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Wednesday, June 14, 2017

America, The Monarcht Awaits

I understand that Puerto Rico may become a State. Fine with me. In Florida, I had several Puerto Rican friends and they were all hard workers who loved to have fun, so I am all for letting them become a State

At the same time, I understand that California is not fond of Americans in the rest of the land. No problem they can secede. That way, we can still keep those 5o star flags.

Those folks obviously do not like democracy, so here's a thought. They can have a Monarchy, and I propose Hillary Clinton as their first Queen. Queen Hillary sounds sort of royal, doesn't it?

She could have her way and, since she is  so sure she know what's best for the lowly peasant, she could dictate what all her subjects could do, from the poorest farm worker to the grandest businessman, excuse me, business person; we must not be sexist or off with our heads.

Huma Abaden, Loretta Lynch and Elizabeth Warren could be Ladies in Waiting. Bill, of course, would be Prince Consort and Chelsea would be Heir to the Throne. Just think; those two wacky cut ups. John Podesta and Anthony Weiner, could be Court Jestres. Oh what jolly tomes Californians could have;

If all goes well, which I am sure it will, maybe Guam could next get Statehood. To keep those 50 star flags, we could eliminate another State that seems less that Democratically inclined, New York. They may be in luck. By the end of the year, the way things are going, Donald Trump may be available to become their King. I am sure he would love the title and, after all, he already has a son named Baron.

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