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Wednesday, May 31, 2017

America, Trump and God

I have been having some vision issues recently, so this will be a short post.  However,, I feel a need to touch on Trump's apparent religious zealotry. I don't buy it. He is running around Israel, visiting the Pope and mentions God with great frequency but I just do not buy it.

Donald Trump's God is the Trump family, with himself as Patriarch. But, his Administration is full of devout, ultra right religious zealots and therein lies the danger. Pence, Sessions, Devos, Perry, Bannon, all of these are extremely religious and Trump is being used by them. He gets to act important and they get their agenda through.

The {residential orders he has written guaranteeing absolute religious freedoms are serious. I, myself, am deeply spiritual and essentially Christian, but I recognize danger when I see it. Wpmen will have a tougher time obtaining contraceptives, especially if poor. Gay rights will disappear. If you are non-Christian or non-Jewish, you will have problems.

Son-in-law Kushner is an Orthodox Jew  and this is a group that even Israelis find overbearing. His presence is pushing Washington even further in its pursuit of a pro-Israel direction and this will be supported by all those right wing Christians hanging around because of their belief in a comin g Apocalypse.

Worse still, if en forced as written, Hindus and Moslems will be able to practice such charming religious notions as honor killings without sanction. After all, it is their religion and Trump has now said that they are free to practice with n o restrictions.

Hard core religious fundamentalism and zealotry are nightmarish, but good old Donald has opened the door to a world of dark, deadly, dangerous hard line, men and women who have given up rational thought for simple minded adherence to ancient and malevolent doctrines. God, np pun intended, help us all. 

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