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Tuesday, October 10, 2017

This May Not End Well

Let me see. Mass murder, scattered rioting, 4 hurricanes, raging wildfires,

No health care bill, no tax reform, no budget.

No end to troops in Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq and n. Korea still threatening.

Cuba is zapping diplomats with sonic poisons, China is still playing money games, Myanmar, is slaughtering Moslems and in the Philippines Duarte is fighting most everyone while Venezuela is a shambles.

Now a powerful and generally sane Senator, Bob Corker, is questioning Trump's fitness to gold office.

No where do I see competent leadership. We, the people, need to find a way to bypass the government and rake back control of our lives.

The tricky thing is money/ 1% of the Nation controls almost all of it. Remind yourself that this ,money is worthless, just green paper backed by nothing but faith in the Federal Government, and that is shaky at best. A new economy, based on real trade of actual  goods is called for. Of course, the transition will be rough. Also needed is the removal of almost all power from the Federal Government and a return to strong local authorities.

We need to get with it or things may not end well.

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