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Thursday, September 21, 2017

America After The Storn

Well. that's 3, all Category 4, in about a month you doubted global warming, that should tip the scales.

We made ot here in Glynn County Ga pretty well. By the time it got here, Irma had wound down and it was mostly just messy. Power was only out a day and cable and the internet were back in 4 days. To gere the County officials you would have thought that Hurricane Camille had torn through.

There was talk of shutting off the water and keeping the County closed for 2 weeks. They opemed up in 3 days with  no big problems.

They did 1 very smart thing. They allowed trucks supplying stores in and urged stores to open. This eliminated the need for points of distribution to distribute food and water. I saw those in S. Florida after Andrew and they are nightmares.

Since I pick on Trump from time to time, I must now congratulate the Administration for rising to
to the occasion, They have been responsive, compassionate and efficient. Hats off to them.

Hopefully, this is it for the storms, but who knows. Stay alert and stay safe. Help your friends, family and neighbors and pray for peaceful weather.

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