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Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Keep Youre Eue on the Target

We have had 3 hurricanes hut the USA. We cannot  pass any sort of legislation we cannot seem to leave Afghanistan, and the cops are losing a grip on the cities. Heroin is easier to get than weed, suicide rates are way too high and black and Latino kids won't go to school. Water pollution is rampant, decent food is a near luxury, and no one knows just how the climate is changing.

Then, of course there is N. Korea threatening to set off bombs underwater and shoot down our jets. We have no real clue as to what Iran is doing and Israel numbs what's left of Syria on occasion.

We're still investigating Trump and the Russians, prices of gas are rising and a lot of crops were lost.
 to storms. So, what are we worried about?

Football. Players disrespecting the flag.

Okay, I find them to be despicable. They are makong vast sums of monet for acting the way the would if unemployed, like thugs. And they dare protest/ Of they are that concerned about their brothers and sisters, they could just donate half their salary. They would till live very well and we would be spared this aggravation.

On top of the , team owners are joining the protests, on their   players side. They should let their hired goons, er players, know that the next time they protest on the field, they are fired.

But you and I have better things to worry about. If you don't like the player's attitudes, don't watch the games. Don't attend. Ignore the whole sorry lot and when the money dries up, things will change. Until then, find other ways to amuse yourself and save your worries for real problems

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