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Monday, November 20, 2017

A ReasonablyCalm Week.

The past week has been relatively normal, which is far from normal.

Sire, Congress is fussing over their rather stupid tax bill and the military is boasting of their victories over Isis. Rocket Man is issuing stern warnings and the Russian-Republican0-Demicratic scandals are being tossed around and sex abuse charges are flying all over the land. All that is, oddly enough, just business as usual in these weird times. So, on the whole, it was a pretty boring week in the news.

There is one thing bugging me, Today I saw that Charlie Manson died and so did the fine Country singer Mel Tillis. Of course, Manson is getting more attention. I guess that was to be expected, but it bothers me that a mass murderer gets more attention than a nice, truly talented man.

Still, news wise, it was a pretty boring week. I have frown to like boring,

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