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Friday, September 1, 2017


Houston is devastated. No one know how bad it really is. They were warned. For years, simple thubderstorms have caused flooding there and scientists knew that a bog storm would swamp the whold area. They built too much, too fast and left no way for the water to drain. Plus, they did nothing to deal with the storm surges.

We saw this in New Orleans. WE saw this with Sandy. No one did a thing to deal with major storms in large yrban areas. Last year, Savannah and Charleston were hit by Matthew, a minimal storm, and had  big problems. Now, we have another major storm, Irma, brewing and headed toward the US. Pray that it does not come here.

Politivians, who ultimately decide how to spend our money, like to ignore warnings that may interfere with business. Right now, Trump is considering easing the standards that govern building. I lived in S. F;prids before they toughened the codes. Trust me, they need to be stricter. If it costs businesses more, too bad. If they are operating on a shoestring, let them go broke.

Something has to be done about drainage. Standing water is more than a nuisance. It is a terrible health hazard.

All coastal cities must sit down with a panel of scientists and engineers and figure out solutions. The problem will get worse because, contrary to what our President wants to believe, climate change is very real and simply refusing to admit this will not make it stop. America will not be 'great again' if it is underwater.

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