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Wednesday, May 17, 2017

America - The Insanity Cpntinues

Have You folks got the message yet? This Trump thing is not working. Just look at the facts.

The promise to end out Mid Easr woes? They are worse. The promise to rein in N/ Korea? They just figured out how yo launch an ICBM.
Get tough with China/ They're now our best buddies.

At Home? They cannot write am immigration directive that can pass the courts The Wall is not going to happen. Health Care reform is going to take a wee bit longer. Yax reform is being pushed down the road. Jobs are being created at avout the same ratel we have no huge upswing in employment.

The whole 'buy American' thing will remain a joke since his own daughter's clothing line is produced elsewhere.
The White House gas become a den of backstabbers worthy of the Medici's of old Iraly. They function from crisis to crisis, ,ost caused by the President's bug mouth, over blown ego and increasing paranoia.

This cannot continue or the Nation will be a roral disaster. So, with that in  mind, I want you all to practice saying '{resident Mike Pence."

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