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Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Here We Go Again

I have not written here for a bit. I simply had no desire to do so, but, weirdness calls.

I am old enough to remember Watergate, Iran-Contra, and Whitewater. One thing common to all? We never really found out just what happened. There is still a plethora of theories roaming around the internet, attempting to explain the true events of those disgraces, but not a one succeeds because we have never been given the whole truth. And we never will.

Rissia and Trump? Same thing, We will never get the whole truth. My guess is that the election tampering  issue is a distraction. Probably it has more to do with big money contracts with the Russians, but who knows?

Take a tour of the internet and you will, no doubt, find people trying to link all of this to everything from occult workings to ancient aliens to the return of the Elder Gods. Not likely. Probably just money.

We will not get the true story, just as we will never know the whole story of the Vegas shooting. After 54 years and the release of tons of papers, we still do not have the exact story of the JFK killing.

Will Trump's Presidency survive this? Maybe, if he really gets control of himself and does what he is told to do, which does not seem likely. At the same time, the Democrats seem equally dirty, so maybe the whole rotten mess will just be quietly put to rest in the usual way, by locking up some underlings and calling it  done.

As for all of us. Don't sweat it. Get on with making your own life rich and happy. These sleazy, sorry excuse for human beings are not worth your time.

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