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Wednesday, March 8, 2017

America and Our Real, Immediate Problem

Health care, Russian spying, Obama vs Trump disputes, all of these pale into insignificance when we face the really big issues, Iran and North Korea.

Both of thesw Nations are working feverishly on nuclear arms and missile technology. Blessedly, neither has learned how to successfully aim a missile, but they will.

The Iranian leaders, not the common folks, are insane. They are obsessed with a sort of Moslem Apocalyptic vision that tells them that they must start the Big, Final show. It is madness. Fortunately, it will be a long time before they can fire a missile and hit the USA, but not too long before they can hit Israel. In the meantime, they seem determined to harass our ships in the Mid East.

The fat kid in N. Korea is even loonier and seems to have developed a thing for offing his relatives if he suspects they might want his job. He is probably wise to suspect them, but that aside, he seems to want to prove his manliness by trying to pick a fight with S. Korea, Japan and the USA. He is refusing to listen to his one ally, China, and, more and more, I'm not too sure that they are really trying that hard to control him. He has nukes and is getting better with the missiles. He, Thank God, does not know how to put the nukes on the missiles and get them to explode over their target, but odds are his people will figure that out.

Okay, what can we do? In both cases, the answer is the same. We have tried economic sanctions and been woefully unsuccessful. We have tried pressuring their allies, with no avail. That leaves the military support. That can take 2 forms. First, nuclear and we all need to hope that nukes are not a viable option. President Trump, by all accounts, has not been convinced that nukes cannot be used and let's hope some sane folks talk sense to him.

That leaves conventional responses. One problem. After years of absolutely senseless war in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria, our conventional forces are horribly depleted.

Trump needs to call an emergency meeting of Congress, televise it, and tell everyone to stop all the nonsensical arguing over various issues. We can get back to that later. For now, we need to start a rapid, intense rebuilding of our conventional military forces. Iran and N. Korea are ruled by utter madmen and they must be stopped before we have no options except the nuclear ones.

This Country has responded to emergencies like this before, At the start of WW2 our forces were in sad shape. In very short order, we created an awesome military. We can do so again. The rest of our petty quarrelling can wait.

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