings, some dignity. When it happens, I will jusr grin and tell the elite, 'well look at that. The chickens finally came home to roost.

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