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Thursday, March 23, 2017

America - the Rats are Leving the Ship

I had high hopes for the Trump Administration. Well, folks, I will readily admit that I was wrong. I thought we had some serious people, ready to get to work. Wrong.

Monday, FBI director Comey said that he saw no evidence of Trump's claim that he was 'wiretapped.' More important, he said he had approval of the Justice Department to make that statement. That means Donald's old buddy Jeff Session just yanked the rug from under Trump's feet. Comey was seconded by Mike Rogers. another Trump appointee. That pitter patter you hear is the sound of rats starting to flee a sinking ship.

Sessions himself, after promises of stern law enforcement measures, has seemingly gone underground since the accusation that he lied to Congress about that whole Russia thing. Now, with the revelations about Paul Manafort's Russia connection, on top of Mike Flynn's little problem, and Trump operative Roger Stone's Russian ties, there is a problem.

And what of all those top generals? You know, the ones who said they would quickly have a plan to wipe out ISIS and get us out of the Mid East quagmire. The only solution they have so far is to send in 20 or 30 thousand troops. That would work, but what then. We can beat any army in the World, but what do we accomplish, unless we want to take over the running of other countries. That is not a good idea, as we learned in Iraq, or should have learned. The same hot shot military guys also seem to have no viable plan to deal with N. Korea. I distinctly remember being told that these guys were the best and brightest. It looks like they are just another bunch of half bright thugs who want to flex their muscles and spend a ton of money that we don't have.

Secretary of State Tillerson has now stated that he never really wanted the job and that is obvious, since he seems to have no idea what he's doing.

VP Pence is pushing that health care bill, the one that has no chance of passing. Trump's inane budget is also DOA. Without those two bills passing, you can forget those promised tax cuts. Those of you in the middle class, what's left of it, need not worry about that. You were not going to get much of a break anyway.

In economic news, the Dow is bouncing up and down, but with an overall down trend and about 1300 retail stores around the country are closing.

Trump is taking bids on The Wall. He seems to overlook the fact that a much more productive, and cheaper option would be to seal all of those tunnels running from Mexico to Texas and put the Coast Guard off the East coast of Texas on high alert. This is how all the massive amounts of opiates are coming in. the ones he promised would stop.

But, he has solved one burning issue. That football player who refused to stand for the National Anthem is having trouble finding a new team. Trump says that  is because teams fear getting a nasty tweet. Well, thank God for that. This is an issue that has been keeping me awake nights..

That is all I'm going to write about politics for awhile. I am sick of the subject and there is a far more important issue to deal with. I am not being sarcastic. This is of the utmost importance and is being almost totally ignored. Tune in next time for The Tiny Apocalypse

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