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Thursday, March 3, 2016

America and the Future

I am befuddled (I like that word). I was brought up with the idea that the Nation, in fact, the entire World, was going to enter some wonderous age, a period of high tech wonders, easy living and enlightened peace. Well, here I am, 60 years later and I'm still waiting.

Sure, we have technological wonders aplenty. The cell phone and personal computers are two, but how beneficial are they really? I, for one, do not like feeling connected all the time so I have come to abhor cell phones, especially since the advent of texting, a rude and insidious habit. Computers are useful but I have begun to question just how time saving they are. I have worked at places where it took more time and effort to do the books with a computer that it did manually. And while there is a vast amount of information on the Internet, information can become a trap. You can resaerch yourself into inactivity. Add into that the out of date web sites, the enormous numbers of popup adds, and the frequent disruption in Internet service and the whole computer revolution grows a might shaky. Just wait until they start taxing Internet commerce and start censoring content. Bith are on their way.

Mediaclly, doctors can do wonders. Or can they? They sure have a whole bunch of really cool gadgets but, you know what? Folks still get the same diseases and they still die and when they do live longer, the quality of life is often not high enough to justify the extra few years. Also, did you ever try to get an HMO or a low cost insurance policy to cover the use of those really cool gadgets? Good luck on that.

Cars are still about the same. Food is basically the same. Clothing is about the same. Well, that's not really true. The quality of all 3 has gone down while the prices have gone up. Remember, we import much food, many cars and most clothing, all from countries where people work for a couple of dollars a day.

As far as peace goes, well, it doesn't. We have fightinmg throughout the Mid East, China is rapidly militarizing, the Koreas are rattling sabers, and Russia is bombing Syria to rubble. In addition, India and Pakistan still hate each other and keep those nukes ready for action and God Himself doesn't know what the Israelis have planned. Europe is a hot bed of Islamic terrorism and just wait and see what happens when the average Europeans get sick and tired of taking in a semmingly infinite stream of immigrants. In our own US things are not at all peaceful. There is a simmering tension between whites and blacks, that has come to the forefront because of the gestapo like attitude of a lot of cops and now I am beginning to notice a few white groups such as the Klan, raising their ugly little heads.

When I was schooled, we were, with surprising frequency, treated to Disney made documentary films showing how science was going to lead us all into a glorious future. Well, that ship sailed a long time ago and has been lost at sea.

Years ago, science fiction seemed to take two contridictory stances toward the future. The Ben Bovas, Arthur Clarks, and Robert Heinleins painted a fairly rosy picture of a brilliant shiny techno-future, full of adventure and discovery. Huxley, Orwell and Phillip K.Dick portrayed dystopian visions of  weird, viscious totalitarian regimes. Guess who's winning?

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