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Monday, November 6, 2017


It never ends. A parade of inane, banal, evil. Let's take a quick view of this idiocy.

The latest fad seems to be sexual harassment, both the harassing and the subsequent suing for. Celebrity after celebrity is being accused, although I cannoy qyire grasp why the alleged victims are waiting long years to come forth.

The Democrats area still after Trump over Russia. They may want to rethink that since Mueller is hinting that he has as much on them as on Trump's people.

N. Korea is still at it. War stumbles along all over the middle east and for reasons I cannot fathom, we seem hell-bent to spread those wars throughout N. Africa.

Still no healthcare bill, but we do have a budget that is going to put us on even deeper debt and a tax code reform that may finish the task of destroying the last of the middle class. But, don't worry, we are going to Mas soon.

Or not. We best leave soon because the Antarctic ice sheet is cracking at a high speed and when all that water melts, there will be no Florida or Texas, NASA's favorite launch sites.

Because of hurricanes and fires, expect you grocery bill to rise, a whole lot, real soon.

Last, and I bet you thought O forgot, another senseless massacre.

You folks may want to consider taking up prayer as a hobby

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