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Monday, November 13, 2017

Remember, All Things Pass

It is true that times are a wee bit strange and it is easy to get caught up in the sheer lunacy. It seems, at times, like the madness is terminal, and I will admit to lapsing into that myself.

Remember, all will pass. It may, and likely will, take some time, but the World goes through cycles. This insanity is but a passing phase. Why? I have no idea.

But, one way or another, we will deal with Korea and taxes and , racial  tensions. Fo;ls will stop shooting each other at such a furious pace and the economy will jump start.

When? Beats me, but sure enough they will. It may be rough for a bit, but change will cone and the pendulum will swing back toward sanity, for a while.

What can we do? Roll with it. Ride out the storm. Be positive and productive and ready to help your friends, family and neighbor. Have as much fun as you can and love as much as you can.

Things will get better, count on it.

Thanksgiving will be here soon and the Christmas and New Years. Why not start the Season right now?

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