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Wednesday, June 7, 2017

America - Fact vs Fiction

I have been thinking about terrorism a bit and things do not add up. We are supposed to, according to the media, the President, and assorted pundits, be terrified. Instead, lets be rational. I know that is nearly unthinkable these days, but come on and give it a try; it'll be fun.

In the dark period after 9/11, not a whole lot happened in this country. The, in London, Madrid and Indonesia, there were horrific bombings, carried out in a sophisticated style by Al Qaida Okay, things got a bit scary. Here in the USA, we had some failed efforts. Look at them. About the most serious was 'the Underwear Bombe, who, as it turned out could not even blow up his own underwear. Since then, we have had a few multiple shootings and a few knife attacks. Awful? Yes, but remember a few things. We have for the last 50 years been plagued by mass and serial killings. Does  no one remember Charles Whitman, Richard Speck, Manson, the Son of Sam and the Zodiac Killer. Ted Bundy? The Green River killer and the Hillside Stranglers. The point is, for reasons never known, (actually, we have fairly good idea what happened, but this is not the place for that discussion)Americans were slaughtering each other at a furious clip before we heard of Islamic Terrorists. In fact, the monsters just mentioned were far more effective at their ghoulish business than any of our recent terrorist have ever dreamed of being.

Look at recent attacks in England. They were, of course, horrible, but think a minute. There was one bomb in one attack. The other 2 involved guys in vans, plowing into crowds and then waving knives around. Really? Is that the best the dreaded ISIS can do" Then. look at Sandy Hook and Columbine where kids walked in armed to the teeth and killed a lot of other kids.

Yet, instead of coming to grips with the causes of this manic urge some have to randomly kill their fellow humans, we immediately start dropping vast amounts of bombs on the Middle East.
Yes, ISIS and their kind are based in Islamic lands but no one in anything resembling their right mind, believes that all Moslems living in Europe and America want to kill all Westerners. Some of these folks have lived among us for long years and gotten along just fine.

And no number of bombs dropped, which by the way have killed 10s of 1000s of innocent people, can explain our own, homegrown, monstrous killers. Even the monster who killed the folks at the gay club in Orlando seemed more upset by his own closeted sexuality that ant Western oppression, and, we should remember, he was a US citizen.

I have made it clear that I am not fond of importing people from Islamic lands but that his because of costs and culture shock, not fear that they will kill us all.

Who should we be nervous about? A seldom mentioned group, the White Supremacists, the Militia groups, the neo-Nazis and Klan. These people are heavily armed, fiercely violent, and pretty well organized and they are becoming more vocal every day. If you think they are not dangerous, remember the Oklahoma City bombings. We fight in Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan while ignoring the monsters we ar breeding at home.

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