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Wednesday, March 15, 2017

America - That Swamp is Getting Mucky Again

Remember Trump saying. 'we're going to drain the swamp.' Remember how great it looked when he started naming all sorts of new and different people to his Cabinet? Sure you do. It was just a few months ago, and boy, we were all ready for that.

Well, folks, calm down, because that ain't happening. With the introduction of the Ryan/Trump health care bill. we begin to see the mud reforming and I am fairly sure I see a few alligators swimming around.

Suddenly, we are hearing talk of 'committees,' and 'panels.' and compromise. Caucuses are questioning and votes are being lined up on all sides. Talk of parliamentary procedures, like reconciliation, are being bandied about. In other words, business as usual is back.

Trump promised repeal of Obama's wretched health care plan. Then repeal and replace. The Ryan/Trump bill is nothing more than a slight amending of the plan. The changes will hurt some and help others, but the real issue is not addressed. What is that issue? Glad you asked.

The real issue is simple. Health care is none of the Federal Government's business. It is an issue best dealt with by each individual American. What medical treatment I need, is my business and I have no right to tell anyone else how to take care of themselves. Suggestions, medical facts, all of those are welcome. Advice is welcome, but the individual must take care of themselves.

What of those who cannot afford care? Well, for most of the Country's history, family, friends, churches and civic groups helped the poor. Doctors donated time to free clinics or took indigent patients with no charge. We did this because we are basically a decent people who like helping each other.

Guess what? It worked pretty well; not perfect, but nothing is perfect. Then Uncle Sam decided that we all had to be taken care of and turned from Uncle to Daddy.

It does not work and it will not work because, as is always the case, when the Government gets involved, the simple gets way over complicated. Then, because all that easy Federal money starts getting tossed around, special interests get involved and politicians start counting votes and money and the next thing you know, we have the mess that we have, a swamp, a mud hole, full of gators and snakes and quicksand and all manner of filth.

If anyone thinks that after this bill passes, we will get phase 2 and 3 laid out and that, then, at last, our problems will be solved, is quite insane. There is no phase 2 and 3. Ryan and Trump felt the immediate backlash against their plan and came up with that nonsense to shut people up.

Besides, it doesn't matter. Phase 1 is dead in the water, and, along with it, Trump's political power. Don't hold your breath waiting for those tax cuts, entitlement cuts, infrastructure repair bills, and military spending. Definitely, you can forget all of that 'Wall' nonsense. What we will have instead, is 4 long years of bickering by Congress combined with paranoid twitter tantrums from our President. That is, if we don't get in a real war with Iran and/or N. Korea.

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