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Thursday, June 22, 2017

High Water Everywhere

Bob Dylan's Love and Theft album has a great song, High Water Everywhere. Unfortunately, that seems to be a new reality. Contrary to what our fearless leader, Mr/ Trump. has said, climate change is not a Chinese hoax.

The South Florida coast, Jacksonville, the Gulf coast and the new Jersey coast are all experiencing frequent, serious flooding. Not just during severe storms but often just from the tides. The sea levels are rising/

Tropical weather, while possible in June, is almost unheard of. Today, the Gulf coast is experiencing a tropical storm. I live near Savannah, Ga, where there was no tropical activity for about 200 ueasr. Last year we had 3 tropical storms and a hurricane.

High Water Everywhere may become a new reality. Unless, of course. you live in the Southwest US. The last few days have seen temperatures there around 115 degrees F. No break in sight. At the same time, California just went through a severe drought that was broken by severe flooding.

Portugal is having murderous wildfires. Peru and Columbia are expecting devastating mud slides. All around the World, extremes of weather are becoming the new norm.

At this point, it does not matter what is causing this. The first thought should be, 'what do we do in response?' Later, we can worry about causes and blames. It is probably a natural cycle worsened by the fact that we have turned much of the World into concrete . Our destruction of wet lands and forests have surely worsened things. Cars and green house gases? Maybe yes, maybe no, but they are surely not the major cause and, as I said, that does not matter right now. Our response is what is important.

President Trump may one day wake up and find his Mar a Lago has become waterfront property. For that matter, the White House may become waterfront property. Maybe then he will realize that this is no hoax. When farmlands are alternately flooded and scorched, what will people do? Being rich will not matter. You cannot eat money.

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