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Wednesday, May 10, 2017

America and the New Reality Show

It seems that our President, frustrated that the Russian ties to his candidacy just will not go away, has fired FBI Director James Comey. To be sure, Comey seemed an incompetent buffoon, trying to play both sides of the fence. His handling of both the Clinton email scandal and the Russian probe has been a laughable attempt to both please and prosecute everyone and no one. Well, he's gone now and that's that.

But, I am afraid that Trumps woes will continue. The US Attorney in Virginia has issued Grand Jury subpoenas for some of Mike Flynn's associates. The investigations will continue.

The whole affair is beginning to remind me of Watergate, a nothing little crime made far worse by cover ups. The same can be said of Clinton's email fiasco. For those who don't remember, during Watergate, we saw a President, Richard Nixon, become totally unhinged, sinking into a paranoid state unacceptable in a man controlling our nuclear arsenal. This morning, I am seeing reports fro White House staffers of Trump screaming at the TV when he sees unfavorable news reports.

We need to calm things down a bit, have some fun, so I have a recommendation. Trump gained notoriety for his 'reality' TV show, The Apprentice. He is now searching for a new FBI Director, so let's assemble a list of candidates and let them reprise that ridiculous TV show. Trump can give them all silly little jibs each week and at the end of each episode, we can have him say those famous words to the week's loser, "your fired." The last one standing will be the new FBI Director.

The show would get monster ratings. Maybe Trump would calm down when back in a more comfortable role, that of a silly TV host. It makes about as much sense as anything else the Trump White House is doing.

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