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Tuesday, October 3, 2017

What Happened?

Again. Another mass murder. Something odd keeps happening, but what?

Sorry. No answers. Just a bit of history.

In the 60s, a Marine named Charles Whitman killed his wife and mother, then climbed a water tower on Texas carrying a foot locker full of weapons. A short while later, 17 dead and 42 wounded. Whitman was also dead.

Doctors said that pressure from a brain tumor caused him to go insane. Maybe, but many have tumors and do not open fire on strangers. Plus, the attack was planned. After all, he was armed to the teeth.

Some say that Whitman had bee a test subject in some of the more unusual experiments done by the Intelligence community on the MKUltra and Project Artichoke days. Again, maybe. The facts about those days are lost and conjecture is useless.

Still. this latest slaughter has a very odd smell to it, as have many of our other mass shootings.

It is almost like someone wants to keep us off balance

Who? If I knew I would say  I do not and I sure as hell do not know why. Bit something is odd Something is very wtong.

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