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Monday, March 13, 2017

The Health Care Problem

The news is all abuzz with the new Health Care Plan. You know, the one that is about the same as the one we were frantic to replace. Trump originally promised to repeal Obamacare. Then, to repeal and replace. Now, it seems that the plan is to reform it, a little bit. Not too much.

How did we get in this mess? Simple. One word. Government.

I remember, when I was a kid, my Mom paid the doctor $10 when she took me for a check up. Folks did not bother with health insurance because doctors were so cheap. Generally, the only folks who had health insurance were those covered by a work based plan, and in Florida at that time, that meant union workers (and since we were a 'right to work' state, there were not a lot of union workers)

Then came Medicare. Doctors, knowing they could get away with charging the Government anything they wanted, started raising prices. The Medicare funds grew and so did doctor's fees.

Then, poor people couldn't afford doctors, so we got Medicaid. And, yes, with more Government money, came higher doctor's fees. And so it went.

Then, health insurance gained importance. When I first had a job that provided insurance, we had Blue Cross Blue Shield. Office visits has a $10 co-payment. Emergency Room services were at no cost. Hospital stays had a $100 deductible. What did I pay for this policy? Nothing. Not $1. After about 12 years, insurance companies were raising rates, of course, so I began paying $10 every 2 weeks. That's all. Now, you could not insure a mouse for that.

Last time I went to a doctor, I had no insurance. Having to pay out of pocket, I went to a walk-in clinic, trying to get the cheapest price I could. The cost? $85. They took my temperature, weight and blood pressure and listened to my heart and lungs. That is exactly what my doctor did when I was a kid for $10. The difference, years of Government intervention. Yes, I know there has been years of inflation, but that too, is the result of Government meddling.

What is the answer? Well, this will not be popular, but the system must collapse. Pull the Federal Government out of Health Care completely. Let the market find its own, natural level. Believe me, without all of that easy Federal money. rates will fall.

Will this happen? Not a chance. There is too much money and too much politics involved. In addition, Americans have become so convinced that they need Washington to provide cradle-to-grave care that they will riot if the Federal rug is pulled out from under them. We have become a Nation of whiny little wimps who will throw a tantrum if they are ever forced to grow up and act like adult human beings.

I've said this before, but it bears repeating. This used to be a damn good country.

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