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Wednesday, June 28, 2017

America - Madness

We have become a Nation gone completely mad. Clinton, the failed candidate, seemed hell bent on starting a conflict with Russia. She was defeated. Now, we see Trump about to, yes, pick a fight with Russia. This came as a shock, nit only to me, but to the Pentagon. The big Generals seem to have been blindsided by out newest batch of threats against Assad. Assad is a monster, no doubt, and his use of chlorine gas is monstrous, but lets review some history.

Saddam Hussein used chemicals against the Iranians; we gave those weapons to him and scarcely uttered a condemning world when he used them. Thus, we have no room for any holier than thou attitudes.

Second, throughout our sorry excuse for a Presidental campaign, Trump repeatedly said that he had no interest in seeking regime change in any other Nation. Now, we are after Assad and Secretary of State Tillersin has saud that we need such change in Iran.

Throughout the last 100 years or so, we have set up the fall of several regimes. Without going over the whole long list again, let me point out that every single time it has been disastrous. We just don't seem to get it and thus, by definition, this is madness.

Worse still, anyone who can think knows that this is just a proxy war in Syria. We are fighting there as a way of fighting Iran and Russia without actually declaring war . We can fight without a lot of risk, is the thinking. The problem is, sooner or later, someone will get really pissed and then we have a massive problem. It is a really, really bad idea to play a nuclear game of chicken. No one wins.

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