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Tuesday, March 15, 2016

America on Super Tuesday 3

I confess. I am addicted, addicted to watching this stupid campaign drivel. I keep swearing I will stop but I cannot help myself. It is the funniest programming I have seen since The Simpsons were in their prime.

Ted Cruz has no chance. Even the members of his own party, his fellow Senators, find him loathsome. Even his fellow Evangelicals are spurning his advances and flocking to Trump. He has taken an interesting path. Of late, he is saying nothing of policy, nothing of ethics, nothing of any substance. He just keeps repeating one line. "Vote for me because I am the only Republican who can beat Hillary." Well, aside from the fact that no, he cannot beat her, he is now saying that he wants to take on Trump 'one on one, mano y mano. Given that neither Rubio nor Kasich have made a dent in the votes needed for the nomination, and that Trump has been beating him like a gong, I cannot grasp his logic. Then again, what does anything in this ridiculous process have to do with logic?

The we have 'Little Marco." Having failed in his attempt to mock Trump into submission, he is back to the high road. Good idea, Marco because you would fail in a career as a stand up comic. His jokes would have bombed in a Jr. High talent contest Unfortunately, he has nothing to say and is not good at saying it. Like Cruz, he has been reduced to shouting "vote for me because I am the only one who can beat Hillary. He could not be elected President of a High School class. Hopefully, blessedly, we will bid Little Marco a fond farewell after tonight's Florida Primary.

I like John Kasich, I think, and would vote for him if someone held a gun to my head and insisted I vote for someone. I have no idea what his policies are but he is likeable. In addition, he has promised that, if elected, he will reunite Pink Floyd. That alone would get my vote but he has about as much chance as former Floyd guitarist Syd Barrett and Syd has been dead for years.

That leaves The Donald who, after urging his audiences to 'knock the crap out of protestors', says that he has no responsibility for the violence that pops up at his rallies. Speaking of those protestors, I saw the disruption in Chicago and I have to say that those kids put on the worse excuse for a demonstration I have ever seen. My advice to them is 'go watch some films of the 60s demonstrations.' What you did was embarrassing. To The Donald I would say this: Be sure you want to do this election thing because it is going to get ugly. Yesterday an ad began running featuring all of the piggishly derogatory remarks you have made about women. Before this thing is over, every skeleton in your closet will be exposed. Anything anyone in your family, including your parents, any siblings, cousins, aunts and uncles, anyone, will be trotted out for the World to see. If your dog ever peed on the neighbor's lawn, we will hear about it.

On to the Democrats. Bernie does seem like a nice guy but he is fighting a fool's campaign. Don Quixote had a better chance in his battle with the windmills. There is also another wee problem. If elected, he will accomplish nothing. There is a less than zero chance that any Congress will go along with his plans because they would involve raising taxes through the stratosphere. That is a no starter.

That leaves us with Hillary. I have made it clear that to say I dislike her is an extreme understatement, yet, in the last few days, I have begun to feel a bit sorry for her. I find that a bit disturbing but I cannot help it because, the more I see and hear her, the more convinced I am that she really does not want to be doing this.  I truly believe that someone or several someones are pushing her and odds are she will win. But, maybe not, because Just like Trump, she will have every skeleton in the Clinton closet drug forth. Everything she ever did will be under a microscope and, perhaps worse for her, every action, every thing her husband, the infamous Slick Willie ever did will be dissected, examined from every angle and shouted from the rooftops.

All in all, the Trump-Clinton battle figures to be great fun. It will be the dirtiest, nastiest campaign this Nation had ever seen, and if you know anything about American History, you know how low that is. This will not be name calling and mud slinging. This will be, on both sides, complete character annihilation and what they throw will not be mud.

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